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    Instructions to Prepare Your Paper

    Include the title of your paper, name of author/authors, contact information, and institutional affiliation.

    To ensure the originality of your submission, we kindly request that you verify its authenticity using the following online resource: https://www.lingaline.com

     Please include your Lingaline authenticity file as the  Attachment File  when uploading your documents in the 5th section of the Submit Article page. 

    Please include this score alongside your submission to ensure a timely and thorough review process.

    We sincerely appreciate your adherence to our guidelines, as this helps maintain the journal's commitment to academic integrity and
    original scholarship.

     Your paper should have a word count ranging from 5,000 to 10,000 words. 

    Title Page

    Title of Your Work in Times New Roman (16), No More Than 15 Words

    Author name 1, Times New Roman (12), Bold
    1 Author’s affiliation, Times New Roman (12), centered, italics

    Author name 2
    2 Author’s affiliation

    Author name 3
    3 Author’s affiliation



    Your abstract must be typed in Times New Roman, 12, and plain in one block paragraph without indentation. Your abstract needs to be between 170 and 200 words. Use line spacing 1.15 for this text and justify on the right. Your abstract needs to follow the standard moves, including background, purpose, method, results, and implications. The Purpose section must include a concise description of the background or rationale for the study, with the specific purposes, questions addressed, and/or hypotheses tested. The Method section must describe the study design (qualitative, quantitative, multi and/or mixed methods) and general procedures including characteristics and numbers of participants and data collection methods. If the study does not involve primary data collection, information should be provided on the methods used to summarize previously reported data (e.g., narrative or systematic review, meta-analysis). The Results section should summarize findings as they apply directly to the stated purposes of the article. The Conclusions section must state specifically the extent to which the stated purposes of the article have been met or, if the study is ongoing, the potential implications (theoretical and/or clinical) of the findings.

    -Write a concise summary of your research aims, methods, results, and conclusions. It should be no more than 200 words.


    Keywords: keyword 1, keyword 2, keyword 3, keyword 4, keyword 5

    -Include a list of 3-5 keywords that accurately represent the content of your paper.





    -Clearly state the problem or research question being addressed, the significance of the research, and the objectives of the study. Provide a thorough review of relevant literature to demonstrate the background and context of your research.



    -Describe the research design, data collection methods, participants, setting, and data analysis techniques used in your study.



    -Present your findings in a clear and organized manner, using tables, figures, and graphs if necessary.



    -Analyze your results, discuss the findings by comparing and contrasting them with previous research in the field, outline the implications, address any limitations of the study, and offer recommendations for future research.









    -Include a list of all sources cited in your paper, formatted according to the APA style.




    Use Times New Roman in 12-point size, with 1-inch margins on all sides.



    Research papers should be between 6,000-9,000 words, including references. Review papers should provide a comprehensive overview of the topic.



    Ensure that your paper is free of spelling and grammatical errors before submitting it to the Journal.



    Follow the journal’s submission guidelines, including specific formatting requirements and deadlines.


    If your submitted article file has been reviewed and requires revisions, please send the new file highlighting the revised parts in green.

    By following these instructions, you can ensure that your paper is well-prepared for submission. Good luck! If you need any further assistance, feel free to ask.