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    Authors' Guide

    Quarterly Journal Article Formatting Guide

    Acceptable articles in the quarterly journal are scientific reports of research studies that include Persian and English abstracts, introduction, methods, findings, discussion and interpretation, conclusions, and references

    The volume of articles should be between 15 and 25 A4 pages (each page about 400 words) and typed in Word 2007 format or lower with B-mitra 13 font

    The title of the article should be concise and appropriate to the content and indicate the purpose and findings of the research

    The structure of the articles should include the following components


    Title page

    1- Title of the article in Persian with Traffic font size 14 bold

    2- Latin title of the article with Verdana font size 12 bold

    3- Name of the corresponding author and other authors in Persian with B Mitra font size 12 bold

    4- Details of the authors and academic rank and university of teaching/PhD student and name of university/Master's degree and field of study with Mitra font size 10

    5- Name of the corresponding author and other authors in English with Times New Roman font size 9 bold

    6- Details of the authors with academic rank and university/PhD student and name of university/Master's degree and field of study in English with Times New Roman font size 8

    Contact number of the corresponding author

    Email of the corresponding author with Times New Roman size 11


    Abstract in Persian and English


    - Abstracts in both Persian and English on one page: Persian (maximum 250 words), English (maximum 250 words) in one paragraph with past tense verbs Includes the purpose, sample, tools, research findings and final result; in Mitra B font size 11, Latin abstract should be an exact translation of the Persian abstract

    - Persian and English keywords: appropriate to the title of the article (3 to 5 words); in Mitra B font size 11

    The article should be compiled based on four sections: Introduction, Method, Findings and Discussion, and Acknowledgements, if necessary, and presented in accordance with the following fonts, line spacing 20 exactly and one column per page



    in B Mitra font size 14bold

    The text of the introduction in Mitra B font size 14, 3/0 extend and without subtitles includes: statement of the problem, theoretical foundations, background, objective(s), question(s), and research hypothesis (es) (if necessary) which are introduced in coherent paragraphs. Uniform terms should be presented and their Latin subtitles should be provided the first time. For sources that are not directly referenced, a subtitle (surname and initials of the author's name) should be given. It is essential to cite articles published in the Journal of Management and Organizational Behavior in Sport and to keep the sources up to date. For translated sources, the publication date of the original work (e.g., Quinn1 and Stern2, 2002) should be included and Latin names should be subtitled. Up to three sources should be cited in the main text, and more than three sources should be stated as “First source and colleagues.” Example

    One author: last name, year of publication, page number. Example: (Ahmadi, 1999: 85)

    Two authors: First person's last name (, or and) Second person's last name, year of publication, page number. Example: (Ahmadi, Asadi, 2001: 82) or (Ahmadi and Asadi, 2001: 82)

    Three or five authors: Example: First citation: (Asadi, Hassani, Arjomand, 2005: 26)

    More than three authors: (Asadi et al., 2005: 26)

    * If the name of the author is mentioned in the main text, the year of publication and page number of the work are immediately given in parentheses when citing specific pages of the work. Example: Shafi'i and Abbasi (2000: 59), believe that ...


    Article method


    In B Mitra font size 14 bold

    Text of the method is in Mitra size 14, 3/0 extend and without subtitle Including: research design, statistical population, sampling method, study sample group and demographic characteristics, research instrument with details (name of manufacturer and year of publication, number of items, components or subscales, scoring method, validity and reliability) and data analysis methods should be presented



    In B Mitra font size 14 bold

    The text of the findings should be in Mitra font size 14 and 0.3 extend. In this section of the article, statistical findings are presented without subtitles, citing tables. Tables should be in academic format and figures should be arranged in accordance with APA guidelines



    In Mitra font size 14 B bold

    The text of the discussion should be in Mitra font size 14, 0.3 extend and without subtitles, including: conclusions, combining and linking the research findings with the research background, and explaining the possible causes of contradictions. In other words, in this section, the findings are explained and interpreted in light of the research background, and the similarities and differences between the research results and previous research are clarified. Finally, limitations and suggestions should be stated. Avoid repeating the research questions and hypotheses in this section




    In B Mitra font size 14 bold

    Persian sources should be included in Bmitra size 11 (italic, bold and plain) and 0.5 hanging, in alphabetical order, and English sources should be included in alphabetical order in Times New Roman size 10 (italic, bold and plain). Be careful to mention only those sources that are directly cited in the text of the article. The following should be observed in organizing the sources

    For websites, first enter the URL address and then the date of visit in day/month/year (Example: Retrieved from http://www.....March 23, 2011 ).

    To strictly adhere to the method of listing Persian and Latin sources (books, book translations (in Persian sources), quarterly journals, theses), please pay close attention to the following




    Surname, author's name (year of publication). (Book title (in italics. Place of publication: Name of publication. Example


    Ali Abadi, Khadijeh (2017). Introduction to Educational Technology. Tehran: Payam Noor University Press


    Nayfeh, A.H., (1985). Perturbation Methods. John Wiley and Sons, New York.


    * Books that are published with the title of organizations and institutions instead of the author. Example: Center for Scientific Documents, Ministry of