A Proposed Model for Mobile Banking Adoption from Customers Perspective and Compare it with World Known Models
Subject Areas : Jounal of Marketing ManagementS. Karkhanei 1 * , Sh. Mohammadi 2
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Keywords: mobile banking, Adoption, Factor influencing, Unified Theory of Acceptance a, Task technology fit, Advertisement,
Abstract :
Recent advances in wireless technologies and devices, has created new opportunities to provide innovative banking services named Mobile banking. With mobile banking, customers are able to conduct banking services at anyplace and anytime and to connect banking service easily and quickly with mobile devices. Since the penetration rate of mobile devices is more than other technologies, if mobile banking accepted by the customers can decreases costs of banks and customers effectively. Worldwide researches has shown that despite there are numerous benefits that mobile banking provides for customers and banks, it is not accepted by the customers. Research on factors affecting the adoption of mobile banking by customers can be helpful in resolving this issue. Therefore, in this study a new model for the adoption of mobile banking taking into account the role of advertisement is presented. The proposed model combines the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Usage of Technology (UTAUT) with Task Technology Fit (TTF), and adds other influencing factors. Also, the proposed model is compared with the world known models in this research.