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    Journal of Management and Organizational Behavior in Sports Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch began its activities in the winter of 2012. Its publication as a scientific academic journal in the field of sports was a fortunate event that occurred in the field of Iranian academic research. In the establishment, development and durability of this journal, great professors such as Dr. Farshad Tejarat, Dr. Farideh Ashraf Ganjoui, Dr. Akbar Afarinesh Khaki, Dr. Fereydoon Tondnavis, Dr. Ali Zarei, Dr. Ali Mohammad Safania, Dr. Parivash Nourbakhsh played a major role. Quarterly Journal of Management and Organizational Behavior in Sports, based on the Commission for Review of Scientific Journals of the country, dated 427326/87, dated 15/11/90, of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, has scientific-public validity.