The effect of bank and customer relationship value on customer citizenship behavior based on quality and power of impermanent relationship variables (Case study: Saderat Bank of Isfahan)
Subject Areas : Jounal of Marketing Management
Abbas Ghaedamini Harouni
Reza Ebrahimzadeh Dastjerdi
Mehrdad Sadeghi
Majed i Maharani Barzan
1 - PhD Student in Cultural Management, South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Media Management, Isfahan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Cultural Management and Planning, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran
4 - PhD Student in Cultural Management, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran
Keywords: Customer Citizenship Behavior, Relationship Value, Relationship Power, Relationship Quality,
Abstract :
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of customer relationship with the bank on customer behavior through intermediary variables of relationship quality and relationship strength. The present research was applied in terms of purpose and in terms of collecting descriptive information of correlation type. The statistical population of this study was all staff members working at the branches of SADERAT Bank, numbering 4662118. By using Cochran sampling formula, 645 people were selected through simple random sampling method. The research tools were standard questionnaire of value relationship and standard questionnaire of relationship quality and the standard questionnaire of customer behavior and power standard questionnaire. The validity of the questionnaires was assessed based on the content validity based on the opinion of the experts on the basis of the views of some of the statistical population and the structure by factor analysis method and after valid terms Word confirmation. On the other hand, the Cornbrash’s alpha method was used to determine the questionnaire of standard value of relationship (0.84) and standard questionnaire of relationship quality (0.81) and customer's standard citizenship behavior questionnaire (0.75), respectively. The standard strength questionnaire (0.70) was estimated. Data analysis was carried out at two descriptive and inferential levels including structural equation modeling. The results of the research showed that the value of customer relationship with the bank had a significant effect on customer's citizenship behavior through the relationship between quality of relationship and power. The coefficient of influence of the relationship with the mediation of the quality of the relationship was equal to 0.17 and with the mediating power of the relationship equal to 0.13 be.
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آقاداوود، س.ر. و ردائی، م. (1385). "تمرین رفتار با مشتری"، اصفهان، انتشارات غزل.
رنجبریان،ب.، رشید کابلی،م.، صنایعی،ع. و حدادیان،ع. (1391). "تحلیل رابطه بین ارزش درک شده، کیفیت درک شده، رضایت مشتری و قصد خرید مجدد در فروشگاههای زنجیرهای تهران"، فصلنامه مدیریت بازرگانی، دوره 4، شماره 11، صص. 55-70.
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غفاری آشتیانی،پ.، زنجیردار، م. و پناهی وانانی، م. (1392). "بررسی تأثیر کیفیت ارتباطات و تفاهم با مشتری بر روی گفتههای شفاهی مثبت"، فصل نامه مدیریت بازاریابی، شماره 18، صص. 19-1.
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نادی،م. و انصاری،م. (1396). "مدلسازی معادلات ساختاری رابطة بین ادراک از ابعاد عدالت و عواطف مثبت و منفی مشتری با رفتارهای شهروندی و بدکارکرد مشتری"، فصلنامه علمی-پژوهشی تحقیقات بازاریابی نوین، سال 7، شماره 26، صص. 159-174.
الهی، ش. و حیدری، ب. (1387). "مدیریت ارتباط با مشتری"، تهران، شرکت چاپ و نشر بازرگانی.
Abbasi, A., Safarnia, H. & Baradaran, M. (2011). “A Study of factors effecting customer citizenship behavior”, Interdiscirlinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business, Vol. 3(1), PP. 573-594.
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Agarwal, A., Harding, D.P. & Schumacher, J.R. (2004). “Organizing for CRM”, McKinsey Quarterly, Vol. 3, PP. 80-91.
Ahmadi, F. & Tavreh, N. (2011). “The relationship between corporate reputation and customer citizenship behaviors”, Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business, Vol. 3(3). PP. 235.
Alniacik, U., Cigerim, E., Akcin, K. & Bayram, O. (2011). “Independent and joint effects of perceived corporate reputation”, affective commitment and job satisfaction on turnover intentions. Vol. 24, PP. 1177-1189.
