The role of brand new components in promoting brand performance from customer’s perceived (Case of: customers of Hyper ME’s store chains in Mashhad)
Subject Areas : Jounal of Marketing ManagementNayereh Gholami 1 * , mostafa farokhy ostad 2 , saeedeh Babajani Mohamadi 3
1 - Master of Business Administration, Ferdows Institute of Higher Education, Mashhad, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Birjand University, Birjand, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Ferdows Higher Education Institute, Mashhad, Iran
Keywords: brand signature, Brand reputation, Brand performance, perceived quality, brand awareness, Brand attitude,
Abstract :
Due to the remarkable advantage for customers, today, trusting store chains and authentic brands are of considerable significance. Moreover, identifying the customer desired factors to choose appropriate store chains and develop their own marketing programs and strategies while managing chain stores is of utmost importance. Therefore, the current study investigated the factors affecting customer persuasion toward choosing chain stores. To this end, the effect of new brand components in promoting brand performance have been considered from customer’s perspective. The current research was applied in terms of purpose and it was correlation descriptive in terms of data collection. The statistical population of the study included 384 samples based Cochran formula using convenient sampling strategy. The results of the study indicated that brand signature and brand awareness affected brand attitude. Moreover, brand attitude and brand awareness affected on brand reputation. On the other hand, the effect of brand reputation and the mediating role of perceived quality of the brand on brand performance, was confirmed. In addition, among seven hypotheses of the study, all relations between variables were confirmed except the relationship between brand signature and brand awareness. Considering the innovation in investigating the relationships between brand signature and attitude and awareness of consumers toward it, the results of this study presented a comprehensive view of the concept of desirability of brand signature as a distinct massage which was the sign of reliability of product qualities and services as well as its resulting consequences. It is expected that it affects the improvement of customers` comprehension while creating awareness by reputation and lead to desired attitude and increase brand performance of the stores.
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آقازاده، ه.، خانلری، ا. و اکبرپور، ه. (1394). "بررسی رابطه بین ارزش ویژه مشتری و عملکرد گروه هتلهای بینالمللی پارسیان"، فصلنامه علمی پژوهشی مدیریت بازرگانی، دوره 7، شماره 4، صص. 761-782
ابراهیمی، ا.ق.، علوی، م. و پورموردینی، ا. (1395). "بررسی اثر مسئولیت پذیری اجتماعی ادراکی بر شهرت، هویتیابی مشتری و قصد خرید برند (مطالعه موردی: شرکت گلستان)"، فصلنامه علمی پژوهشی مدیریت بازرگانی، دوره 8، شماره 3، صص. 479-502.
بهزادی، م.، عابدی، اح. و هاشمی، م. (1398). "بررسی پیامدهای رفتاری/نگرشی مدیریت برند داخلی میان کارکنان فروش شرکت فرمند"، فصلنامه علمی پژوهشی مدیریت بازرگانی، دوره 11، شماره 3، صص. 505-524.
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حسینزاده شهری، م. و خسروی، م. (1392). "تأثیر تصویر فروشگاه بر قصد حمایت و وفاداری مشتری (مورد مطالعه: شرکتهای تولیدکننده لوازم خانگی)"، فصلنامه علمی پژوهشی مدیریت بازرگانی، دوره 6، شماره 3، صص. 475-496.
خانلری، ا.، اسفیدانی، م.ر. و مشایخنیا، ع. (1398). "مدل مفهومی قدرت گفتمان پذیری برند در صنعت خودرو با رویکرد ساختاری-تفسیری"، فصلنامه علمی پژوهشی مدیریت بازرگانی، دوره 11، شماره 2، صص. 318-299.
دل افروز، ن.، فرخبخت فومنی، ع.ر. و خسروی، م.ر. (1396). "تبیین استفاده از رسانههای اجتماعی در تعاملات میان شرکتهای بیمه، نمایندگیهای فروش و مشتریان (مطالعه موردی: شرکت بیمه ایران)"، فصلنامه علمی پژوهشی مدیریت بازرگانی، دوره 9، شماره 2، صص. 294-271.
