Woman Cultural Psychology
Submission guidelines for authors
Main file (with out author(s) name)
Affiliation form
Authorship and conflict of interest disclosure form
All authors who submit articles to this journal are requested to notice the following points by Editorial Board:
- Title: The title of the manuscript should be written in Persian and English with a maximum of 25 words
- Abstract: It remains within the range of 150-250 words and should be fully in accordance with the Persian abstract. It starts with the purpose of the study and followed by the statistical population, sample, sampling method, research design, research instruments as well as the most important method of analysis and then the results of the study should be discussed. The text in abstract should be written as a whole interconnected paragraph.
- Extended abstract: After the short abstract, the extended abstract should be included, within the range of750 - 1500 words. This part is divided into four sections in the following order: Introduction, Method, Result, Discussion and Conclusions, with 200-350 words for each section.
Following Extended Abstract, these four parts should be stated in English: Authors’ Contributions, Acknowledgements, Conflict of Interest, and Funding. They should also be statedin Persian after the Discussion and Conclusion section of the manuscript.
Authors' contribution: The type of the activity that each of the authors had in the study
Acknowledgments: Appreciation of the individual(s) or organization who assisted the researcher(s) in the research process.
Conflict of interest: It should be indicated if there is any conflict of interest.
Funding: It states whether a specific financial source, such as a specific organization, has sponsored the present study.
- Short Persian Abstract: It remains within the range of 150-250 words. Both Persian and English abstracts should be completely in accordance with each other. It starts with the purpose of the study and followed bya description of the statistical population, sample, sampling method, research design, research instruments as well as the most important method of analysis and then the results of the study must be discussed. The whole abstract should be written as an interconnected paragraph.
- Keywords: They are mentioned in both Persian and English immediately after the Persian and English abstracts - (3 to 5 words).
- Introduction:It includesthe statement of the problem, theoretical basis and research background mentioningthe theories and recent references. The introduction ends with the main goal of the research.
- Method
Research design, statistical population and sampling method: This part introduces the research design based on the structure of the studywaselaborated and completed, andthe statistical population,the sample and finally the sampling methodare illustrated and mentioned.
Procedure: Method of the research performing: This section explains the procedure and stages of conducting the research.
- Measuring instruments: The research tools required for the study along with their validity and reliability are discussed in this section.
- Findings: This section should clearly show the research results. If the study includesa specific data analysis procedure; such as path analysis, etc.;this part should delineatethe steps of analysis method and tables, with their English translation. In case of a descriptive and library research study, the relevant findings based on the subject under study with referring to previous research and related theories are discussed in the same section.
- Discussion and Conclusion: This part should review the research results and explain the findings. Following the discussion and conclusion - the authors' contributions,
acknowledgements, conflict of interests and financial resources are mentioned. The English versions of these four parts are also expressed after the extended abstract.
- English equivalents of scientific terms and concepts that are mentioned for the first time in the article should be given in full on the same page in parentheses. Please do not use a separate footnote.
- The in-text citations used in the article should be based on reliable and recent sources.
- All thereferencesshould be in English; they must be listed under the heading “References” and arranged alphabetically in English. The sources in Persian must be translated in English and the corresponding year of publication should be converted to AD with the expression [Persian] added at the end.
Note: At the end of all sources, make sure to include the URL link or DOI or DOR code related to the page where the article, book or any other sources is indexed.
Referencing books can also be done by using the databases in which the information about the book is available on the page, such as Gisoom website (for the books inPersian and the translated versions) or Amazon website(for non-Persian books) and other related sites.
For example:
Barthes, R. (1966). An Introduction to the Structural Analysis of Narratives. Translated by Mohammad Ragheb. (2008). Tehran: Farhang Saba. [Persian] URL: https://www.gisoom.com/book/11275372/
Dad, S. (2004). Dictionary of literary terms. Tehran: Morvarid. [Persian] URL: https://www.gisoom.com/book/1199640/
Barnet, S. (1965). A dictionary of literary terms. London: Little Brown. URL: https://www.amazon.com/Dictionary-Literary-Terms-sylvan barnet/dp/0330882120
- The in-text citation style for all sources, including Persian and English, should follow this template:
Single author (Karoukh, 2020)
Two authors (McComb& Mills, 2020)
Three authors (Kellie, Blake & Brooks, 2020)
Further, for the first citation of sources with multiple authors (more than two authors), the first three authors’ last names are included, and the sixth and more authors is followed byet al. In subsequent citations of the same source(with more than two authors) only the last name of the first author is written and then followed by et al. e.g. (Kellie & et al., 2020)
Formats of source citation in the Reference list
Journal articles
Last name, first name. (Year). Article Title. Journal title,volume number (issue number), page number range. URL or DOI of thearticle page (which can be accessed directly by clicking on the link).
