Open Access Article
1 - A Stochastic Optimization Approach to a Location-Allocation Problem of Organ Transplant Centers
Mahshid Ghane Reza Tavakkoli-Moghaddam -
Open Access Article
2 - Performance Improvement through a Marshaling Yard Storage Area in a Container Port Using Optimization via Simulation Technique (Case Study at Shahid Rajaee Container Port)
Mohammad Reza Ghanbari Parham Azimi -
Open Access Article
3 - Hub Covering Location Problem Considering Queuing and Capacity Constraints
Mehdi Seifbarghy Mojtaba Hemmati Sepideh Soltan Karimi -
Open Access Article
4 - A Hybrid Method for Industrial Robot Navigation
Somayeh Raiesdana -
Open Access Article
5 - A new multi-objective mathematical model for a Citrus supply chain network design: Metaheuristic algorithms
M.B. Fakhrzad F. Goodarzian -
Open Access Article
6 - Optimizing Inventory Management Costs in Supply Chains by Determining Safety Stock Placement
Abdollah Arasteh -
Open Access Article
7 - A combined transportation model for the fruit and vegetable supply chain network
Javid Ghahremani-Nahr Seyyed Esmaeil Najafi Hamed Nozari -
Open Access Article
8 - Multi-objective optimization of production: A case study on simplex, goal programming, and pareto front models
Astrid Putri Mochamad Hariadi Reza Rachmadi -
Open Access Article
9 - Developing and solving the multi-objective flexible and sustainable job shop scheduling problem with reverse flow and job rotation considerations in uncertain situations
Arsalan Shojaei Davood Jafari Mehran Khalag Parshang Dokohaki -
Open Access Article
10 - An Efficient Extension of Network Simplex Algorithm
Hassan Rashidi Edward P.K Tsang -
Open Access Article
11 - Scheduling in Container Terminals using NetworkSimplex Algorithm
Hassan Rashidi -
Open Access Article
12 - Artificial Bee Colony to Solve the Berth Allocation and Crane Assignment Problem
Sara SOUAINI Jamal Benhra Salma Mouatassim