Open Access Article
1 - Fatigue Analysis and Optimization of Crankshaft of V8 Diesel Engine
علی عبداللهی فر محمدامید خشوعی سید مسعود هاشمی -
Open Access Article
2 - Evaluating the impact of length and thread pitch on the stress distribution in dental implants and surrounding bone using finite element method
مسیح فیروزبخت حامد عجبی نائینی مصطفی پیرمرادیان -
Open Access Article
3 - Vibration Analysis of FG Micro-Beam Based on the Third Order Shear Deformation and Modified Couple Stress Theories
Mehdi Alimoradzadeh Mehdi Salehi Sattar Mohammadi Esfarjani -
Open Access Article
4 - The mixed mode fracture mechanics in a hole plate bonded with two dissimilar plane
محمد رحیم ترشیزیان حسین اندرزجو -
Open Access Article
5 - Determination The Stress Intensity Factor in The Un-Central Edge Cracks With The concentrated Load
فرزاد فریبا سید مهران زحلی -
Open Access Article
6 - A new plan to connect aluminum tubes of subsurface structures
غلامرضا مزروعی علی حیدری -
Open Access Article
7 - Modal Analysis Turboshaft Test Stand Motor Designed by Using ANSYS
مجتبی حسنلو سید غلامرضا میرحسینی محمود صادق زاده احمد باقری -
Open Access Article
8 - Stress intensity factor at the hole-edge cracks tips in a finite plate
Mohammad Rahim Torshizian -
Open Access Article
9 - Free Vibration Analysis of Sandwich Micro Beam with Piezoelectric Based on Modified Couple Stress Theory and Surface Effects
Mohammad khajekhabaz Ali Eftekhari Mohammad Hashemian -
Open Access Article
10 - Fracture analysis of multiple axisymmetric interfacial cracks in an FGM Coated orthotropic layer
Behrooz Momeni -
Open Access Article
11 - Using finite element model in calculation of stress concentration factor around an elliptical hole in composite hybrid lamina
Pedram Lorzadeh -
Open Access Article
12 - Effect of wind speed on the drag force and wall shear stress of domes in historical mosques of Iran: a case study
Iman Pishkar Mehdi Jahangiri Rouhollah Yadollahi Farsani Ayoub Khosravi Farsani -
Open Access Article
13 - Effect of residual stress in low cycle fatigue for coated exhaust manifold
Hojjat ashouri -
Open Access Article
14 - Smart car system: automobile driver's stress recognition with artificial neural networks
Mahtab Vaezi Mehdi Nasri Farhad Azimifar -
Open Access Article
15 - Analysis of Stress Intensity Factors in Hollow Cylinders Reinforced by an Effective Coating Containing Multiple Cracks
Mostafa Karimi Alireza Hassani -
Open Access Article
16 - Stabilized crack-opening stresses as a function of R-ratios and stress levels
Rahi Chermahini Majid Jabbari -
Open Access Article
17 - Stress analysis of non-linearly variable thickness rotating disk in gas turbine engine using hyper-geometric method
Behrooz Shahriari Nedasadat Seddighi -
Open Access Article
18 - An Initiative Plan of the Equivalent Model for Simulation of theWelding Process
علی حیدری محمدرضا فروزان جعفر گلستانه -
Open Access Article
19 - Presentation and Analysis of Methods for Increasing Glue Joint Strength in the Same Length Joint
A.H. Ehsani Ehsani M. Shirzadian Gilan A. Ghafori Sayad A. Shokrgozar Navi -
Open Access Article
20 - Numerical and Experimental Evaluation of Residual Stress and Fatigue Strength of Steel CK35 in Shot Peening Process
مهدی تاجداری حمیدرضا بهاروندی علیرضا مرادخانی -
Open Access Article
21 - Investigation of Important Parameters in Residual Stress Determination in Isotropic Plates and Laminated Composites by Slitting Method
محمود مهرداد شکریه سعید اکبری رکنآبادی -
Open Access Article
22 - Check Tic-coated Tungsten Carbide Tool Wear in Machining Steel
M. Karimian , E. Mir Mohammad Sadeghi M. Mokhles Pour Esfahani M. badakhshian -
Open Access Article
23 - Modeling and Crack-growth and Calculate First Intensity Factor with Ansys Software
S.M. Hossein Mirgilani -
Open Access Article
24 - Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of Thermoelastic Stresses of FGM Rotating Disk Considering Temperature-Dependency of Material Properties
مهرنوش دمیرچلی محمد آزادی -
Open Access Article
25 - Prediction of Work-Piece Constitutive Equation in Hot Rolling of Strip
سحر سلیمی سمیرا سلیمی امیرحسین ادیبی سده -
Open Access Article
26 - The Effect of Volume Fractions on Hole Stress Concentration in Composite Lamina Subjected to Matrix Plasticity
پژمان تقی پور بیرگانی -
Open Access Article
27 - Dynamic Stability of Nano FGM Beam Using Timoshenko Theory
شهاب صفاری محمد هاشمیان -
Open Access Article
28 - Design and structural analysis of buckling and prestressed modal of an isogrid conical shell under mechanical and thermal loads
Behrooz Shahriari Mahdi Sharifi Hassan Izanlo -
Open Access Article
29 - Creep analysis in two functionally graded rotating gears
Milad Kharati Asl Ali akbar lotfi Saeed Daneshmand