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    فصلنامه زیبایی‌شناسی ادبی با انتشارمقاله‌های علمی و تخصصی در زمینه زیبایی‌شناسی با بهره‌مندی از دانش علمی و تجارب استادان برجسته و صاحب‌نظر رشته زبان و ادبیات فارسی و گرایش‌های ذی‌ربط اهداف زیر را دنبال می‌کند:

    - ارتقای سطح علمی و تخصصی زیبایی‌شناسی ادبی

    - ایجاد بستر مناسب برای ارایه اندیشه‌های نو در زمینه زیبایی‌شناسی ادبی

    - انتقال و تبادل تجربیات و دستاوردهای تازه علمی در سطح ملی و بین‌المللی

    - انتشار آخرین نتایج تحقیقات و دستاوردهای علمی‌تخصصی درباره زیبایی‌شناسی ادبی

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    • بومی‌سازی زیبایی‌شناسی ادبی و تولید علم در این حوزه
    • این نشریه با احترام به قوانین اخلاق  در نشریات عضو و تابع قوانین کمیته اخلاق در انتشار (COPE)میباشد و از آیین نامه اچرایی قانون پیشگیری و مقابله با تقلب در آثار علمی پیروی می نماید.

    این فصلنامه با عنوان اندیشه‌های ادبی بر اساس رأی پنجاه و هفتمین جلسه کمیسیون بررسی و تأیید نشریات علمی دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی مطابق نامه شماره 144498/87 مورخ 1/5/1388 به مرتبه علمی پژوهشی ارتقا یافته است.

    هم‌چنین این نشریه با شماره ثبت 3527/124 مورخ 21/7/88 در معاونت مطبوعاتی و اطلاع‌رسانی وزارت فرهنگ و ارشاد اسلامی مصوب شده است.


    Recent Articles

    • Open Access Article

      1 - Introduction and analysis of rhetorical innovations in Persian interpretative texts
      Issue 58 , Vol. 14 , Winter 2024
      Abstract Rhetoric is one of the most important literary knowledges, the emergence of which has naturally been associated with the development of language, and its historical record should be traced back to the time when language acquired a written aspect. Since the fir More
      Abstract Rhetoric is one of the most important literary knowledges, the emergence of which has naturally been associated with the development of language, and its historical record should be traced back to the time when language acquired a written aspect. Since the first books on miracles of the Qur'an dealt more with rhetorical topics and the history of Quranic studies is full of rhetorical researches to explain the verbal and expressive miracles of the Holy Quran, the topic of miracles has always been closely related to rhetorical sciences. Understanding the rhetoric and rhetorical methods of the Qur'an not only reveals the rhetorical wonders of this holy book, but also reveals its hidden meanings and secrets. Considering that the hidden secrets of this knowledge were crystallized in the words of the early commentators, including: Abul Fattouh Razi, Shahfur Esfraini, etc., it is appropriate to address the unknown points and crafts of this knowledge based on interpretive texts in order to understand them. It is possible to help rhetoricians in understanding hidden and double meanings of texts. The present article is a research in which the authors have tried to find and analyze the literary beauties of the commentary texts that have been left out of the eyes of rhetoricians or have been less discussed with analytical-descriptive method. After analyzing the examples, the authors conclude that in the early interpretations of the Qur'an, special techniques were used such as: interpretation, startling, useful virtual documents of the meaning of honoring, etc. Abstract Rhetoric is one of the most important literary knowledges, the emergence of which has naturally been associated with the development of language, and its historical record should be traced back to the time when language acquired a written aspect. Since the first books on miracles of the Qur'an dealt more with rhetorical topics and the history of Quranic studies is full of rhetorical researches to explain the verbal and expressive miracles of the Holy Quran, the topic of miracles has always been closely related to rhetorical sciences. Understanding the rhetoric and rhetorical methods of the Qur'an not only reveals the rhetorical wonders of this holy book, but also reveals its hidden meanings and secrets. Considering that the hidden secrets of this knowledge were crystallized in the words of the early commentators, including: Abul Fattouh Razi, Shahfur Esfraini, etc., it is appropriate to address the unknown points and crafts of this knowledge based on interpretive texts in order to understand them. It is possible to help rhetoricians in understanding hidden and double meanings of texts. The present article is a research in which the authors have tried to find and analyze the literary beauties of the commentary texts that have been left out of the eyes of rhetoricians or have been less discussed with analytical-descriptive method. After analyzing the examples, the authors conclude that in the early interpretations of the Qur'an, special techniques were used such as: interpretation, startling, useful virtual documents of the meaning of honoring, etc. Manuscript profile

