بررسی پیامدهای اقتصادی و اجتماعی احداث آزادراه در سکونتگاههای روستایی (مطالعهموردی: دهستان میانکوهشرقی)
محورهای موضوعی : مطالعات برنامه ریزی شهری و منطقه ای
مهرشاد طولابی نژاد
علی اکبر عنابستانی
لیلا سلگی
1 - دانشجوی دکتری جغرافیا و برنامهریزی روستایی، دانشگاه سیستان و بلوچستان، زاهدان، ایران
2 - دانشیار جغرافیا و برنامهریزی روستایی، دانشگاه فردوسی مشهد، مشهد، ایران
3 - دانشجوی دکتری مدیریت محیطی، دانشگاه حکیم سبزواری، ایران
کلید واژه: اثرات اجتماعی, آزادراه, اقتصاد خانوار, دهستان میانکوه شرقی,
چکیده مقاله :
توسعه اقتصادی و اجتماعی سکونتگاههای روستایی کاملا مشروط به وجود زیرساخت ها و خدمات اساسی به خصوص حمل و نقل می باشد. توسعه سکونتگاههای روستایی نیز موجب توسعه بخش های مختلف اقتصادی، اجتماعی و صنعتی می شود. بنابراین در این مقاله با استفاده از روش کتابخانه ای و میدانی (پرسش نامه) به بررسی اثرات اقتصادی و اجتماعی حمل و نقل آزادراهها خرمآباد – پل زال بر مناطق روستایی در دهستان میانکوه شرقی در شهرستان پلدختر پرداخته شده است. عملیات ساخت این آزادراهها از سال ۱۳۸۴ در حد فاصل دو شهر خرمآباد و اندیمشک به طول ۱۰۴ آغاز شده بود و در تاریخ ۱۱ آبان ۱۳۸۹ به صورت رسمی به بهرهبرداری رسید. جامعه آماری تحقیق شامل خانوارهای روستایی دهستان میانکوه شرقی می باشد (514=N)، که 103 خانوار با استفاده از فرمول کُوکران (تعداد 12 روستا) بعنوان نمونه انتخاب شد. برای تجزیه و تحلیل اطلاعات از آزمون t تک نمونه ای، آزمون رتبه ای فریدمن، رگرسیون خطی و تحلیل مسیر استفاده شده است. نتایج حاصله از تجزیه و تحلیل اطلاعات بدست آمده نشان -دهنده تاثیر مثبت آزادراه بر شاخص های اقتصادی و اجتماعی در محدوده مورد مطالعه بوده، بطوری که باعث افزایش درآمد خانوارهای روستایی، افزایش میزان دسترسی خانوارها به بازار فروش برای محصولات کشاورزی، افزایش قیمت زمین های کشاورزی، افزایش دسترسی به موارد بهداشتی و آموزشی و افزایش کیفیت زندگی در روستاهای منطقه مورد مطالعه شده است.
Economic and social development of rural settlements is absolutely contingent on basic services, especially transport infrastructure and services. Development of rural settlements as well as the development of different economic sectors, social and industry. So in this article using library and field (questionnaire) to examine the economic and social effects of transport Highways Khorramabad- Paul Zal district in rural areas in the eastern valley has been Poldokhtar city. The construction of the highway from 1384 to over 104 at the junction of two Khorramabad and Andimeshk had begun on 11 Persian dates Aban 1389 and officially came into operation. The statistical population included rural families eastern in Miyankoh (N= 514), 103 households using the Cochrane formula (12 villages) were selected as the sample. For single-sample t-test data analysis, Friedman test, linear regression, and path analysis were used. The results of-of the analysis of the data indicates a freeway positive impact on economic and social indicators in the study area So that increases the income of rural households, Increase household access to markets for agricultural products, The rising cost of agricultural land, Increasing access to health, education, and quality of life in rural areas is studied. Therefore, we can say that one of the most important and best practices for the development of rural settlements, Increased investment in infrastructure and transport in the regions.
Ahmed, A. (2013). Rural Marketing Strategies for Selling Products and Services: Issues and Challenges. Journal of Business Management & Social Sciences Research, 1 (4), 55- 60.
Amekudzi, A. A., Khisty, C.J., & Khayesi, M. (2009). Using the sustainability footprint model to assess development impacts of transportation systems. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 43 (4), 339- 348.
Andersen, K. (2006). Rural Infrastructure and Agricultural Development per Pinstrup Cornell University Paper prepared for presentation at the Annual Bank Conference on Development Economics. Tokyo, Japan, May 2930.
