List of Articles بانک تجارت Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 1 - Investigating the effect of customer service quality and customer’s knowledge of the bank on customer loyalty (with an emphasis on subjective image, customer relationship quality and satisfaction as mediator variables) حسین رحیمی کلور Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 2 - A Technology Acceptance Improvement Model for Effective Electronic Customer Relationship Management (Case study: Departments of Tejarat Bank in Yazd) S. M. Zanjirchi A. R. Konjkave Monfared S. H. Hataminasab A. Noori H. Sattarzade Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 3 - Review and Evaluate of Effective Factors on Marketing Management Absorb of Liquidity Techniques Using TOPSIS and AHP(Case Study:Tejarat Bank) R. Samadipour Gh. A. Bazaee Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 4 - Investigating the Effect of Customer Service Quality and Customer’s Knowledge of the Bank on Customer Loyalty (with an Emphasis on Subjective Image, Customer Relationship Quality and Satisfaction as Mediator Variables) H. Rahimi Koloor Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 5 - نقش میانجی خودکارآمدی شغلی در رابطهی بین انعطافپذیری منابع انسانی و عملکرد شغلی کارکنان بانک تجارت استان مازندران فاطمه صغری سینا رجبعلی زاهدی Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 6 - نقش میانجی خودکارآمدی شغلی در رابطهی بین انعطافپذیری منابع انسانی و عملکرد شغلی کارکنان بانک تجارت استان مازندران فاطمه صغری سینا رجبعلی زاهدی Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 7 - Assessing the Performance of the Organization Using the Combined Approach of Fuzzy Data Envelopment Analysis and Balanced Scorecard (Case study: Tejarat Bank Branches of Yazd Province) Seyed Habibollah Mirghafoori Ali Morovati Vahid Namavaran Fatemeh Zamani Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 8 - The Role of Physical Factors (Ergonomics) in the Workplace to increase employee productivity (Case study: Shiraz Tejarat Bank) Fatemeh Kadkhodaie Seyed Masoud Seyedi Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 9 - Social Media and Communicative Marketing Strategies in Modern Banking Majid Heidari Ali Delavar Seyyed Abdollah Sadjadi Ali Akbar Farhangi Kamran Mohamadkhani Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 10 - Presenting a Model for Organizational Ambidexterity in Tejarat Bank of Isfahan Using Combined Methods of Grounded Theory and Fuzzy Delphi Masoud Vahedi Hossein Panahian Hassan Ghodrati Mohsen Rasolian 10.30495/qjopm.2021.1907501.2920 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 11 - Mediating Role of Employee Job Satisfaction in the Relationship between Intellectual Capitals and Employee Productivity (Case study: North West Tejarat Bank of Tehran City) Saeid Sayadi Rahele Chamanifard amin nikpour Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 12 - بررسی تاثیر قابلیت های فناوری اطلاعات بر عملکرد سازمانی با نقش میانجی چابکی سازمانی در بانک تجارت شعب منطقه جنوب غرب شهر تهران پریسا کاشانی نژاد فریده حقشناس کاشانی Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 13 - مطالعه رابطه بین ادارک عدالت سازمانی کارکنان و الگوی رهبری مدیران شعب با نگرش شغلی کارکنان شمال غرب بانک تجارت افسون قدیری مهران صمدی Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 14 - Investigating the Relationship Between Interest Rates and Liquidity in Tejarat Bank Ali Akbar Baghestani Reza Rahimi Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 15 - The Survey of New Financial Instruments functions on Tejarat Bank Performances in Iran ali Esmaelzadeh hamideh amiri Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 16 - نحوه عملکرد سیستم مدیریت ارتباط الکترونیکی با مشتری در شعب بانک تجارت استان تهران سیدکامران نوربخش هدی اسمعیلی Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 17 - Modeling and identification of nonfragile variables affecting credit risk in Tejarat Bank with an emphasis on fintech technologies Rahman Rahimi Fahemeh Sarraf Mahboobeh Jafari Bijan Safavi 10.30495/afi.2023.1975352.1181 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 18 - Developing a Model of Factors Affecting the Profitability of the Banking Industry Based on Structural-Interpretive Modeling (Case Study: Tejarat Bank of East Azarbaijan Province) Shapour rahmani Soleyman Iranzadeh Yaqhoub Alavi Matin Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 19 - Designing the Career path resilience model in banking industry staff (Case study: Tejarat Bank of Gilan Province) musa rezvani Nadia Amini morteza hazrati Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 20 - The role of mediation of meritocracy in the relationship between organizational justice and organizational learning in Mazandaran Tejarat Bank employees fatemehsoghra sina syad jalal sadati tile bani