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      2 - Analyzing the aesthetic identity of the poem "Dalam Baraye Baghche Mesuzad" by Forough Farrokhzad based on relational rationality by Jürgen Habermas.
      Issue 58 , Vol. 14 , Winter 2024
      Abstract Communicative rationality is one of the philosophical ideas popular in the West and the contemporary world. In Habermas's theory, Communicative rationality is in the sense of understanding, understanding and arrangement of how to maintain relationships with More
      Abstract Communicative rationality is one of the philosophical ideas popular in the West and the contemporary world. In Habermas's theory, Communicative rationality is in the sense of understanding, understanding and arrangement of how to maintain relationships with others and create understanding in value issues that takes place through relational actions and claims, arguments and critical arguments. The aim of the research is to investigate the aspects of harmony, rationality, Communicative, Habermas with aesthetic elements, conceptual metaphor, symbol, contradiction and repetition in the poem "Dalam Baraye Baghcheh Mesuzad" by Forough Farrokhzad. The results of the research showed that the aesthetic elements of the poem "Dilam Bari Baghche Mesuzad" are in harmony with the Communicative rationality presented in the poem Forough. In other words, there was a kind of action and rationality similar to Habermas' Communicative rationality in the subject of the value situation of society in the poem, but in the end, no understanding was created; An inner mental dialogue by the poet between the members of the family and, in turn, the members of the society. This rationality was marked by artistic development in the conceptual metaphor "Garden" with the subject of affection and humanity, multiple symbols, cognitive-identity contradiction and the repetition of the word "Garden" and the phrase "I worry about...". All the reviewed opinions showed that the lack of rationality, relational understanding and inattention to the collective union made Baghcha (University) sick and at risk of death. However, the purposeful promotion of intelligence as an intellectual, was envisioned as a potential garden. Manuscript profile

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      3 - The female world and its relationship with decadent ideas in Sadegh Hedayat's short stories (Based on the theory of social-historical criticism of Claude Duches)
      Issue 58 , Vol. 14 , Winter 2024
      Abstract Sadegh Hedayat was considered among intellectuals and elites who believed in Iran's decadent situation and considered it a historical process. Relying on this belief, the position of women in Sadegh Hedayat's stories can be seen as a kind of representation of More
      Abstract Sadegh Hedayat was considered among intellectuals and elites who believed in Iran's decadent situation and considered it a historical process. Relying on this belief, the position of women in Sadegh Hedayat's stories can be seen as a kind of representation of this decadent situation. In fact, the realistic aspect of Sadegh Hedayat's stories is so high and tangible that according to the framework of the theory of social-historical criticism of Claude Deuche, the basis of these narratives are social and historical realities that the narrative It is based on them. Based on this, a large amount of morals, norms, values, social relations, mechanisms of dominance and authority, degenerate beliefs and views and the continuation of social static situations are socio-historical realities that make women They are exposed to a significant amount of verbal and gender violence, authoritarian patriarchy, established patriarchal norms and morals, they are continuously ignored, humiliated and remain in a marginalized and silent position. In this research, the main question is that according to Sadegh Hedayat's decadent views, how can the realistic representation of the position of women in his short stories be explained based on Douche's theory? Based on this, the hypothesis is that the ratio between women's position and the social and cultural decline of Iran in these narratives is a meaningful ratio in such a way that placing these narratives next to the greater insight of Sadegh Hedayat can support this claim, to prove. Manuscript profile

