General Instructions
Authors are requested not to make multiple submissions of the same article to different journals at the same time. Please do not send it to other journals until you have heard back from us.
Please do not send more than one submission at a time. CRJ will only publish one article per author in each issue of the journal.
All author and co-authors contact details should be provided in the submission process.
All submissions are blind reviewed by two experts. In order to maintain anonymity during the peer review process, please avoid stating your name when making a reference to your own work, either in the text or References, and use ‘Author’ instead.
At least one previously published article in CRJ must be cited in submitted manuscripts.
Before you consider submitting your article to CRJ, please familiarize yourself with the Journal by viewing the latest issue on our website.
Contributors are asked to take into account the following important factors when writing their manuscripts:
- Manuscripts should be of interest and relevance to the readers of CRJ.
- They should be clearly and coherently written so that the contents are internally consistent and accessible to the readership.
- Manuscripts must demonstrate an awareness of other and recent work carried out in the area on which they report.
- Manuscripts should remain within the range of 5000-9000 words in length, all inclusive. Please indicate the number of words in the section “Note for Editor” while submitting your manuscript.
- Please note that all in-text citations and references should comply with APA (no earlier than the 6th edition).
To facilitate the submission process, please prepare the following files separately in Microsoft Word (Doc or Docx) before you begin the submission process:
1. Title page
2. Abstract and Key words
3. Highlights
4. Anonymous manuscript
5. Biography (contributors)
6. Plagiarism report: Upload it as attached file (the similarity report should not exceed 20%)
7. Commitment Form
Submission Checklist
1. Title Page
- All authors of a manuscript should include their full name, email address, affiliation, and other contact details the journal might require on the title page of the manuscript. Authors’ affiliations are the affiliations where the research was conducted.
- Please note that no changes to affiliation can be made after your paper is accepted.
- Where available, please also include ORCiDs.
- One author will need to be identified as the corresponding author, preferably with their academic email address.
- A short running title of less than 40 characters should be included in the title page.
- The title should be center justified and bolded in Arial, size 14.
2. Abstract
- The manuscript should contain a structured abstract of no more than 250 words.
- The abstract should not include text citations.
- The abstract should not be indented.
- A structured abstract should cover (in the following order): state the primary objective and any hypothesis tested; describe the research design and your reasons for adopting that methodology; state the methods and procedures employed, including where appropriate tools, hardware, software, the selection and number of study areas/subjects, and the central experimental interventions; state the main outcomes and results, including relevant data; and state the conclusions that might be drawn from these data and results, including their implications for further research or application/practice.
3. Key Words
- Key words should be between 3 to 5.
- The keywords must be arranged alphabetically.
- The first letters of the keywords should be in Capital.
4. Highlights
- Highlights are mandatory for this journal. They consist of a short collection of bullet points that convey the core findings of the article and should be submitted in a separate editable file in the online submission system.
- Please use 'Highlights' in the file name and include 3 to 5 bullet points (maximum 85 characters, including spaces, per bullet point).
5. Anonymous Manuscript
The manuscript should include the following sections:
1. Introduction [Research Question(s) and Research Hypothesis(es) if applicable]
2. Review of the Related Literature
3. Method (Design, Participants, Instruments and/or Materials, Data Collection and Analysis Procedures)
4. Findings/Results
5. Discussion
6. Conclusion
7. References
- The whole paper must be typed in 1.5 line spaced format with one-inch margins on the right, left, top, and bottom of each page
- The first line of every paragraph except the one following a heading should be indented, and the right margin must be justified
- The font should be 12 pt Arial throughout and the headings should be bolded.
- Main Headings should be written in the CAPITAL (left-justified) and Sub-headings should be according to APA 6th edition and above.
- Tables and figures should be arranged and titled based on APA 6th edition and above.
- Figures and tables must be captioned, numbered sequentially, and be placed within the text at the appropriate points.
- For more information, please refer to the “Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (2020)".
- Footnotes or endnotes to the text should be avoided.
6. Acknowledgements (optional)
7. Funding Details
- If applicable, please supply all details required by your funding and grant-awarding bodies as follows:
This work was supported by the [Funding Agency] under Grant [number xxxx].
8. References
Please use APA 6th edition and above when preparing the references of your paper.
9. Appendices (if any)
10. Biography
- Please supply a short biography for each author. This could include the following information and should be relatively brief (e.g. no more than 100 words):
- author’s full name
- position
- affiliation: department, institution, city, country
- research interests
Please check this sample published article for further details.
Plagiarism Check
Authors need to check their work for plagiarism before submission using iThenticate (Lingaline) and provide the report (PDF) when submitting the article. The editorial office also runs a plagiarism check on every manuscript upon final acceptance.
It is the responsibility of the author(s) to obtain written permission for a figure, illustration, table, or text passage that has been published elsewhere.
Ethical Issues
CRJ's research and publication ethics policy is inspired by guidelines developed by scientific organizations in the domain of educational sciences, especially by the Ethical Guidelines for Educational Research published by the British Educational Research Association (BERA) and Code of Ethics published by American Educational Research Association (AERA). Please carefully read and strictly comply with these principles and standards before submitting your manuscript.
Publication Charges
- Processing Fee. The authors are required to pay 7.500.000 Rials after confirming the manuscript's relevance to the scope of the journal and before sending it for peer review.
- Publication Fee. Authors of manuscripts accepted to CRJ shall pay 12.500.000 Rials to partially cover the cost of providing publishing service and free access to readers.
- Bank Details: Bank Saderat Iran
Card Holder Name: Eslamshahr Islamic Azad University; Academic Journals
Card No.: 6037691990454514
Account No.: 0115860680005
ID Code: 111450
Shaba No.: IR200190000000115860680005
There is no processing fee for Non-Iranian authors.
Article Preparation Services
To help you improve your manuscript and prepare it for submission, CRJ provides English Language Editing as well as translation services, so you can submit your manuscript with confidence. For more information, including pricing, contact this email:
Submitting Your Paper
- Authors are requested to submit their manuscripts using the journal’s online submission system.
- Authors must register with the journal prior to submission. The online submission system will guide authors through the submission process.
- Submission by email is not accepted.
- The progress of submissions can be tracked only through the journal’s online submission system.
Peer Review Process
The following flowchart demonstrates the review process in CRJ:
Note 1: An initial assessment is carried out by the editor/editorial board within two weeks, which involves the preliminary evaluation of the manuscript in terms of its structure as per the style, format, and preparation instructions provided in the journal’s Submission Guidelines.
Note 2: The manuscript is sent to at least two reviewers who are expert in the related field of study.
Note 3: Where manuscripts are sent to peer review, the editor aims to provide contributors with a first decision on their article within 12 weeks of submission.
Proof Correction
Corresponding authors will receive an e-mail for proof correction. The manuscript after being corrected must be returned to the journal within 7 days. Significant changes to the article as accepted for publication will only be considered at this stage with permission from the Editor. It is important to ensure that all corrections are sent back to us in one communication. Please check carefully before replying, as the inclusion of any subsequent corrections cannot be guaranteed. Proofreading is solely your responsibility.
If you have any queries, please contact us here.
Last Modified: February, 2024