Exergetic Comparison of Manufacturing Options in the Traditional Bread Supply Chain
Subject Areas : MicrobiologyA.A. Saminia 1 * , R. Ghasemiyeh 2
1 - Ph. D. Student in Industrial Management, Faculty of Human Sciences, Persian Gulf University, Bushehr, Iran.
2 - Associate Professor of Production and Operation Mangement, Department of Management, Shahid Chamran
University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran.
Keywords: Exergy, Supply Chain Bread, Traditional Bread,
Abstract :
Introduction. The increasing trend of food waste is one of the serious challenges in mostcountries, especially developing countries, to meet the sufficient food needs of society. In thisstudy, the thermodynamic performance of two traditional bread production chains isexamined. These two chains contain the fresh bread production and the double-baked breadproduction chain (without waste).Materials and Methods: The calculations are based on the processing of 1000 kg of doughfor all eight bread chains. Lavash, Barbari, Tafton and Sangak breads produced had a mass ofabout 0.145, 0.410, 0.220 and 0.500 kg, respectively. In order to make an exergic comparisonbetween the bread production chains, the moisture content in both technologies for all Lavash,Barbari, Tafton and Sangak breads were 9.5, 34.1, 19.9 and 17.8 percent, respectively. Dataanalysis was done using two software “ees” and “ e! Sankey “.Results: The chemical exergy flows were found to be much larger than the physical exergyconsumed in all the bread chains studied. In the traditional bread production chain, lavashbread, baked twice, with the amount of 78.52%, Sangak with the amount of 76.06%, Barbariwith the amount of 70.64% and fresh Sangak bread with the amount of 70.29% had the bestexergy performance. The lowest total lost and irreversible exery were found in 1000 kg ofprocessed dough in the following breads: double-baked Lavash with the amount of (2910megajoules), Sangak bread with the amount of (3288 megajoules), fresh Sangak bread withthe amount of (3862 megajoules). And Taftoon bread double-baked (3921 megajoules).Lowest specific exergy loss and best thermodynamic performance was observed in doublebakedLavash bread (3.80), Sangak bread (3.91), Tafton bread (5.23) and Barbary bread(5.24), respectively. Combining exergy analysis and its application in the field of supply chainmanagement and management sciences are among the innovations of the present study.Conclusion: Most of the energy loss (non-material) occurs during the cooking, cooling, andfreezing stages. Therefore, any progress in the production of traditional bread should befocused on the design of effective thermodynamic processes of these three stages and the useof appropriate technologies.
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Anon. (2001). Supportive and executive policies needed to increase wheat yield and production. Deputy Minister of Planning and Economy of the Ministry of Agriculture, Institute for Agricultural Planning and Economics Research, 9, 36 [In Persian].
Anon. (2013). Sonneveld, Bread improver. Sonplus bruin; http://www.sonneveld.com.
Anon. (2014). Sonneveld, Brown bun recipe. (2014). http://www.sonneveld.com/nl/recepten.
Anooshe, M. (2003). Causes of bread waste and ways to prevent it. Khornoosh Monthly Journal, 35 [In Persian].
Azizi, M. H., Mohamadi, M. & Kadivar, M. (2011). Investigating the production capacity of various traditional breads by mass industrial production. Iran State Trading Company (Grain Research Center), National project number: 88003 [In Persian].
Banasik, A., Argyris Kanellopoulos, G. D. H., Claassen Jacqueline. M., Bloemhof-Ruwaard, G. A. & Van der Vorst, J. (2017). Assessing alternative production options for eco-efficient food supply chains using multi-objective optimization. Sustainable Supply Chain Design and MGT, 250, 341–362.
Blair, D. & Sobal, J. (2006). Luxus consumption: Wasting food resources through overeating. Agriculture and Human Values, 23, 63-74.
Blonk, H. (2006). Sustainable bread production: phase analysis work document from Bakker Wiltink Bakery Gouda. The Netherlands: Blonk Milieu Advies.
Bosch, P., Modarresi, A. & Friedl, A. (2012). Comparison of combined ethanol and biogas polygeneration facilities using exergy analysis. Applied Thermal Engineering, 37, 19-29.
Dincer, I. & Ratlamwala, T. A. H. (2012). Importance of exergy for analysis, improvement, design, and assessment. Journal Recommendation Service, 2(3), 335-349.
Esfandiyari, J. (2012). Designing a system for managing and modernizing the bread industry in the traditional way. Iranian State Trading Company [In Persian].
