About the journal
The International Journal of Industrial Mathematics (IJIM) has been ranked "B" in the latest Scientific Publications Commission of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology ranking dated 1400 in the Jalali calendar.
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All Articles Published in this Journal from the Winter of 2022 will have a DOI ID.
“This journal is following of Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and complies with the highest ethical standards in accordance with ethical laws”
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International Journal of Industrial Mathematics (IJIM) will be published using an open-access publication model, meaning that all interested readers can freely access the journal online without needing a subscription. The journal has a distinguished editorial board with extensive academic qualifications, ensuring that it will maintain high academic standards and have broad international coverage. A full list of editors can be found on the journal's website at http://ijim.srbiau.ac.ir/journal/editorial.board home.
Subjects that capture the interest of IJIM readers include:
- Industrial Engineering & Management
- Computer Scientists & Artificial intelligence
- Applied Mathematics
- Physicists
- Statisticians and Data Mining
- Decision Theory and Applications
- Optimization models
- Manufacturing and Logistics
- Operations and Production Management & Supply chain Modeling
- Computational Intelligence
- Learning and Evolutionary Computing
- Fuzzy Logic, Inferences Systems, Arithmetic, Modeling
- Approximate Reasoning
- Fluid Dynamics
- Computer Communication Networks
- Genomics and Bioinformatics
Dear Authors,
According to the article’s processing fee determined by the Ministry of Iran’s Science, Research and Technology (No. 3112, dated 1400/1/23 in the Jalali calendar), the authors (Only Iranian authors) have to pay 150,000 Tomans (Iran currency) for the initial review process, and additional payment as 350,000 Tomans. An accepted paper must be published in the journal. (It should be pointed out that the initial processing fee paid by authors could not be returned to the authors for rejected papers).
Note: Payment is made online and through the link activated on the personal page of the author in charge of the article with the Deposit ID 41920300000000371 of Saderat Bank.
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Open Access Article
1 - Characterization of A9 and L4(3) by order and irreducible character degrees
مژگان مختاری * ، علی ایرانمنش ، ابوالفضل تهرانیانIssue 4 , Vol. 16 , Autumn 2024 -
Open Access Article
2 - A ‎new ‎approach ‎on‎‎ ‎‎scrambling of the Halton sequence with ‎sampling
M. H. Behzadi * ، علی مقربی استادکلایه ، بهروز فتحی واجارگاه ، رحمان فرنوشIssue 4 , Vol. 16 , Autumn 2024
Open Access Article
1 - Size and Shape Analysis of Soil Fine Particles by Static Image Processing Method
R. G. Ejlali *Issue 3 , Vol. 15 , Summer 2023 -
Open Access Article
2 - Stochastic Efficiency Based on a Common Set of Weights in Data Envelopment Analysis
مرضیه قاسمی ، محمدرضا ظفری * ، محسن رستمی مال خلیفه ، محمدحسن بهزادیIssue 2 , Vol. 14 , Spring 2022 -
Open Access Article
3 - Vibration Analysis of a Current-Carrying Wire in a Magnetic Field Apllying Variational Iteration Method
M. Hosseini *Issue 4 , Vol. 15 , Autumn 2023 -
Open Access Article
4 - Fuzzy Approach to Solve a Global Mixed Integer Multi-Objective FractionalL Signomial Geometric Programming Problem
ژاله شیرین نژاد ، منصور سراج * ، سارا شکراللهی ، فاطمه کیانیIssue 2 , Vol. 15 , Spring 2023 -
Open Access Article
5 - Note on Power Graphs of Certain Semigroups
P. Soltani ، A. Tehranian * ، H. Doostie ، H. RasouliIssue 3 , Vol. 15 , Summer 2023 -
Open Access Article
6 - A Method for Numerical Solution of Third-Kind Volterra Integral Equations Using Krall-Laguerre Polynomials
پروانه جمی ، الهام هاشمی زاده *Issue 1 , Vol. 14 , Winter 2022 -
Open Access Article
7 - Hybrid Genetic for the Single-Source Capacitated Multi-Facility Weber Problem
Saeed Jahadi * ، Maghsud SolimanpurIssue 3 , Vol. 13 , Summer 2021 -
Open Access Article
8 - Data Envelopment Analysis and Malmquist Index for Measuring Productivity of Inefficient DMUs
ملیحه شاهکویی ، فرزاد رضایی بالف * ، محسن ربانی ، مهدی فلاح جلودارIssue 4 , Vol. 14 , Autumn 2022 -
Open Access Article
9 - Characterization of some distributions by inequalities on failure rate
M. Rajaei Salmasi *Issue 4 , Vol. 15 , Autumn 2023 -
Open Access Article
10 - Experimental Study and Comparison of a Few Lean (gasoline-natural gas) Dual Fuels Based on Safe Optimum Spark Advance
سیدکاظم یکانی * ، ابراهیم عبدی اقدم ، مهرداد سرابیIssue 3 , Vol. 14 , Summer 2022