دهدشتی شاهرخ، ز. و حاجی نوروزی، ا. (1395). "اثر کیفیت ادراک شده، دلزدگی و رضایت بر قصد تغییر برند (مطالعه موردی: رستورانهای ایتالیایی شهر تهران)"، فصلنامه علمی پژوهشی دانشگاه تهران، دوره 8، شماره 3، صص. 549-568.
طباطبایینسب، م. و ماه آور پور، ف. (1395). "بررسی تعامل بین عوامل چهارگانه مؤثر بر شهرت برند و نقش آن بر تبلیغات توصیهای"، نشریه علمی مدیریت برند، دوره 3، شماره 6، صص.37-64.
عابدی، ا. و جمالو، ف. (1396). "بررسی عوامل مؤثر بر هویت برند سازمانی و تأثیر آن بر عملکرد برند و رضایت کارکنان بیمه البرز (مطالعه موردی: کارکنان استان تهران)"، فصلنامه علمی پژوهشی مدیریت بازرگانی، دوره 9، شماره 3، صص. 617-640.
عزیزی، ش. و بلورپارسا، م.ر. (1395). "ترسیم شبکه تداعیهای برند بانک کشاورزی و بانک تجارت با استفاده از فن نقشه مفهوم برند"، فصلنامه علمی پژوهشی مدیریت بازرگانی، دوره 8، شماره 2، صص. 413-432.
فیض، د.، موتمنی، ع.ر.، لردنائیج، ا.، زارعی، ع. و دهقانی سلطانی، ع. (1396). "تأثیر عملکرد برند بر رقابتپذیری برند با تبین نقش فرصت طلبی فناورانه"، پژوهشهای مدیریت عمومی، دوره 10، شماره 35، صص. 159-182.
نظری، م. و قزلباش، م. (1396). "بررسی تأثیر قالببندی پیام تخفیف و برند بر صرفهجویی ادراک شده، کیفیت ادراک شده و قصد خرید مصرفکنندگان"، فصلنامه علمی پژوهشی مدیریت بازرگانی، دوره 9، شماره 1، صص. 193-211.
Ahn, J., Joon Back, K. & Ki Lee, Ch. (2019). “Anew dualistic approach to brand attitude: the role of passion among integrated resort customers”, International Journal of Hospitality Management, Vol. 78, PP. 261-267.
Arli, D., Grace, A., Palmer, J. & Pham, C. (2017). “Investigating the direct and .indirect effects of corporate hypocrisy and perceived corporate reputation on consumers attitudes toward the company”, Journal of retailing and consumerservices, Vol. 37, PP. 139-145.
Augusto, M. & Torres, P. (2018). “Effects of brand attitude and ewom on consumers willingness to pay in the banking industry: mediating role of consumer-brand identification and brand equity”, journal of retailing and consumer services, Vol. 42, PP. 1-10.
Casidy, R., Wymer, W. & Ocass, A. (2018). “Enhancing hotel brand performance through fostering brand relationship orientation in the minds of consumers”, tourism management, Vol. 66, PP. 72-84.
Chen, L., Li, Y. & Liu, Ch. (2019). “How air line service quality determines the quantity of repurchase intention-Mediate and moderate effects of brand quality and perceined valu”, Journal of Air Transport Management, Vol. 75, PP. 185-197.
Das, G. (2014). “Factors affecting Indian shopper’s attitude and purchase intention: An empirical check”. Journal of retailing and consumer services, Vol. 21, PP. 561-569.
Diallo, M.F. & Seck, A.M. (2018). “How store service quality affects attitude toward store brands in emerging countries: Effect of brand cues and the cultural context”, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 86, PP. 311-320.
