Educational usage of French Loanwords in Lesson Zero of French Methods
Subject Areas : Research in Curriculum Planning
Rouhollah Rezapour
Fatemeh Khamoush
1 - Assistant professor, French Translation Departement,, Allameh Tabatabaei University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Teaching French,Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: French method, Loanwords, teacher, Zero lesson, langage learner,
Abstract :
Today, in order to improve the quality of foreign language teaching, methods profit from a lot of educational diversity. « Lesson zero » in French teaching methods is one of these innovations. Although this lesson, seems, at first glance, insignificant in the first pages of French teaching methods, it is considered from the point of view of many teaching specialists a powerful point, the dual educational points such as teacher and language learner benefit from it at the beginning of the task. On the other hand, one of the educational strategies in « Lesson Zero » is to use common words (loanwords). These words are semantically very close to the first language of the learner and it seems that the existence of this type of words is institutionalized in lesson zero. The remarkable thing about these words is that presenting these words at the beginning of French language methods, apart from raising the range of language words, pursues various educational goals. This article examines three groups of French language teaching methods: child, adolescent and adult methods, focusing on providing a variety of such terms in these methods. We examine the educational reasons for using these common words in educational methods, by the means of an analytical-descriptive approach. In this article, we will see that the presence of these words in parallel with the related educational exercises have significantly increased the educational quality of the « Zero Lesson » in the French teaching methods.
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