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      4 -
      Issue 58 , Vol. 14 , Winter 2024
      Abstract The word Ratha means mourning and crying over the dead and expressing his good deeds, which is presented in the form of poetry, and elegy is a type of poetry that is written to comfort the heart and in sorrow of the deceased. This sample is especially used More
      Abstract The word Ratha means mourning and crying over the dead and expressing his good deeds, which is presented in the form of poetry, and elegy is a type of poetry that is written to comfort the heart and in sorrow of the deceased. This sample is especially used in the mourning of Imam Hussain (AS) and the martyrs of Karbala and the expression of their sufferings. Imagination is the main substance and one of the constant elements of poetry, which is created through the power of imagination. The rhetoricians of this field believe that images of imagination are the lifeblood and the main spirit in Arabic poetry, and one of the aesthetic foundations of any literary work is to examine and evaluate the images of poetic imagination in it, which is the reason for clarifying the style and artistic value of each work. Sharif Razi can be mentioned among the poets who have left their poems in the art of Ratha; Because his poems are very emotional in this context. His poems are so complete and comprehensive that they have become a model for poets after him. Although his Marathi in the context of Imam Hussain's lamentation is very few, but this little Marathi was preserved by other poets in later periods. The upcoming essay intends to examine the lamentation of Imam Hussain (a.s.) in the poems of Sharif Razi from the aesthetic point of view, taking into account all kinds of similes, metaphors, irony, and permission, and prove that he is definitely one of the best poets of lamentation. It was in the Abbasid period, and the few Marathas left by him are proof of this claim. Manuscript profile

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      5 - Imaginary images in lyrical literature
      Issue 58 , Vol. 14 , Winter 2024
      abstract Imagery is one of the prominent elements and components in the field of aesthetics of literary works. The aim of the research Is to discuss images in lyrical literature, based on which three poems were studied and imaginary elements were extracted and then c More
      abstract Imagery is one of the prominent elements and components in the field of aesthetics of literary works. The aim of the research Is to discuss images in lyrical literature, based on which three poems were studied and imaginary elements were extracted and then classified and compared into four image elements. These four elements are: abstract element, elemental element, element of nature and astronomy. Exploring the imagination of each poet helps the audience to better understand his view of his surroundings and to be able to connect with his poetry.One of the remarkable topics in lyrical literature is the topic of love, which in every period the poet tries to portray this topic in his poetry in accordance with his words and the relationship between the lover and the beloved and their connection and separation according to the circumstances. In this article, each of the poets in the field of imagery in all three poems has assigned the highest amount to the element of nature, which in Weiss and Ramin is more than similes, in Khosrow and Shirin the metaphor of Masrah and in Gol and Nowruz. We had both elements of fantasy.Also, all three poets have used the least abstract elements, which was in the form of a metaphor. In terms of the use of abstract elements, the three poets have tried to sensitize mental matters and give them life. Weiss and Ramin, as the first poem, has been a model for other poems. Manuscript profile

    • Open Access Article

      6 - Analysis of conceptual metaphor of speech in Khaghani’s odes
      Issue 58 , Vol. 14 , Winter 2024
      Abstract In recent years, and in the theory of knowledge; metaphor has found a new meaning, that it is mentioned as the "conceptual metaphor". According to this theory, not only metaphor studies at the level of words, sentences or even at language level but also it s More
      Abstract In recent years, and in the theory of knowledge; metaphor has found a new meaning, that it is mentioned as the "conceptual metaphor". According to this theory, not only metaphor studies at the level of words, sentences or even at language level but also it studies in the mind, behavior and actions of individuals in a society and it reflects unconsciously. So explanations and study of thoughts, actions and human’s behavior in a society In which they live; is one of the essential functions of this type of metaphor. Thereby in this article we examine the conceptual metaphors of speech in Khaghani‘s odes who Is one of the most important poets of the sixth century; In order to find the cause of many disputes, controversy and conflicts in his contemporary poets.t was found that Khaghani knows speech as property, miracles and magic, maiden bride, competition, pearls, food and tree.That a Kind of superiority and uniqueness in Khaghani‘s mind causes his controversies and immorality with other poets. Manuscript profile

