Effectiveness of science education teaching based on multiple intelligence theory on creativity in 5 grade elementary school girl students
Subject Areas : Research in Curriculum PlanningHasan Gharibi 1 * , Jalil Aslani 2 , Mehzad Abdolmaleki 3
1 - assistant professor, Psychology, Payam Noor University, Iran
2 - assistant professor, Psychology, Islamic Azad University, Hamedan, Iran
3 - M.A student, Educational Science Department, Iran
Keywords: teaching, multiple intelligence theory, science education, Creativity,
Abstract :
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of science education teaching based on multiple intelligence theory on creativity in 5 grade elementary school girl students' in ghorveh city. The study was done by quasi experimental and interventional study using pretest – posttest with control group. The study population included all girl students in fifth grade elementary school in Qorveh Thatwas total number 550 people. The sample in this study consisted of 53 students in fifth grade elementary school girl so that all subjects were selected by multistage cluster sampling. To measure creativity, the Torrance creativity test " the form image" was used. The analysis was performed using analysis of ANCOVA. The results showed that the science education teaching based on multiple intelligence theory has been effective. Results of this study will be to use these strategies to be applied to enhance the creativity of the students by elementary school teachers.
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