Knowledge and Research in Applied Psychology is a quarterly journal covering scientific and research psychological articles and papers. This journal is published by Islamic Azad University, Isfahan branch (Khorasan). Before submitting manuscripts to the journal’s website at Authors should carefully read the following information about setting up articles before sending their articles to the address.
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The method of in-text referencing and source writing based on (APA) format get more information from here
The name of the author or authors, title and academic degree, exact address, phone number and e-mail address should be on the page Insert the article first.
How to address: Student of ........, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan Branch (Khorasgan), Isfahan, Iran.
The font used in the article is Lotus Thin 13.
The abstract should be presented in Persian and English. The Persian abstract should be in gold thin 13 font and the English abstract in Time New Roman 11 font. Both abstracts should be equivalent to each other, not more than 200 words, and all its parts including the purpose, research method, statistical population, sample and sampling method, measurement tools, data analysis method and findings should be given in one paragraph.
No more than 6 keywords.
Arranging different parts of the article:
1)Article specification sheet
2) Title (maximum 25 words),
3)Persian abstract
4) Introduction (research problem, goal and hypothesis)
5) method (research method, statistical population and sample, measurement tool and implementation method),
6) Findings (tables and graphs, up to 5 tables),
7) discussion
8) gratitude
10) English abstract
In the case of analytical, descriptive or library studies, it is necessary to have requirements such as having an opinion or having a research background in the subject in question
Use APA method to refer to sources. All Persian sources inside the text and at the end of the article must be written in English according to the decisions made by the editorial board of the magazine according to the new format
- If the article has more than one author, mention up to 5 authors and then use the term colleague or colleagues.
• When using internet sites, make sure that these sites are reputable
The list of sources of the article should be arranged in alphabetical order of the last name and then the first letter of the name of the author or authors, the date of publication (in parentheses), the full title of the article, the name and family name of the translator, the publisher and the place of publication. This list is given at the end of the article
• Be sure to mention the DOI or DOR number associated with that source in the list of sources.
The original tables and graphs should be in the text of the article. The explanation of the tables and graphs should be given below them and their number and title should be given above
The number of pages of the article should not exceed 15 ministerial pages
In the articles taken from master's and doctorate theses, the name of the student should be mentioned first, then the name of the supervisor and advisor. Do not enter other names
- The authors are responsible for the accuracy and originality of the article and the ideas presented in it
If the article is based on organizational assistance, it is necessary to acknowledge and thank that authority. (It is mandatory to include acknowledgment of the sponsor or sponsor of the research (if any) in the article
The editorial board has the right to accept or reject or edit articles.
Articles will not be returned after receipt
Do not send articles to other publications at the same time
The order of the articles in the journal is not the reason for their superiority
Each article must have ethical principles and standards.
- Researches based on human samples must have a letter of informed consent and approval from the local ethics committee. Researches based on experiments with animals should be based on "Ethical principles of E-P-E in the care and use of animals in research"
- Necessary information for depositing the amount for the initial review of the article
The publication fee for authors is about 11$ (Equal to 10 million IR Rial)
Publication Payment Information
Name: Islamic Azad University-Isfahan Branch
The Melli Bank Account Number: 0223255628005
The Journal Code: 99012203