Analyzing the components of cultural entrepreneurship based on tourism creative industries
Subject Areas : Journal of Cultural Management
mostafa nabatinejad
mohamad Mahdi Mazaheri
saeid sharifi
1 - PhD student in cultural management, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Unit, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Member of the scientific faculty of Islamic Azad University, Tehran Science and Research Unit, Tehran
3 - Faculty of Islamic Azad University, Khorasgan Branch
Keywords: Cultural entrepreneurship, creative industries, tourism.,
Abstract :
The aim of the current research is to analyze the components of cultural entrepreneurship based on creative tourism industries. This research was conducted in terms of purpose, application, and method in two qualitative phases of thematic analysis and quantitative of survey type. In the first phase, with 15 subject experts in different fields of cultural and management studies who have cultural entrepreneurship experience and knowledge. Creative tourism industries collected data through semi-structured interviews and confirmed through external auditors and calculating the agreement rate of coding validity. In the second phase, through a researcher-made questionnaire based on the dimensions extracted from the components of the first phase, it was distributed among 140 experts in the fields of tourism, cultural management, media, and urban management, and the validity of the tool was confirmed through content and face validity and Cronbach's alpha coefficient. took Analysis was done through second-order factor analysis. The findings show that environmental rethinking, tourism innovation and technology, creative tourism network and capital management have the highest factor loading, respectively. In the dimension of environmental rethinking, the development of the creative city has the highest factor load.