Asadi, A., Barati. A. A., Kalantari, K., & Odeh, I. (2016). Study of Relationship between Roads Network Development and Agricultural Land Conversion in Iran NorthWest. International Journal of Environmental Research, 10 (1), 51- 58. (In Persian)
Basu, A. k. (2013). Impact of Rural Employment Guarantee Schemes on Seasonal Labor Markets: Optimum Compensation and Workers’ Welfare. Journal of Economic Inequality, 11 (1), 1- 34.
Berechman, J., Ozmen, D., & Ozbay, K. (2006). Empirical analysis of transportation investment and economic development at state, county and municipality levels. Transportation, 33 (6), 537- 551.
Cova, T.J., & Conger, S. (2004). Transportation hazards. In: Handbook of Transportation Engineering, M. Kutz (ed.), McGraw-Hill, New York, 17 (24), 1-17.
Dadvar, F., Mousavi, S. S., Arooji, H., & Alizadeh, M. (2015). Assessment Tehran- North Freeway construction works within the district Ken-boolean. Human Geography Research, 47 (2), 391-410 (In Persian)
Dargahi, M., Lashtoo Aqayi., & Roknaldineftekhari, A. R. (2014). The Analysis of the Economic Role of Tehran-North Freeway in the City of Chaloos, APJEM, Arth Prabandh: A. Journal of Economics and Management, 3 (11), 54- 67. (In Persian)
Esfahani, H. S., & Ramirez, M. T. (2003). Institutions, infrastructure and economic growth. Journal of Development Economics, 70 (2), 443- 477. (In Persian)
Fan, S., Zhang, L., & Zang, X. (2002). Growth, inequality, and poverty in rural China: The role of public investments. www.agrisurf.com.
Farahani. H., & Toulabinejad. M. (2015). Analyzing the effects of Khorramabad highway Paul on the sustainable development of rural villages in the eastern Miankuh. Journal of Applied Research in Geographical Sciences, 15 (36), 7-24. (In Persian)
Fricker, J.D., & Whitford, R. K. (2004). Fundamentals of Transportation Engineering; Prentice Hall: Upper Saddle River. NJ, USA,
Gentle. P., & Maraseni, T. N. (2012). Climate change, poverty, and livelihoods: adaptation practices by rural mountain communities in Nepal. Environmental Science & Policy 21, 15 (1), 24- 34.
Guangqing, Ch. (2010). The Impacts of Highway Expansion on Population Change: An Integrated Spatial Approach. Rural Sociology, 75 (1), 58- 89.
Isserman, A. M., Feser, E., &Warren, D. E. (2009). Why some rural places prosper and others do not. International regional science review, 32 (3), 300- 342.
Jun, H., & Xiang, H. (2011). Development of Circular Economy Is A Fundamental Way to Achieve Agriculture Sustainable Development in China. Energy Procedia, 5(2), 1530- 1534.
Kabiri, K., Farajollah Hosseini, S. J., & Dah Yuri, S. (2009). The effect of freeway construction on the development of the neighboring villages (Tehran-Save Highway Case Study). Third Congress of Agricultural Extension and Education Sciences, Association Iran and agricultural education. Mashhad.(In Persian)
Kandilov, I. T., & Renkow, M. (2011). Infrastructure Investment and Rural Economic Development: An Evaluation of USDA’S Broadband L0an Program. Journal Growth and Change (Growth Change), 35 (6), 1- 36.
Karimi, H., & Pashazadeh, A. (2012). Rural transport, platform for developing the agricultural economy, the first scientific conference-specialized rural and agricultural development with an emphasis on national production, Piranshahr Payam-e Noor University, March 2012. (In Persian)
Kifle, S., Teferi, B, Kebedom, A., & Legesse, A. (2016). Factors Influencing Farmers Decision on the Use of Introduced Soil and Water Conservation Practices in the Lowland’s of Wendigo Woreda, Gedeo Zone, Ethiopia. American Journal of Rural Development, 4 (1), 24- 30.
Kumar, S. (2015). Rural Marketing of Agricultural Produce in India: Problems and Prospects. Global Journal of Engineering, Science & Social Science Studies, 1 (4), 1-13.
Kumar, D. P., Bhavani, R. V., & Swaminathan, M. S. (2014). A Farming System Model to Leverage Agriculture for Nutritional Outcomes. Agricultural Research, 3 (3), 193- 203.