GholamiFiroozjaee, A., &Ghasemi, N. (2021). A study of the political, cultural and economic roles of the women of the abbasid court. Journal of Women and Culture, 12(47), 83-93. [Persian] URL: http://jwc.iauahvaz.ac.ir/article_681641.html
Last name, first name. (Year). Book title. Place of publication: Publisher. URL or DOI of the book page (which can be accessed directly by clicking on the link).
Barnet, S. (1965). A dictionary of literary terms. London: Little Brown. URL: https://www.amazon.com/Dictionary-Literary-Terms-sylvan barnet/dp/0330882120
KarimiDastenai, T. (2020). Gender gap index 2020 in Iran and the world. Tehran: Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture. [Persian] URL: http://www.tccim.ir/Images/Docs/1080.pdf
Last name, first name. (Year). Title of the relevant section or chapter. Name and surname of the translator. Book title (edition number, pp: xxx-xxx). Place of publication: Publisher. URL or DOI of the page
Preacher, K. J., & Hayes, A. F. (2008). Contemporary approaches to assessing mediation in communication research. In A. F. Hayes, M. D. Slater, & L. B. Snyder (Eds.), The Sage sourcebook of advanced data analysis methods for communication research (pp. 13-54). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. URL: https://psycnet.apa.org/record/2008-06338-002
Note: If the text is adopted from an Arabic or Chinese book or any other languages and the title of the book contains specific words in that language (such as Al-Kafi), based on the APA format, the title of the book, as mentioned in Persian, is written first using English letters and then the English translation of title is given in brackets.
Waghedi, M. I. U. (1988). Al-Maghazi[The history of wars of the prophet]. Beirut: Moaseseh Al-AlamiLel-Matboat.
HorrAmili, M. I. H. (1988). Vasael Al-Shiaeh[Shiaeh logic]. Qom: MoasesehAhl Al-Bayt Alayhe Salam.
Last name, first name. (Conference year). Conference title. Presented at the title of the conference, conference location. URL or DOI of the page
Reoyo, A., Lopez, R., &Lucha, V. (2005). Meredith Belbin team roles and modes of conflict behaviour: A study in work teams from basque country organizations. Poster presented at the Annual Conference of the International Association for Conflict Management (IACM), Seville, Spain. URL: https://www.readcube.com/articles/10.2139%2Fssrn.736185
Doctoral Dissertations and Master's Theses
Last name, first name (year). Title. Master's thesis or doctoral dissertation. Name of university, city.URL or DOI of the page
Nooraida, M. N. (2011). The relationship between workplace spirituality and counterproductive work behavior. Doctoral Dissertation, University Utara Malaysia, Malaysia.
Further considerations
- 1 Submitted manuscripts should not have been published previously and should not be simultaneously under consideration by any other journals.
- 2 The author(s) are solely responsible for the contents of their manuscripts.
- 3 The journal reserves the right to accept or reject submitted manuscripts.
- 4 The journal reserves the right to make any necessary editorial changes to the contents of the manuscript.
- 5 Papers submitted to the journal are first screened by the editorial board to ensure that journal submission guidelines have been largely observed. Next, through the process of peer review, three expert reviewers confidentially evaluate the papers.
- 6 The orderof the published articles, as appeared in the issue,does not indicate the superiority of one article over others.
Format and fonts ofused in manuscripts for the scientific journal of Women and Culture
Manuscripts should be prepared using Word 2007 software, with a single-column format, paper size A4 (29 × 7/29 cm) and they must be submitted to the journal online system.
The manuscript should be sent in 3 files (1-authors’ profile, 2- manuscript file without the authors' names, 3- The commitment form to observe publishing ethics and disclosure of conflict of interest).
The order of the authors’ names, either in the authors' profile or on the software system, must be entered in the same way.
Margins and spacing |
Font type and size |
Bottom margin |
2.5 cm |
Persian Title of the article |
B Zar 14 (Bold) |
Top margin |
2.5 cm |
English Title of the article |
Times New Roman 13 (Bold) |
Right margin |
2.5 cm |
Authors’ names in Persian |
B Lotus 12 (Bold) |
Left margin |
2.5 cm |
Authors’ names in English |
Times New Roman 12 (Bold) |
Line spacing |
1 cm |
Persian abstract and keywords |
B Lotus 11 |
Text indentations and subtitles |
0.5 cm |
English abstract and keywords |
Times New Roman 11 |
Title indentations (e.g. Title for Introduction) |
0 |
Extended English abstract |
Times New Roman 11 |
Persian text of the article |
B Lotus 12 |
Englishtext of the article |
Times New Roman 10 |
References |
Times New Roman 10 |
Titles in Persian text |
B Lotus 13 (Bold) |
Subtitles in Persian text |
B Lotus 12 (Bold) |
Titles of Tables and Figures |
Times New Roman 10 (Bold) |
Contents of Tables and Figures |
Times New Roman 9 |