The Role of Innovation Strategies in Strengthening the Products and Services Commercialization in Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs)
Subject Areas : Jounal of Marketing ManagementAkbar Mohammadi 1 * , Behnam Rezaei Asiabar 2 , sahar babaei 3
1 - PhD Student in Technology Management, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
2 - Master of Civil Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran
3 - PhD Student in Public Administration, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Small to Medium Enterprises, innovation strategies, Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), Commercial Competencies,
Abstract :
Nowadays, Using from Innovation Strategy is one of the most important tools for improving the products and services commercialization in companies. In this study, the model of innovation strategies has been investigated based on the classification of Fletch et al, 2018. Also, The Chen et al, 2009 model about classification on the dimensions of technology commercialization has been used. The research has been done with an exploratory approach and based on structural equation modeling with SmartPLS3 software. In this study designed Questionnaires were answered by 112 experts and managers from knowledge-based and medium-sized firms. The results indicated that Product Innovation Strategy and Process Innovation Strategy is positively, significantly influence to Products and Services Commercialization accelerated paths. In addition, the findings revealed that these Strategies are significant predictors of Market Development. Also, the findings showed that, product innovation strategies, unlike process innovation strategies, can’t have a positive and significant impact on Technological Scope in product and process commercialization.
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اسکندری، م.، قیدرخلجانی، ج. و اعرابی، س.م. (2011). "الگوی هماهنگی راهبردهای نوآوری محصول و فرآیند براساس چارچوب ارزشهای رقیب"، فصلنامه بهبود مدیریت، دوره. 5، شماره 3(13)، صص. 9-36.
آقاجانی، ح.، ولی نژاد، ص.، صف آرا، م. (1389). "ارائه الگویی مفهومی از نقش مدیریت دانش درموفقیت مالکیت و ادغام سازمانهای هزاره سوم"، Paper presented at the همایش چالشهای مدیریت و رهبری در سازمانهای ایرانی.
بغدادی، م.، شاوردی، م. (1391). "تجاریسازی موفق فناوری با رویکرد تیمی"، مجله رشد فناوری، دوره 9، شماره 33، صص. 37-45.
تاری، م.، مرادی، م.، ابراهیمپور، م. (1394). "بررسی عوامل مؤثر بر رشد و موفقیت شرکتهای دانش بنیان"، مجله رشد فناوری، دوره 12، شماره 45، صص. 36-44.
خدایاری، ف.، خدایاری، ب. و نوری، ف. (1398). "بررسی تأثیر جهتگیری بازار بر استراتژیهای نوآوری"، مجله مدیریت بازاریابی، دوره 14، شماره 43، صص. 17-29.
Brem, A. & Vahs, D. (2013). “Innovationsmanagement: Von Der Idee Zur Erfolgreichen Vermarktung: Schäffer-Poeschel.
Canh, N.T., Liem, N.T., Thu, P.A. & Khuong, N.V. (2019). “The Impact of Innovation on the Firm Performance and Corporate Social Responsibility of Vietnamese Manufacturing Firms”, Sustainability, Vol. 11(13), 3666.
Chen, C.J. (2009). “Technology Commercialization, Incubator and Venture Capital, and New Venture Performance”, Journal of Business research, Vol. 62(1), PP. 93-103.
Cheng, E.W., Ryan, N. & Kelly, S. (2012). “Exploring The Perceived Influence of Safety Management Practices On Project Performance In The Construction Industry”, Safety Science, Vol. 50(2), PP. 363-369.
Dorf, R.C. & Worthington, K.K. (1987). “Models for Commercialization of Technology from Universities and Research Laboratories”, the Journal of Technology Transfer, Vol. 12(1), PP. 1-8.
Figueiredo, P.N. & Piana, J. (2018). “Innovative Capability Building And Learning Linkages In Knowledge-Intensive Service Smes In Brazil's Mining Industry.”, Resources Policy, Vol. 58, PP. 21-33.
Flach, L. & Irlacher, M. (2018). “Product Versus Process: Innovation Strategies of Multiproduct Firms”, American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, Vol. 10(1), PP. 236-277.
Hung, S.-C., & Chu, Y.-Y. (2006). “Stimulating New Industries From Emerging Technologies: Challenges For The Public Sector”, Technovation, Vol. 26(1), PP. 104-110.
Ilyash, O., Dzhadan, I. & Ostasz, G. (2018). “The Influence of the Industry's Innovation Activities Indices on the Industrial Products'revenue of Ukraine”, Economics & Sociology, Vol. 11(4), P. 317.
Jajja, M.S.S., Kannan, V.R., Brah, S.A. & Hassan, S.Z. (2017). “Linkages between Firm Innovation Strategy, Suppliers, Product Innovation, and Business Performance”, International Journal of Operations & Production Management, Vol. 37(8), PP. 1054-1075.
Jin, S.H. & Choi, S.O. (2019). “The Effect Of Innovation Capability On Business Performance: A Focus on IT and Business Service Companies”, Sustainability, Vol. 11(19), P. 5246.
Kotler, P., Armstrong, G., Saunders, J. & Wong, V. (1996). “Marketing. The European Edition: Prentice Hall”, London New York Madrid Mexico City Munich.
Lendel, V. & Varmus, M. (2011). “Creation and Implementation of the Innovation Strategy in the Enterprise”, Economics and Management, Vol. 16(1), PP. 819-826.
Lockett, A. & Wright, M. (2005). “Resources, Capabilities, Risk Capital and the Creation of University Spin-Out Companies”, Research Policy, Vol. 34(7), PP. 1043-1057.
Morgan, R.E. & Berthon, P. (2008). “Market Orientation, Generative Learning, Innovation Strategy and Business Performance Inter‐Relationships in Bioscience Firms”, Journal of Management Studies, Vol. 45(8), PP. 1329-1353.
Owino, P.O., Senaji, T.A., Eng, R. & Ntara, C. (2017). “Effect of Innovation in Revenue Collection Processes on Organizational Performance of Nairobi City County”, International Academic Journal of Human Resource and Business Administration, Vol. 2(3), PP. 361-380.
Park, T. & Rhee, J. (2013). “Network Types And Performance In Smes: The Mediating Effects of Technology Commercialization”, Asian Journal of Technology Innovation, Vol. 21(2), PP. 290-304.
Sutopo, W., Astuti, R.W. & Suryandari, R.T. (2019). “Accelerating A Technology Commercialization; With A Discussion On The Relation Between Technology Transfer Efficiency And Open Innovation”, Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, Vol. 5(4), P. 95.
Tidhar, R. & Eisenhardt, K.M. (2020). “Get Rich Or Die Trying Finding Revenue Model Fit Using Machine Learning And Multiple Cases”, Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 41(7), PP. 1245-1273.
Van Hemert, P., Nijkamp, P. & Masurel, E. (2013). “From Innovation to Commercialization through Networks and Agglomerations: Analysis of Sources of Innovation, Innovation Capabilities and Performance of Dutch Smes”, the Annals of Regional Science, Vol. 50(2), PP. 425-452.