Dotson, J., Fan, R., Fait, E., Oldham, J. & Yeh, Y. (2017). “Brand Attitudes and Search Engine Queries”, Journal of interactive Marketing, Vol. 37, PP. 105-116.
Foroudi, P. (2019). “Influence of brand signature, brand awareness, brand attitude, brand reputation on hotel industry’s brand performance”, International journal of hospitality management, Vol. 76, PP. 271-285.
Foroudi, P., Yu, Q., Gupta, S. & Foroudi, M. (2019). “Enhancing university brand image and reputation through customer value co-creation”, Technological Forecasting and Social change, Vol. 138, PP. 218-227.
Foroudi, P., Dinnie, K., kitchen, P.J., Melewar, T.C. & Foroudi, M. (2017). “IMCbrand identity in higher education”, European Journal of marketing, Vol. 51(3), PP. 528-550.
Gong, M., Gao, Y., Koh, L., Sutcliffe, CH. & Cullen, J. (2019). “The role of customer awareness in promoting firm sustainability and sustainable supply chain management”, International Journal of production Economics, Vol. 217, PP. 88-96.
Han, S., Nguyen, B. & Lee, T. (2015). “Consumer-based chain restaurant brand equity, brand reputation, and brand trust”, International Journal of Hospitality Management, Vol. 50, PP. 48-93.
Henderson, P., Cote, J., Leong, M. & Schmitt, B. (2003). “Building strong brands in Asia: Selecting the visual components of image to maximize”, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Vol. 20(4), PP. 297-313.
Karaosmanoglu, E., Banu Elmadag Bas, A. & Zhang, J. (2011). “The role of other customer effect in corporate marketing: its impact on corporate image and consumer-company identitication”, European J.Marketing, Vol. 45(9/10), PP. 1416-1445.
Keller, k.l. (1993). “Conceptualizing .measuring, and managing customer-based brand equity, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 57(1), PP. 1-22.
Koh, Y., Lee, S. & Boo, S. (2009). “Impact of brand recognition and brand reputation on firm performance: U.S-based multinational restaurant companies perspective”, International Journal of Hospitality Management, Vol. 28, PP. 620-630.
Kumar, P. & Polonsky, M. (2019). “In-store experience quality and perceived credibility: A green retailer contet”, Journal of Retailing and consumerservices, Vol. 49, PP. 23-34.
Lacoeuilhe, J., Louis, D. & Lombart, C. (2017). “Impacts of product, store and retailer perceptions on consumers relationship to terroir store brand”, Journal of retailing andconsumer services, Vol. 39(2017), PP. 43-53.
Li, S., Peitz, M. & Zhao. (2016). “Information disclosure and consumer awareness”, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Vol. 128, PP. 209-230.
Macdonald, E.K. & Sharp, B.M. (2000). “Brand awareness effects on consumer decision making for a common, repeat purchase product: a replication”, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 48(1), PP. 5-15.
Marakanon, L. & Panjakajornsak, V. (2017). “Perceived quality, perceived risk and customer trust affecting customer loyalty of environmentally friendly electronics products”, Kasetsart journal of social sciences, Vol. 38(1), PP. 24-30.
Melewar, T.C., Foroudi, P., Gupta, S., Kitchen, P. & Foroudi, M. (2017). “Integrating identity, strategy and communications for trust, loyalty and commitment”, European Journal of Marketing, Vol. l51(3), PP. 572-604.
.Porral, C. Mangin, J. (2017). “Store brands purchase intention: Examining the role of perceived quality”, European Research on Management and Business Economics, Vol. 23(2), PP. 90-95.
Su, L., Swanson, S. & Chen, X. (2016). “The effects of perceived service quality on repurchase intentions and subjective well being of Chinese tourists: The mediating role of relationship quality”, Tourism Management. Vol. 52, PP. 82-95.
Thakshak. (2018). “Analysing customer based airline brand equity: Perspective from Taiwan”, Future Business Journal. Vol. 4(2), PP. 233-245.