Anaza, N.A. & Zhao, J. (2013). “Encounter-based antecedents of e-customer citizenship behaviors”, Journal of Services Marketing, Vol. 27, PP. 130-140.
Bagger, J. & Li, A. (2011). “How does supervisory family support influence employees’ attitudes and behaviors? A social exchange perspective”, Journal of Management, Vol. 40, Issue. 4, PP. 1123-1150.
Balaji, M.S. (2014). “Managing customer citizenship behavior: a relationship perspective”, Journal of Strategic Marketing, Vol. 22, No. 3, PP. 222-239.
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Bartikowski, B. & Walsh, G. (2011). “Investigating Mediators between Corporate Reputation and Customer Citizenship Behaviors”, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 64, PP. 39-44.
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Bove, L.L., Pervan, S.J., Beatty, S.E. & Shiu, E. (2009). “Service worker role in encouraging customer organizational citizenship behaviors”, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 62, PP. 698-705.
Boyle, M.J. (2004). “Using CRM Software Effectively”, CPA Journal, Vol. 74(7), PP. 17-26.
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Chan, K., Gong, T., Zhang, R. & Zhou, M. (2017). “Do employee citizenship behaviors lead to customer citizenship behaviors? Theroles of dual identification and service climate”, Journal of Service Research, Vol. 20(3), PP. 259-274.
Chiaburu, D.S., Oh, I.S., Berry, C.M., Li, N. & Gardner, R.G. (2011). “The five-factor model of personality traits and organizational citizenship behaviors: A meta-analysis”, Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 96, PP. 1140-1166.
Daunt, K. & Harris, L.C. (2011). “Customers acting badly: Evidence from the hospitality industry”, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 64(10), PP. 1034-1042.
De Backer, M., Boen, F., Ceux, T., De Cuyper, B., Høigaard, R., Callens, F. & et al. (2011). “Do perceived justice and need support of the coach predict team identification and cohesion? Testing their relative importance among top volleyball and handball players in Belgium and Norway”, Psychology of Sport and Exercise, Vol. 12(4), PP. 192-201.
Demirci Orel, F. & Kara, A. (2014). “Supermarket self-checkout service quality customer satisfaction, and loyalty: Empirical evidence from an emerging market”, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Vol. 21(2), PP. 118-129.
Farh, J.L., Zhong, C.B. & Organ, D.W. (2004). “Organizational citizenship behavior in the People’s Republic of China”, Organization Science, Vol. 15, PP. 241-253.
Fombrun, C. (1996). “Reputation: Realizing value from the corporate image”, Harvard Business School Press.
Garma, R. & Bove, L.L. (2011). “Contributing to well-being: Customer citizenship behaviors directed to service personnel”, Journal of Strategic Marketing, Vol. 19, PP. 633-649.
Gilde, C., Pace, S., Pervan, S.J. & Strong, C. (2011). “Examining the boundary conditions ofcustomer citizenship behaviour: A focus on consumption ritual”, Journal of Strategic Marketing, Vol. 19, PP. 619-631.
Groth, M. (2005). “Customers as Good Soldiers: Examining Citizenship Behaviors in Internet Service Deliveries”, Journal of Management, Vol. 31, No. 1, PP. 7-27
Hoffman, T. & Kashmeri, S. (2000). “Coddling the Customer, Computerworld, Vol. 34(50), PP. 58-60.
Ihtiyar, A., Ahmad, F. & Mohd Osman, M.H. (2014). “An IntegratedFramework: Intercultural Competence, Service Quality andCustomer Satisfaction in Grocery Retailing”, Procedia - Social andBehavioral Sciences, Vol. 109, PP. 492-496.
Kalemci Tuzun, I. & Korkmaz Devrani, T. (2011). “The impact of perceived employee identification on the relationship between customer company-identification and customer citizenship behaviour: Practice from Turkish hotels”, African journal of business management, Vol. 5 (5), PP. 1781-1786.
