Designing Structural Equation Model of Competitiveness in Level of Departments of Insurance Companies in Tehran
Subject Areas : Jounal of Marketing Management
M. R. Abbasi
H. RahimiKoloor
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Keywords: Competitiveness, Confirmatory Factor Analysis, SEM, insurance,
Abstract :
In the era of growing globalization competitiveness has been considered as a major issue among policy makers at different levels. In this paper we first review the research background, and study the factors affecting competitiveness. Then, using the confirmatory factor analysis technique, we identify a set of indices affecting competitiveness; classify them in three main indices (Environmental, Inter-organizational and Creating Perceptual Values Factors) and in the next stage, using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) the kind of relationship between new structure and indices affecting the competitiveness is studied so that while explaining conceptual model of competitiveness, the competitiveness domestic model is presented .The present study data has been collected from the insurance companies based in Tehran from among a 138 insurance expert. To analyze the data, we have used Lisrel software. The results of the research modified model have identified the factor creating conceptual value of the first importance. These results show that inter-organizational and environmental factors are of the next level of importance. Hence, the proposed model in this study has been different from its theoretical model.