    • Open Access Article

      7 - Conceptual metaphors in the works of Alie Mehrabi, with the theme of artist martyrs and defenders of the shrine in the book "From Art to Shrine"
      Issue 58 , Vol. 14 , Winter 2024
      Abstract Analyzing cognitive or conceptual metaphors in any text and writing can be an important tool in discovering the meaning of the text. In other words, conceptual metaphors make some obscure matters and concepts visible. For this reason, in the better understa More
      Abstract Analyzing cognitive or conceptual metaphors in any text and writing can be an important tool in discovering the meaning of the text. In other words, conceptual metaphors make some obscure matters and concepts visible. For this reason, in the better understanding of the poem of Holy Defence, conceptual metaphors are used to answer the question of which mental, emotional and emotional concepts in such poems and compositions have been the focus of poets and from which field They have benefited from visualizing and objectifying their mental affairs. In order to find the answer to this question, in this research, the author, using the descriptive-analytical method and library tools, examines the conceptual metaphors of front and war in the poems of the holy defense poets of Yazd province in the collection of poems of the gathering of artist martyrs and shrine defender martyrs in the book "From Art to Shrine" " Paid. The results of the research show that the conceptual metaphors used in the poems of the poets, for each of the mentioned metaphors, three models of anthropomorphism, plant-morphism, and physical-morphism have been given a lot of attention. Manuscript profile

    • Open Access Article

      8 - Sayaf Hayati , Mohsen Izadyar Ph.D *, Shahrokh Hekmat Ph.D
      Issue 58 , Vol. 14 , Winter 2024
      Abstract Complaint is one of the types of lyrical literature that describes the sufferings and failures, internal and social pains of the poet or writer. In the contemporary period, affected by political events and social developments, this type of literature is very i More
      Abstract Complaint is one of the types of lyrical literature that describes the sufferings and failures, internal and social pains of the poet or writer. In the contemporary period, affected by political events and social developments, this type of literature is very impressive in the works of poets of this period. The dictatorship of Shah's regime and its limitations on the society, especially after 28 Mordad coup d'état, caused poets not to forget their social mission and commitment as poets and to write influential social complaints with a symbolic language. Mehdi Akhavan-Sales is one of the poets who has presented social and political issues in his poems and has left lasting complaints by using new symbols. In the upcoming research, which has been done with a descriptive analytical method, Symbolism in the social complaints of Mahdi Akhavan-Sales has been analyzed and investigated. The result of the research shows that he has created his very own social complaints with the subjects such as indifference and neglect of the people, poverty, injustice and inequality, dictatorship and unfavorable social atmosphere, the incompetence of colonial rulers and the domination of foreign governments, the failure of political currents and the killing of freedom fighters, etc, using various symbols. Manuscript profile