Goesaert, H., Brijs, K., Veraverbeke, W. S., Courtin, C. M., Gebruers, K. & Delcour, J. A. (2005). Wheat flour constituents: how they impact bread quality, and how to impacttheir functionality. Trends in Food Science Technology, 16(1-3), 12-30.
Ghasemi, A., Raiatpishe, M. A., Haddadi, A. & Raiatpishe, S. (2017). Identification and prioritization of indicators in food supply chain sustainability, in the form of sustainable supply chain dimensions in agriculture and citrus. 9(4), 369-382 [In Persian].
Green, D. P. (2010). Sustainable Food Supply Chains. Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology, 19 (2) , 55-56.
Hamdami, N., Pham, Q. T., Le-Bail, A. & Monteau, J. Y. (2007). Two-stage freezing of part baked breads - application and optimization. Journal of Food Engineering, 82(4), 418-26 [In Persian].
Jawad, H., Jaber, M. Y. & Nuwayhid, R. Y. (2017). Improving supply chainsustainability using exergy analysis. European Journal of Operational Research, doi: 10.1016/j.ejor. 10.007.
Kaviani, M. (2011). Designing a system to acquaint people with different types of bread. Iran State Trading Company (Grain Research Center). National project number: 1389/15/2009 and b. [In Persian].
Koroneos, C. J. &Nanaki, E. A. (2008). Energy and exergy utilization assessment of the Greek transport sector. Resour Conservation Recycl, 52, 700-706.
Kotas, T. J. (1995). The exergy method of thermal plant analysis. (FL): Krieger Publishing Company.
McKinnon, A. (2012). The role of road transport in a green transport system. In: Conference on the role of road transport in a green transport system, Brussels.
Nazghelichi, T., Kianmehr, M. K. & Aghbashlo, M. (2010). Thermodynamic Analysis of Fluidized Bed Drying of Carrot Cubes. Energy, 35(1), 4679.
Pyler, E. J. (1988). Baking science & technology. 3rd ed. Kansas City: Sosland Publishing.
Reed, G. & Nagodawithana, T. W. (1991). Yeast technology. 2nd ed. Van Nostrand Reinhold.
Rentian, W. (2013). Automatic 20e30 cases Carton box Erector. Packaging Technology Co., Ltd.
Reikert, L. (1974). The Efficiency of Energy-Utilization in Chemical Processes. Chemical Engineering Science, 29, 1613.
Rosen, M. A. (2002). Clarifying thermodynamic efficiencies and losses via exergy. Exergy, an International Journal, 2, 3-5.
Sahraeian, B., Mazaheri Tehrani, M., Taghipour, F. & Soleimani, M. (2014). The effect of mixing wheat flour with rice bran and soybean flour on physicochemical and sensory propertise of baguettes. Iranian Journal of Nutrition Science and Food Technology, 8(3).
Sajedi, S. N. & Masoumi, M. E. & Movagharnejad, K. (2015). Exergetic Improvement and Environmental Impact Assessment of Crude Oil Distillation Unit of Shazand-Arak Oil Refinery. International Journal of Exergy, 16(4), 464-480.
Saniea, N. & Ghazi, M. (2015). Exergy a new indicator in measuring research performance: a literature review. Journal of the School of Paramedical Sciences, Tehran University of Medical Sciences. Issue 9, PP 17-28. [InPersian].
SoofiAbadi, G. (2011). Comparative study of effective process indicators in the production of manual and mechanized types of bread. Aftab Publication [In Persian].
Szargut, J. (1989). Chemical exergies of the elements. Applied Energy, 32, 169-285.
Sciubba, E. & Wall, G. (2007). A brief commented history of exergy from the beginnings to 2004. Thermodynamics, 10(4), 187-192.
Tassou, S. A., De-Lille, G. & Ge, Y. T. (2009). Food transport refrigeration e approaches to reduce energy consumption and environmental impacts of road transport. Applied Thermal Engineering, 29(8-9), 1467-1477.
Therkelsen, P., Masanet, E. & Worrell, E. (2014). Energy efficiency opportunities in the U.S. commercial baking industry. Journal of Food Engineering, 130, 14-22.
Varteparvar, V., Kianmehr, M. H., Arabhosseini, A. & Hasanbeigi, S. R. (2013). Exegetic analysis of combined dry-liquid-dryer dryer. Iranian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 32 (2), 47-55 [In Persian].
Wiggins, C. &Cauvain, S. (2007). Proving, baking and cooling. Springer US: Technology of Breadmaking, 141-173.
Zisopoulos F. K., Moejes, S. N., Rossier-Miranda, F. J., Goot, A. J. & Boom, R. M. (2015). Exergetic comparison of food waste valorization in industrial bread production. Energy, 1-10.