Lowder, S. K., & Carisma, B. (2011). Financial resource flows to agriculture. A review of data on government spending, official development assistance and foreign direct investment. Agricultural Development Economics Division, 11 (19), 1- 22.
Mateoc, N., & Otiman, P. I. (2011). General Considerations on Village Development and Rural Econoy Diversification in Romania. Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, New Series, 5 (1), 3-12.
McQuaid, R.W., Greig, M., Smyth, A., & Cooper, J. (2004). The importance of transport in business’ location decisions. Report by Napier University for the Department for Transport. DfT, London.
Mehrgan, N., & Dehghani, A. H. (2010). Estimate the effect of economic growth on income distribution in the Iranian transport sector. Transport Journal, 7(4), 365-374. (In Persian)
Meijerink, G., & Roza, P. (2007). The role of agriculture in development: focusing on linkages beyond agriculture strategy & policy, p 238.
Nutley, S. (2003). Indicators of transport and accessibility problems in rural Australia. Journal of Transport Geography, 11 (1), 55- 71.
Osborne, T. (2006). Credit and risk in rural developing economies. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 30 (2), 541- 568.
Phang, S. (2003). Strategic development of airport and rail infrastructure: the case of Singapore. Transport Policy, 10 (1), 27- 33.
Pourahmad, A., (2011). The impact of transport on different aspects of rural development. Monthly Research, Education and Extension Deary, 6 (37), 22-37. (In Persian)
Pradhan, R. P, A., & Bagchi, T. P. (2013). Effect of transportation infrastructure on economic growth in India: The VECM approach. Research in Transportation Economics, 38 (1), 139- 148.
Raghuram, G., & Babu, R. (2001). Alternative means of financing railways. In G. Raghuram, R. Jain, S. Sinha, P. Pangotra, S. Morris (Eds.), Infrastructure development and financing: Towards a public-private partnership. New Delhi: Macmillan
Santos, P., & Barrett, Ch. B. (2010). Identity, Interest and Information Search in Dynamic Rural Economy. World Development, 38 (12), 1788- 1796.
Sarkar, A. K. (2005). Integrated Rural Accessibility Planing: Application in Rajasthan (India) rural accessibility Technical (RAPT). Bankok, International Labour Office, Series 1, 181- 201.
Sharifi, N. (2011). The transport and its impact on other sectors of the economy: an input-output analysis. Journal of Economic Growth and Development, 2 (5), 208-237. (In Persian)
Statistical Center of Iran. (2012). Tehran.
Tess, C. S. (1995). An analysis of regional road projects sociolinguistics. Translator Gholamreza, A.S. Monthly Jihad, Jihad Publisher,15 (176-177) (In Persian)
Vadivelu, A., & Kiran, B. R. (2013). Problems and Prospects of Agricultural Marketing in India: an Overview. International Journal of Agricultural and Food Science, 3 (3), 108-118.
Vandenbroucke, G. (2005). The U.S. Westward Expansion. International Economic Review, 49 (1), 81-110.
Velaga, N. A., Rotstein, N. D., Oren, N., Nelson. J. D., Norman, T. J., & Wright, S. (2012). Development of an integrated flexible transport systems platform for rural areas using argumentation theory. Research in Transportation Business & Management, 3, 62- 70.
Visser, O., & Spoor, M. (2011). Land grabbing in the post- Soviet Eurasia: the world’s largest agricultural land reserves at stake. The Journal of Peasant Studies, 38 (2), 299- 323.
Wallace, I. (2007). A framework for the revitalization of rural education and training system in sub- Saharan Africa: Strengthening the human resource base for food security and sustainable Livelihoods. Information Journal Educational Development, 27 (1), 581- 590.
Yancang, L., Lei, Zh., & Juanjuan, S. (2014). Comprehensive Assessment of Sustainable Development of Highway Transportation Capacity Based on Entropy Weight and TOPSIS. Sustainability, 6 (7), 4685- 4693.
Yao, Sh. (2002). China’s rural economy in the first decade of the 21 centuries: problems and growth constraints. China economic Review, 13 (1), 354- 360.
Zhou, J., Yang, Luyu., Xu, Youquan., & Chunlu, Liu. (2007). The economic performance of transportation infrastructure: an empirical study on the recent development of China. World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education, 6 (1), 193- 197.
_||_Ahmed, A. (2013). Rural Marketing Strategies for Selling Products and Services: Issues and Challenges. Journal of Business Management & Social Sciences Research, 1 (4), 55- 60.