    • Open Access Article

      9 - The reason for using and how to combine the language of lyric poetry in socially poetry based on the poems of Nima Yoshij and Ahmad Shamloo
      Issue 58 , Vol. 14 , Winter 2024
      Abstract New lyric and epic poetry are the two main trends of contemporary Persian poetry, which have been formed following the language and content of Nima's classic poems and his free poems. Most of Nima's poems and his innovations are in "free poetry" or "Nima" w More
      Abstract New lyric and epic poetry are the two main trends of contemporary Persian poetry, which have been formed following the language and content of Nima's classic poems and his free poems. Most of Nima's poems and his innovations are in "free poetry" or "Nima" which have a social aspect and are placed under "socially committed poetry". In some of these poems, "the language of new lyric poetry" has been combined with the language of "new epic poetry" for some reason. In the present study, relying on the poems of Nima and Ahmad Shamloo, the why and how to combine the lyrical language in poems that have a social aspect has been discussed. The results show that Nima and Shamloo use lyric language in social poetry for two very important reasons. Creating artistic ambiguity and creating "symbol" or "symbolism" is the main reason for this combination. The lyric poems in such poems make the audience doubt the interpretation of the poem in a social or romantic way, and this method makes their social poems can be censored by an authoritarian government. The lyric poems in such poems make the audience doubt the interpretation of the poem in a social or romantic way, and this method makes their social poems can be censored by an authoritarian government. Manuscript profile
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      1 - Fish the analysis of spiritual symbol in Mawlana’s Mathnawi
      parvin goli zadeh mokhtar ebrahimi afsaneh saadati
      Issue 25 , Vol. 6 , Winter 2015
      Fish, one of the proposed images in Mathnawi and poet associated with it subjectivity and internal. Fish is not a simple sense of the word but also expanded image and the world of soul and spirit surrounded. In this paper for attaining image of fish, all applications we More
      Fish, one of the proposed images in Mathnawi and poet associated with it subjectivity and internal. Fish is not a simple sense of the word but also expanded image and the world of soul and spirit surrounded. In this paper for attaining image of fish, all applications were reviewed that related literature, language and words. There by providing this image, we will access to the world beyond the image. Fish in the meaning of symbolic is applied variously, such as seeker of truth, a perfect man and a man of paradise, resource by direct and sometimes different semantic meaning, such as the earth and body, terrestrial human. Manuscript profile

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      2 -
      Issue 18 , Vol. 4 , Winter 2019

    • Open Access Article

      3 - The Investigation of Shamloo's Poetry egarding the "Night" Archetype
      Zahra Khatami Kashani mohamad reza ghari
      Issue 33 , Vol. 8 , Autumn 2018
      Archetype refers to the equal and the common icon of the human that is manifested in the shape of the common beliefs of each era.  The artists make use of the mental imagination in order to create an artistic masterpiece that has their roots in the mass unconsciou More
      Archetype refers to the equal and the common icon of the human that is manifested in the shape of the common beliefs of each era.  The artists make use of the mental imagination in order to create an artistic masterpiece that has their roots in the mass unconsciousness. These mental images will reach to the conscious layers of the brain in the mainstream of the creation of artistic masterpieces. So the artist’s masterpieces created this way. The part will understand the archetype as a symbol. Therefore, in the literature, dealing with symbolic works and the criticism of which from an archetypical point of view could reveal from of the psychological and personal features of the artist that has its roots his thoughts and feelings. One of the most common of the archetypes is the "night". The repetition of the word "night" in the poems of Shamloo (more than 400 times) introduces the word as an archetype. The word "night" as a symbol of Anima contains other concepts such as darkness, sadness, solitude, silence, frightening, hopelessness and death in the poem of Shamloo. Manuscript profile

    • Open Access Article

      4 - A study of free thinking in Hafezi poomes
      Issue 15 , Vol. 4 , Summer 2019

    • Open Access Article

      5 - Personification for wine in the poem of hafiz
      Issue 37 , Vol. 9 , Summer 2019
      Personification is one of reveal imaginary pictures in the poem of hafiz that has been used. Hafiz personificates to things and different elements of nature. Personifications result from reasons and poet investigates purposes. Poet, among personificated elements, especi More
      Personification is one of reveal imaginary pictures in the poem of hafiz that has been used. Hafiz personificates to things and different elements of nature. Personifications result from reasons and poet investigates purposes. Poet, among personificated elements, especially notices to wine. Investigating the basis of personifications concerning wine proves that hafiz behind reveal couplets concerning wine investigates other purposes. At this article, by means of opinions of researchers about metaphor and personification and its role intransfering  mind and it’s merging whit points of view about the intellectual system of hafiz and also  the studying political and social conditions of  the era of poet, kinds of personifications for wine and their motivations and goals in  the poem of hafiz are investigated. In this article, personification in two aspects is investigated. Origins of personification in poem of hafiz consist of: adorn, ,Reality by imagination, social necessity, the transfer of thought, prevision and fiction of affections for personificated. Origins of personification for wine in poem of hafiz consist of: fantasize social necessity and prevision, fiction of affection for personificated. Manuscript profile

