The Study of Audio-Visual Courses Status in the Students of Library and Information Studies Major
Subject Areas : Infomartion TechnologyMarjan Kian 1 * , Mahdieh Chitsaz 2 , Nosrat Riahinia 3
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Keywords: Audio-Visual Course, Library and Information Sciences, Undergraduate Curriculum, Tarbiat Moallem University,
Abstract :
The purpose of the present research is to study the status of audio-visual courses in library and information studies major (LIS) at undergraduate level. The research method is a descriptive survey one. The statistical population (155 people) included all LIS undergraduate students in Kharazmi University in 2010-11 who passed this course. Based on Morgan table, 110 students were selected as the sample through random sampling method. The instrument was researcher made questionnaire including a set of 26 items. Its validity was confirmed by the experts and its reliability estimated 0/84 through Chronbach Alpha coefficient. The data were analyzed using descriptive (frequency and percentage) and inferential (one sample t test) statistics through SPSS software version 15. The findings showed that the amount of student's familiarity and knowledge toward different audio-visual materials was different so that some students did not know such materials. To them, if such courses are presented or taught practically would be more beneficial than theoretically.