Amekudzi, A. A., Khisty, C.J., & Khayesi, M. (2009). Using the sustainability footprint model to assess development impacts of transportation systems. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 43 (4), 339- 348.
Andersen, K. (2006). Rural Infrastructure and Agricultural Development per Pinstrup Cornell University Paper prepared for presentation at the Annual Bank Conference on Development Economics. Tokyo, Japan, May 2930.
Asadi, A., Barati. A. A., Kalantari, K., & Odeh, I. (2016). Study of Relationship between Roads Network Development and Agricultural Land Conversion in Iran NorthWest. International Journal of Environmental Research, 10 (1), 51- 58. (In Persian)
Basu, A. k. (2013). Impact of Rural Employment Guarantee Schemes on Seasonal Labor Markets: Optimum Compensation and Workers’ Welfare. Journal of Economic Inequality, 11 (1), 1- 34.
Berechman, J., Ozmen, D., & Ozbay, K. (2006). Empirical analysis of transportation investment and economic development at state, county and municipality levels. Transportation, 33 (6), 537- 551.
Cova, T.J., & Conger, S. (2004). Transportation hazards. In: Handbook of Transportation Engineering, M. Kutz (ed.), McGraw-Hill, New York, 17 (24), 1-17.
Dadvar, F., Mousavi, S. S., Arooji, H., & Alizadeh, M. (2015). Assessment Tehran- North Freeway construction works within the district Ken-boolean. Human Geography Research, 47 (2), 391-410 (In Persian)
Dargahi, M., Lashtoo Aqayi., & Roknaldineftekhari, A. R. (2014). The Analysis of the Economic Role of Tehran-North Freeway in the City of Chaloos, APJEM, Arth Prabandh: A. Journal of Economics and Management, 3 (11), 54- 67. (In Persian)
Esfahani, H. S., & Ramirez, M. T. (2003). Institutions, infrastructure and economic growth. Journal of Development Economics, 70 (2), 443- 477. (In Persian)
Fan, S., Zhang, L., & Zang, X. (2002). Growth, inequality, and poverty in rural China: The role of public investments. www.agrisurf.com.
Farahani. H., & Toulabinejad. M. (2015). Analyzing the effects of Khorramabad highway Paul on the sustainable development of rural villages in the eastern Miankuh. Journal of Applied Research in Geographical Sciences, 15 (36), 7-24. (In Persian)
Fricker, J.D., & Whitford, R. K. (2004). Fundamentals of Transportation Engineering; Prentice Hall: Upper Saddle River. NJ, USA,
Gentle. P., & Maraseni, T. N. (2012). Climate change, poverty, and livelihoods: adaptation practices by rural mountain communities in Nepal. Environmental Science & Policy 21, 15 (1), 24- 34.
Guangqing, Ch. (2010). The Impacts of Highway Expansion on Population Change: An Integrated Spatial Approach. Rural Sociology, 75 (1), 58- 89.
Isserman, A. M., Feser, E., &Warren, D. E. (2009). Why some rural places prosper and others do not. International regional science review, 32 (3), 300- 342.
Jun, H., & Xiang, H. (2011). Development of Circular Economy Is A Fundamental Way to Achieve Agriculture Sustainable Development in China. Energy Procedia, 5(2), 1530- 1534.
Kabiri, K., Farajollah Hosseini, S. J., & Dah Yuri, S. (2009). The effect of freeway construction on the development of the neighboring villages (Tehran-Save Highway Case Study). Third Congress of Agricultural Extension and Education Sciences, Association Iran and agricultural education. Mashhad.(In Persian)
Kandilov, I. T., & Renkow, M. (2011). Infrastructure Investment and Rural Economic Development: An Evaluation of USDA’S Broadband L0an Program. Journal Growth and Change (Growth Change), 35 (6), 1- 36.
Karimi, H., & Pashazadeh, A. (2012). Rural transport, platform for developing the agricultural economy, the first scientific conference-specialized rural and agricultural development with an emphasis on national production, Piranshahr Payam-e Noor University, March 2012. (In Persian)
Kifle, S., Teferi, B, Kebedom, A., & Legesse, A. (2016). Factors Influencing Farmers Decision on the Use of Introduced Soil and Water Conservation Practices in the Lowland’s of Wendigo Woreda, Gedeo Zone, Ethiopia. American Journal of Rural Development, 4 (1), 24- 30.
Kumar, S. (2015). Rural Marketing of Agricultural Produce in India: Problems and Prospects. Global Journal of Engineering, Science & Social Science Studies, 1 (4), 1-13.
