Aims and Scope
Aims and objectives
- Production and dissemination of indigenous theories in the field of sports
- Dissemination of new research findings in order to expand the boundaries of knowledge
- Transferring the theoretical and practical achievements of experts in order to exchange learnings and experiences based on valid research methods in the field of sports sciences.
- Creating and developing an interactive network between researchers and scientific-research centers
- Helping to improve the level of scientific knowledge and research in various fields of sports science and institutionalizing research in the country
- Efforts to meet the scientific and research needs of the country
- Creating the spirit and motivation of research in the specialized field of the journal among students, teachers and professors
- Helping to find and solve scientific problems in the field of sports science
- Trying to enter and join international databases
- Establishing communication between Iranian and international experts and researchers
- vision:
The Journal of Knowledge Management in Sports is a scientific journal that publishes scientific-research and review-analytical articles in the field of knowledge management in sports and the field of sports management with specific goals. To become the top 3 publications among domestic scientific and research publications in the field of physical training and sports management.
Journal scope
The subject of the articles should be in the following fields and related to research and practical aspects:
- Knowledge management in sports
- sports marketing
- Sports governance
- Leisure time in sports and recreational sports
- Strategic management in sports
- Organizational behavior in sports
- Entrepreneurship in sports
- Communication and media in sports
- Sport Tourism
- Sports training and physical education
- Comparative studies in the field of sports management
- Compilation of ideas and theories related to sports management