Effect of using different hydrocolloids (CMC, Xantan) on quality properties of deep fat fried chicken nugget
Subject Areas : Microbiologymahsa rezaee 1 * , Babak Ghiassi Tarzi 2 , M. Gharachorloo 3
1 - دانشجوی علوم وتحقیقات
2 - استادیار دانشکده علوم و مهندسی صنایع غذایی، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، واحد علوم و تحقیقات تهران،
3 - Associate Professor of the Department of Food Science and Technology, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
Abstract :
Introduction: One of the most popular product in community food basket is ready or semi ready breaded fried products. According to definition of Iran national standard, nugget is the product made of minced or pieces meat (Chicken, shrimp, fish, mushroom & cheese) that after processing step, enter market in form of frozen and ready to use. The increasing popularity of breaded fried foods can be attributed to its crispy outer layer and the moist and juicy interior. Materials and methods:In this research the effect of hydrocolloids (Carboxy methyl cellolose and Xantan) at 0/5% and 1% (W/W) concentrations in three coating steps (predusting-battering-breading) and two types of breadcrumb (extrude-american) on properties of core and crust fat content, core and crust moisture content, crust colour and textural properties of fried chicken were investigated. Results: The effect of type and concentration of hydrocolloids, coating step, type of breadcrumb and interactions on L*value and a* value were significant. Concentration of hydrocolloids and breadcrumb type were effective significantly on b*value . Just effect of breadcrumb type on overall difference colour, core and crust moisture content was significant. None of variables under study on fat content and penetration force were not significant. Conclution: Treatments with Xantan gum has more lightness index than controls and other treatments. The most desirable nugget should has less ∆E (compare to control) and less penetration force, less deformation, less core and crust fat absorbtion, less crust moisture and more core moisture.
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