The relationship between implicit beliefs of intelligence, achievement goal orientation with academic procrastination in Tabriz University students
Subject Areas : Research in Curriculum Planningskandar Fathi azar 1 , rahim badri gargari 2 , manizheh khani 3 *
1 - Professor, Department of Educational Sciences, Tabriz University, Tabriz, Iran
2 - Professor, Department of Educational Sciences, Tabriz University, Tabriz, Iran
3 - M.A in Psychology, Tabriz University, Tabriz, Iran
Keywords: Implicit beliefs of intelligence, Achievement goal orientation and Academic procrastination,
Abstract :
This study determined the relationship between implicit beliefs of intelligence and achievement goal orientation with academic procrastination. For this purpose, using a stratified random method, 384 students were selected from all of the undergraduate students of Tabriz University (11200 students). Data were gathered by these questionnaires academic procrastination assessment scale, implicit beliefs of intelligence, and achievement goal orientation. Data obtained using Pearson's correlation test, and t test for independent groups were analyzed in SPSS software. The results showed that there was there is a significant relationship between implicit beliefs of intelligence (inherent and additive), goal orientations (mastery- approach, performance- avoidance, mastery- avoidance) and except the performance- approach, with academic procrastination. Finally, the results showed there was not any significant difference between males and females in academic procrastination. Also the 41 percent of the students have high and very high procrastination.
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