Kong Wing Chow, C. (2014). “Customer satisfaction and service quality in the Chinese airline industry”, Journal of Air Transport Management, Vol. 35, PP. 102-107.
Laufer, D. & Coombs, W.T. (2006). “How should a company respond to a product harm crisis? The role of corporate reputation and consumer-based cues. Vol. 49(5), PP. 379-385.
Liu. & Lee. (2011). “in a research entitled The Effect of Quality of Services on Customer Satisfaction and Returning to Clubs Golf Business by Sex” Journal of business research, Vol. 60(1), PP. 21-31.
Liu, C., Guo, Y.M. & Lee, C. (2011). “The effects of relationship quality and switching barriers on customer loyalty”, International Journal of Information Management, Vol. 31, PP. 71-79.
Money, K., Hillenbrand, C., Day, M. & Magnan, G.M. (2010). “Exploring reputation of B2B partnerships: Extending the study of reputation from the perception of single firms to the perception of inter-firm partnerships”, Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. 39, PP. 761-768.
Ndubisi, N.O. (2006). “Effect of gender on customer loyalty: A relationship marketing approach”, Marketing Intelligence & Planning, Vol. 24, PP. 48-61.
Patterson, P.G., Razzaque, M.A., Shee, C. & Terry, L. (2004). “Customer Citizenship Behaviour in Service Organisations: A Social Exchange Model”.
Podsakoff, P.M., MacKenzie, S.B., Paine, J.B. & Bachrach, D.G. (2000). “Organizational citizenship behaviors: A critical review of the theoretical and empirical literature and suggestions for future research”, Journal of Management, Vol. 26, PP. 513-563.
Sanchez-Franco, M.J., Ramos, A.F.V. & Velicia, F.A.M. (2009). “The moderating effect of gender on relationship quality and loyalty toward Internet service providers”, Information & Management, Vol. 46, PP. 196-202.
Sashi, C. (2012). “Customer engagement, buyer–seller relationships, and social media”, Management Decision, Vol. 50, PP. 253-272.
Shi, G., Shi, Y., Chan, A.K.K. & Wang, Y. (2009). “Relationship strength in service industries: A measurement model”, International Journal of Market Research, Vol. 51, PP. 659-685.
Sin, L.Y.M., Tse, A.C.B. & Yim, F.H.K. (2005). “CRM conceptualization and scale development”, International of Journal of Marketing, Vol. 39(11/12), PP. 1264-1290
Singh, U. & Srivastava, K.B.L. (2009). “Interpersonal trust and organizational citizenship behavior”, Psychological Studies, Vol. 54(1), PP. 65-76.
Storbacka, K., Strandvik, T. & Gronroos, C. (1994). “Managing customer relationships for profit: The dynamics of relationship quality”, International Journal of Service Industry Management, Vol. 5, PP. 21-38.
Tachin et al. (2012). In a study entitled “A History of Loyalty to Internet Services Providers in Thailand: Developing a Conceptual Model”, Marketing Intelligence & Planning, Vol. 31(3), PP. 196-215.
Tonder, E.V. & De Beer, L.T. (2018). “New perspectives on the role of ustomer satisfaction and commitment in promoting customer citizenship behaviours”, South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences, Vol. 21(1). PP. 1-11.
Tulubas, T. & Celep, C. (2012). “Effect of perceived procedural Justice on faculity Silence: The Mediating Role of Trust in Supervisor”, procelia-social and Behavioral sciences, Vol. 47, PP. 1221-1231.
Verdugo, M. & Veerapermal, N. (2009). “The employee-customer relationship quality Antecedents and onsequences in the hotel industry”, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Vol. 21, PP. 251-274.
Wang, W., Liang, C. & Wu, Y. (2006). “Relationship bonding tactics, relationship quality and customer behavioural loyalty-behavioural sequence in Taiwan's information service industry”, Journal of Service Research, VOL. 6(1), PP. 31-57.
Woo, K.-s. (2009). “Customer Voluntary Performance: Does “Presence of Others” Really Matter?”.
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