List of Articles مراتع Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 1 - شیوههای رسیدگی در دعوای اعتراض به ملی شدن اراضی مهدی منتظر فرزاد مسعودی عباس فدایی مقدم Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 2 - Comparison some of the mineral elements several species plant with the required level of Fashandi race ram (case study: Taleghan ranges) Hossein Arzani mahmoud hamidian Hossein Azarnivand Mohammad Ali Zare Chahouki Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 3 - Comparison of artificial neural network and multivariate linear regression (MLR) models to predict cover percentage Artemisia aucheri from some soil properties Mansoreh Kargar Zeynab Jafarian Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 4 - بررسی تغییرات تولید و مصرف گونه درمنه دشتی (Artemisia sieberi) در مراتع استپی خشکه رود ساوه صدیقه زارع کیا مرتضی اکبرزاده نیلوفر زارع Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 5 - کاربرد سنجههای سیمای سرزمین در بررسی نحوه پراکنش پوشش گیاهی منطقه شمال شرق سمنان محمدعلی زارعچاهوکی سپیده دوستی حسین آذرنیوند Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 6 - تاثیر قرق بر احیاء خاک، غنا و تنوع گیاهی مراتع تفتان مهدیه ابراهیمی حمیده خسروی مسعود ریگی Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 7 - تعیین سهم برخی خصوصیات خاک در تشریح پراکنش پوشش گیاهی در مراتع ییلاقی بلده نور فرهاد برنا محمدرضا طاطیان رضا تمرتاش وحید غلامی Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 8 - Spatial distribution mapping of common yarrow (Achilla millefolium and thyme (Thymus kotschianus) using artificial neural network (Case study: Donna rangelands, Mazandaran province) Zeinab Bahrein Zeinab Jafarian Maryam Shokri 10.22034/jest.2021.23028.3210 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 9 - Comparison of Plant Species Diversity and Evenness in Different Grazing Levels Southeastern Slopes of Sabalan Robab Bagherian Kiomars Sefidi Farshad Keivan Behjou Ali Ashraf Soltani Behzad Behtari 10.22034/jest.2018.23103.3224 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 10 - Effect of Different Grazing Intensities on Diversity and Plants Cover Composition in Semi-Arid Grazing (Case study: Mohammad Abad, Jiroft) Ehsan Kamali Maskooni Adeli Behzad Iraj Amiri 10.22034/jest.2018.22951.3201 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 11 - Phenology of Ferula Ovinia and Poa Bulbosa Species and Time of Livestock Entry to and Exit from Rangeland in Goorab of Isfahan Province maryam gholami mostafa saeedfar 10.22034/jest.2021.34338.4165 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 12 - Investigation of species diversity in medicinal plants of Asadli-Pelmiss summer rangelands in North Khorasan province Negin Nodehi Mousa Akbarlou 10.22034/jest.2017.11393 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 13 - A Jurisprudential and Legal Study of the Effect of National Lands Restoration Abbas Fadaee Moghaddam Mohammad Alemzadeh Javad Niknejad Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 14 - Assessing the potential of beekeeping and determination of attractiveness range plants used bee by using geographic information system in Char-Bagh summer rangelands, Golestan Reza Yari Gholam Ali Heshmati Hamed Rafiei Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 15 - Habitat potential modeling of Astragalus gossypinus using ecological niche factor analysis and logistic regression (Case study: summer rangelands of Baladeh, Nour) Farhad Borna Reza Tamartash Mohammadreza Tatian Vahid Gholami Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 16 - Rangeland suitability guidelines for sheep grazing (Case study: mountainous rangelands of Imam Kandi Urmia) Javad Motamedi Hosein Arzani Esmaeil Sheidaei Karkaj Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 17 - Surveying of the past, present, and future of vegetation changes in the central Alborz ranges in relation to climate change Diana Askarizadeh Hosein Arzani Mohammad Jafary Javad Bazrafshan Iain colin Prentice Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 18 - Modeling aboveground net primary production using Landsat-8 indices in Siahpoosh and Ganjgah rangelands of Ardabil province, Iran Pashmineh Mohammadnazhad Mehdi Moameri Ardavan Ghorbani Farid Dadjou Vadood Mohammadi 10.30495/girs.2023.690221 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 19 - Forage production suitability modeling in Sarab Sefid rangeland of Borujerd by Geographic Information System (GIS) Ali Ariapour Moslem Hadidi Fazel Amiri Ali Hossein Biranvand Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 20 - Identification of moths of family Sphingidae in some regions of Fars Province (Iran) Farangis Ghasemi Hassan Alemansoor Asghar Alehossein Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 21 - Study of fauna ladybirds (Col., Coccinellidae) on pastures Astragalus adscendes (Fabaceae) in Lorestan province M. 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