    • Open Access Article

      6 - A comparison of sun imagery in poetic works of Anvari, Khaqani, and Nezami
      Issue 24 , Vol. 6 , Summer 2017
      Nature imagery for showing poets' desires and thoughts became so prevalent as Azarbaijani style was in its acmethatcan be found among the greatest and most famous poets like Anvari, khaqani, and Nezami. Sun is a natural element and the most outstanding tools for imagery More
      Nature imagery for showing poets' desires and thoughts became so prevalent as Azarbaijani style was in its acmethatcan be found among the greatest and most famous poets like Anvari, khaqani, and Nezami. Sun is a natural element and the most outstanding tools for imagery. Its beauty and greatnesshas led to the formation of a set of beliefsthat together with artistic and literary techniques has enrichedthe images, as well as, the Farsi structures. This article compares the imagery ofsun in poems of Anvari, khaqani, and Nezami. Hiringfeelings acquired from sun imagery and using implicit and fabled meaning that in reality is the beauty andgreatness of the sun and also using Additions successive and image expression in single couplet; these poets have a lot in common in single couplet. But Khaqani's poetry is characterized byusing sun in portrait of a party, high frequency and repetition, imagery using the condition and addresses' traits, as well as, multiple literary arrays for showing portrait of sun. Manuscript profile

    • Open Access Article

      7 - Imagery in Lyrics Ghisar Aminpoor
      Issue 27 , Vol. 7 , Winter 2016
      The main essence of poetry and imagery and constant element of imagination is something that could shvd.svr achieved a measure of the value of art is poetry. In none of the literaray works during the past ten centuries no effect on cash rhetoric on the importence of ima More
      The main essence of poetry and imagery and constant element of imagination is something that could shvd.svr achieved a measure of the value of art is poetry. In none of the literaray works during the past ten centuries no effect on cash rhetoric on the importence of imagery nyst.mjmvh images from a variety of imagery the irony in the works of the poet expresses allowed metaphor likening moment that he is concerned with the inner world. Check ports Revolution snd Sacred Defense including important measures affecting the Sacrsd Defense poetry is. Ghisar Aminpoor of the poets in the literature of resistance and revolution has a bright face that elements in his poems could be considerable. In the article Lyrics Ghisar Aminpoor in four of the imagery his office investigated and the results are graphically depicted is. Manuscript profile

    • Open Access Article

      8 - Climatic color in the poetry of Mohammad Biabani
      mohammad moradi pooran yosefipoor Fatemeh Ghafuri Mehdi abad
      Issue 49 , Vol. 12 , Winter 2021
      The poet Mohammad Biabanizadeh is from the southern climate. A climate that has sided with the sea and the land and is inextricably linked to the scorching heat. He was born in Bushehr and spent his childhood in the same city. The living environment and natural climate More
      The poet Mohammad Biabanizadeh is from the southern climate. A climate that has sided with the sea and the land and is inextricably linked to the scorching heat. He was born in Bushehr and spent his childhood in the same city. The living environment and natural climate seem to have an ineffective effect on Asnan. Which examine these effects in the works of poets and writers under the title of climatic or local color. Local color or climatic character is a term that expresses these effects in the poetry of poets. It is with nature that in contemporary Iranian poetry, it first appeared in Nima's poetry and then in the poems of poets after him, it was noticed and welcomed. This research seeks to answer the question of why and to what extent Mohammad Biabani was able to reflect the southern climate in his poetry through the method of analytical-descriptive library study. And the results indicate that besides Boom His poems are full of climatic colors in all of his poems and the most prominent linguistic feature of his poems after Vazgani Archaism is the prominence of the color of climate and southern nature and his fondness and interest in his ecology. Manuscript profile