Kumar, D. P., Bhavani, R. V., & Swaminathan, M. S. (2014). A Farming System Model to Leverage Agriculture for Nutritional Outcomes. Agricultural Research, 3 (3), 193- 203.
Lowder, S. K., & Carisma, B. (2011). Financial resource flows to agriculture. A review of data on government spending, official development assistance and foreign direct investment. Agricultural Development Economics Division, 11 (19), 1- 22.
Mateoc, N., & Otiman, P. I. (2011). General Considerations on Village Development and Rural Econoy Diversification in Romania. Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, New Series, 5 (1), 3-12.
McQuaid, R.W., Greig, M., Smyth, A., & Cooper, J. (2004). The importance of transport in business’ location decisions. Report by Napier University for the Department for Transport. DfT, London.
Mehrgan, N., & Dehghani, A. H. (2010). Estimate the effect of economic growth on income distribution in the Iranian transport sector. Transport Journal, 7(4), 365-374. (In Persian)
Meijerink, G., & Roza, P. (2007). The role of agriculture in development: focusing on linkages beyond agriculture strategy & policy, p 238.
Nutley, S. (2003). Indicators of transport and accessibility problems in rural Australia. Journal of Transport Geography, 11 (1), 55- 71.
Osborne, T. (2006). Credit and risk in rural developing economies. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 30 (2), 541- 568.
Phang, S. (2003). Strategic development of airport and rail infrastructure: the case of Singapore. Transport Policy, 10 (1), 27- 33.
Pourahmad, A., (2011). The impact of transport on different aspects of rural development. Monthly Research, Education and Extension Deary, 6 (37), 22-37. (In Persian)
Pradhan, R. P, A., & Bagchi, T. P. (2013). Effect of transportation infrastructure on economic growth in India: The VECM approach. Research in Transportation Economics, 38 (1), 139- 148.
Raghuram, G., & Babu, R. (2001). Alternative means of financing railways. In G. Raghuram, R. Jain, S. Sinha, P. Pangotra, S. Morris (Eds.), Infrastructure development and financing: Towards a public-private partnership. New Delhi: Macmillan
Santos, P., & Barrett, Ch. B. (2010). Identity, Interest and Information Search in Dynamic Rural Economy. World Development, 38 (12), 1788- 1796.
Sarkar, A. K. (2005). Integrated Rural Accessibility Planing: Application in Rajasthan (India) rural accessibility Technical (RAPT). Bankok, International Labour Office, Series 1, 181- 201.
Sharifi, N. (2011). The transport and its impact on other sectors of the economy: an input-output analysis. Journal of Economic Growth and Development, 2 (5), 208-237. (In Persian)
Statistical Center of Iran. (2012). Tehran.
Tess, C. S. (1995). An analysis of regional road projects sociolinguistics. Translator Gholamreza, A.S. Monthly Jihad, Jihad Publisher,15 (176-177) (In Persian)
Vadivelu, A., & Kiran, B. R. (2013). Problems and Prospects of Agricultural Marketing in India: an Overview. International Journal of Agricultural and Food Science, 3 (3), 108-118.
Vandenbroucke, G. (2005). The U.S. Westward Expansion. International Economic Review, 49 (1), 81-110.
Velaga, N. A., Rotstein, N. D., Oren, N., Nelson. J. D., Norman, T. J., & Wright, S. (2012). Development of an integrated flexible transport systems platform for rural areas using argumentation theory. Research in Transportation Business & Management, 3, 62- 70.
Visser, O., & Spoor, M. (2011). Land grabbing in the post- Soviet Eurasia: the world’s largest agricultural land reserves at stake. The Journal of Peasant Studies, 38 (2), 299- 323.
Wallace, I. (2007). A framework for the revitalization of rural education and training system in sub- Saharan Africa: Strengthening the human resource base for food security and sustainable Livelihoods. Information Journal Educational Development, 27 (1), 581- 590.
Yancang, L., Lei, Zh., & Juanjuan, S. (2014). Comprehensive Assessment of Sustainable Development of Highway Transportation Capacity Based on Entropy Weight and TOPSIS. Sustainability, 6 (7), 4685- 4693.
Yao, Sh. (2002). China’s rural economy in the first decade of the 21 centuries: problems and growth constraints. China economic Review, 13 (1), 354- 360.
Zhou, J., Yang, Luyu., Xu, Youquan., & Chunlu, Liu. (2007). The economic performance of transportation infrastructure: an empirical study on the recent development of China. World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education, 6 (1), 193- 197.