Design and Validation of a Math Curriculum Model Based on a Reality-Oriented Approach for High School Students
Subject Areas : Research in Curriculum PlanningAbdolamir Abaszadeh 1 , Alireza Medghalchi 2 * , Nasim Asghary 3
1 - Department of Mathematics, Faculty of sciences, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran
2 - Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematical sciences, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Department of mathematics. Faculety of Basic Sience. Centeal Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: high school, Validation, realistic mathematics education, curricular spider web, mathematics curriculum,
Abstract :
The current research aims to design and validate a realistic mathematics education curriculum model for high school students. Data collection was done by the documentary method and content analysis technique. The research community includes all documents on realistic mathematics education and the sample volume included 94 documents. Purposive sampling and the method of collecting extracted information was chip sampling. Validity and reliability of data from the four criteria of dependability, transferability, verifiability, dependence and reliability. Findings according to the Akker Pattern in the form of reality-oriented mathematics curriculum components, including: Rationale, Aims & Objectives, Content, Learning activities, Teacher Role, Materials & Resources, Location, Time, Grouping and Assessment, were explained. For the purpose of validation, the proposed model for the quantitative part was carried out using a descriptive survey method and a researcher-made scale. The reliability of the system was calculated using the content validity method and the calculation of content validity ratio indexes and the reliability tool was also calculated using the internal consistency method. Quantitative data was analyzed by confirmatory factor analysis. Finally, it was found that the model of the math curriculum designed based on the reality-oriented approach has the required validity.
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