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      9 -
      seyyed mohsen mehdi niya
      Issue 19 , Vol. 5 , Spring 2019

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      10 - A Study of the Use of Consignor in Hafez` poem
      Issue 41 , Vol. 10 , Autumn 2019
            Linguistic and semantic arts of Hafez is a kind of poetical resurrection, making his poems so mysterious that it leads to many interpretations and suspensions in general and some in specific. This mystery contains the levels of syntax and More
            Linguistic and semantic arts of Hafez is a kind of poetical resurrection, making his poems so mysterious that it leads to many interpretations and suspensions in general and some in specific. This mystery contains the levels of syntax and compounding. In Rainbow poem of Hafez consisting of ten lines, he uses the word of consignor and are usually called the consignor poem in this article. From amongst the poems in which Hafez uses this geometrical instrument, some are simple and some are complicated. To the point views of the writers of the present article, one of the most complicated distiches of Hafez: When I told the dot to come inside the circle, It said: O Hafez! what consignor this is! Undoubtedly, many interpretators and explainers have been trying to decipher these complexities, however, they have not rendered and explanation on the given distich, or they have proposed a guess which is not justifiable. Thus, this poetic line is mysterious one. The present  article tries to decipher this mental and linguistic art  in the consignor lines as mentioned above. Manuscript profile
    Upcoming Articles

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      1 - Analysis of conceptual metaphor of speech in Khaghani’s odes
      reza jamshidi
      In recent years, and in the theory of knowledge; metaphor has found a new meaning, that it is mentioned as the "conceptual metaphor". According to this theory, not only metaphor studies at the level of words, sentences or even at language level but also it studies in th More
      In recent years, and in the theory of knowledge; metaphor has found a new meaning, that it is mentioned as the "conceptual metaphor". According to this theory, not only metaphor studies at the level of words, sentences or even at language level but also it studies in the mind, behavior and actions of individuals in a society and it reflects unconsciously. So explanations and study of thoughts, actions and human’s behavior in a society In which they live; is one of the essential functions of this type of metaphor. Thereby in this article we examine the conceptual metaphors of speech in Khaghani‘s odes who Is one of the most important poets of the sixth century; In order to find the cause of many disputes, controversy and conflicts in his contemporary poets .t was found that Khaghani knows speech as property, miracles and magic, maiden bride, competition, pearls, food and tree .That a Kind of superiority and uniqueness in Khaghani‘s mind causes his controversies and immorality with other poets. Manuscript profile

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      2 - The reason for using and how to combine the language of lyric poetry in socially poetry based on the poems of Nima Yoshij and Ahmad Shamloo
      azita moradi منصوره تدینی masoud pakdel sima Mansoori
      New lyric and epic poetry are the two main trends of contemporary Persian poetry, which have been formed following the language and content of Nima's classic poems and his free poems. Most of Nima's poems and his innovations are in "free poetry" or "Nima" which have a s More
      New lyric and epic poetry are the two main trends of contemporary Persian poetry, which have been formed following the language and content of Nima's classic poems and his free poems. Most of Nima's poems and his innovations are in "free poetry" or "Nima" which have a social aspect and are placed under "socially committed poetry". In some of these poems, "the language of new lyric poetry" has been combined with the language of "new epic poetry" for some reason. In the present study, relying on the poems of Nima and Ahmad Shamloo, the why and how to combine the lyrical language in poems that have a social aspect has been discussed. The results show that Nima and Shamloo use lyric language in social poetry for two very important reasons. Creating artistic ambiguity and creating "symbol" or "symbolism" is the main reason for this combination. The lyric poems in such poems make the audience doubt the interpretation of the poem in a social or romantic way, and this method makes their social poems can be censored by an authoritarian government. The lyric poems in such poems make the audience doubt the interpretation of the poem in a social or romantic way, and this method makes their social poems can be censored by an authoritarian government. Manuscript profile

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