Designing a Special Value Brand Model for Peykan Volleyball Team in Tehran
Subject Areas : Jounal of Marketing Managementmorad Roumiyani 1 , Najaf Aghaei, 2 * , Amir hosein Monazami 3 , Saeed Rouniyani 4 , mina gandomi 5
1 - Master of Sport Management, Faculty of Sport Sciences, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Sport Management, Kharazmi University and Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Sport Management, Faculty of Sport Sciences, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University, Tehran, Iran
4 - Master of Sport Pathology, Faculty of Sport Sciences, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran
5 - Master of Sport Management, Faculty of Sport Sciences, University of Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Volleyball Team, Paykan Tehran, Special Brand Value,
Abstract :
Purpose: Today, building strong brands has been a marketing priority for many organizations because of the great advantages. Strong brands for a company create an identity in the marketplace. Brand equity has many benefits for companies and manufacturers. Today, brands in sports are widely considered. The aim of present study was to design a Special Value Brand Model for Peykan Volleyball Team in Tehran. Method: This was a descriptive-correlational study and in terms of data collection was field with structural equation approach. The statistical population of the study consisted of all spectators (1800) who were present at the indoor gym of Tehran Peykan Volleyball House in the 96-97 season to watch the Peykan volleyball team match. According to Morgan table, 317 spectators were selected using available sampling method. Akr’s (1991) questionnaire containing 29 items was used for data collection. The face and content validity of the research instrument was confirmed by 15 sports manager professors in the field of marketing management. Cronbach's alpha (0.983) and combined reliability (0.985) were used to assess the reliability of the questionnaire and confirmatory factor analysis using PLS software was used to test the research model. Results: The fitting of the measurement model showed the appropriate fitting of the research model. Also, the relationship between brand equity dimensions of Tehran Paykan team with T_ values criterion was shown to be positive and significant. Also in the overall fit of the model, Goodness of Fit criterion was used. The obtained value was 0.463, indicating appropriate fit of the overall model.
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Dehghani Soltani, M., Mohammadi, A., Pour Ashraf, Y., Sayeh Miri, .K. & Shirin Abadi, E. (2015). “Structural Equations modeling approach to determine the effect of experience, trust and loyalty to brand on brand equity”, Marketing Management Journal, Vol. 21(8), PP. 101-117. (In Persian).
Zytvnly, A., Farahani, A. & Asadi, H. (2011). “Sport Tourism and Long-Term Economic Impacts, Review of Tourism & Physical Education Experts' Views and Tourists on the Impacts of Tourism Development Sport on employment and income in Golestan province”, New Approaches to Sport Management. Vol. 1(1), PP. 9-18. (In Persian).
Kim, J.H. & Hyun, Y.J. (2010). “A model to investigate the influence of marketing mix efforts and corporate image on brand equity in the IT software sector”, Industrial marketing. Management, Vol. 40(3), PP. 424-438.
Rajh, E. (2005). “The effect of marketing mix elements on brand equity”, Economic Trenda and Economic Policy, No. 102, PP. 30-59.
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Carlson, B.D. & Donavan, D.T. (2013). “Human brands in sport: Athlete brand personality and identification”, Journal of Sport Management, Vol. 27(3), PP. 193-206.
Irwin, R.L., Sutton, W.A. & McCarthy, L.M. (2008). “Sport promotion and sales management”. Illinois: Human Kinetics, Champaign.
Ross, S.D. (2006). “A conceptual framework for understanding spectator-based brand equity”, Journal of Sport Management, Vol. 20(1), PP. 22-3.
Biscaia, R., Correia, A., Ross, S., Rosado, A. & Maroco, J. (2013). “Spectator-based brand equity in professional soccer”, Sport Marketing Quarterly, Vol. 22(1), PP. 20-32.
Aaker, D.A. (1991). “Managing brand equity: Capitalizing on the value of a brand name”, New York, PP. 15-88.
Sayed Javadin, R. & Shams, R. (2007). “The factors determining brand equity for sport shoes among a group of youth”, Social and Humanistic Researches (management), Vol. 7(25), PP. 73-96. (inPersian).
Ehsani, M. & Javani, V. (2014). “Effects of succeed teams’ brand on fans’ loyalty in Football Premier League”, applied researches on biology and management of sport, No 2. PP. 89-98. (In Persian).
Zhang, J., Jiang, Y., Shabbir, R. & Du, M. (2014). “Building industrial brand equity by leveraging firm capabilities and co-creating value with customers”. Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. 51, PP. 47-58.
Ravindar, R. (2012). “Chandrajeet, K.Creating Consumer Based Brand Equity in Indian Sport Shoe Market”, Business & Management Review. (2), P. 131.
Jalali Farahani, M. (2014). “Effect of mixed elements of marketing on brand equity for sport services”, Applied Sport Management Researches publication, Vol. 2(6), PP. 11-20. (In Persian).
Eghbali, A., Dehghan Dehnavi, H., Naeeb Zadeh, Sh. & Kalantar Zadeh, Sh. (2015). “Investigation of effects of brand experience, propaganda and sale improvement on brand equity (case study: Kaleh products)”, International Management Conference in 2th century. (In Persian).
Takali, H. (2012). “Modeling customer-based brand equity Iranian National Olympic Committee. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation)”, University of Tehran, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences. (In Persian).
Moradi, H, Zarei, A. (2012). “Creating consumer-based brand equity for young Iranian consumers via country of origin sub-components effects”, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, Vol. 24(3), PP. 394-413.
Alavi Foumani, S.F., Rezaie Kilidbari, H.R., Goudarzvand Chegini, M. (2016). “Comparison of brand equity for premier sport brands (case study: sport brands Nike, Adidas and Puma), Iran Management Sciences quarterly, Vol. 11(41), PP. 51-71. (In Persian).
Abdollah Zadeh, A, & Takali, H. (2017). “Investigation of brand equity for Mazandaran Kaleh Volleyball team”, Sport Management Studies, Vol. 9(43), PP. 185-198. (In Persian).
Mahmoudi Pachal, Z, Zareie, GH. & Bashokouh, M. (2017). “Representing the customer-centered brand equity model in Sare`in Tourism area”, Scientific-research quarterly of Tourism and Development, Vol. 6(3), PP. 116-138. (In Persian).
Bouchet, P. & Hillairet, D. (2014) and Bodet, G.Sport brands”, translated by Tejari, F. Nasr Isfahani, D. and Majedi, N., Tehran, Hatmi publication, pp. 50. (In Persian).
Kazemi Mahyari, H. (2014). “Determination of the effects of consumers’ perceptions in original country on Acker-based brand equity (case study: Domestic visual-sonic equipment in Masjed Soleiman”, a M.A thesis from Isfahan university, Virtual Teaching College. (In Persian).