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    Journal of Nature and Spatial Sciences (JONASS) ( Scientific )
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      Centre for Agriculture and Bioscience International (CABI)    Index Copernicus     

       The National Library and Archives of Iran (NLAI)       



    JONASS received an "Green" rank in Publish Status in the newest Journal Evaluation

    Journal of Nature and Spatial Sciences (JONASS) ISSN: 2783-1604, (J. nat. spatial sci.) is a peer-reviewed scientific journal dedicated to publishing high-quality scientific research work in the broad field of spatial sciences.

    JONASS was approved by the 7th Commission of the Central Organization of the Islamic Azad University in the summer of 2020 (License No. 21319, dated 22/02/1399 AH) and was indexed in (link). (Factors for IAU evaluation)

    The aim of the journal is to obtain valuable national and international indexes by publishing the second and third issues.

    Use the JONASS template1, then submit your best paper in the template. JONASS is an open-access journal and provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. All publishing in JONASS is free of charge. This journal has Digital Object Identifier (DOI) allotment for the articles.




    Title    Journal of Nature and Spatial Sciences
    Abbreviation    J. nat. spatial sci.
    Publication Type    Journal
    Subject Area, Categories, Scope    Nature, Spatial Science (GIS, RS, ), Earth, Environment
    Publisher    Islamic Azad University
    Types of articles    Review article, research article, case study,  extension article, and short communication
    Article Processing Charges (APC)   free of charge
    DOI   10.30495/jonass.
    Peer Review Policy   Double-Blind Peer Review
    Publishing License - Ministry of Culture
    Publishing License - Ministry of Culture










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    Address: JONASS office, Located on the third kilometer of Meybod to Yazd road, Postal code: 8965151567, Meybod, Yazd, Iran

    Email: jonass.um20[@]

    Tel: +983532370163   Eitaa: +989125671027

    Fax: +983532370969

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    Number of Volumes 4
    Number of Issues 8
    Printed Articles 37
    Number of Authors 138
    Article Views 6164
    Article Downloads 1615
    Number of Submitted Articles 79
    Number of Rejected Articles 16
    Number of Accepted Articles 37
    Acceptance 44 %
    Time to Accept(day) 107
    Reviewer Count 97
    Last Update 9/27/2024