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    Breeding and Aquaculture Sciences Journal ( Scientific )
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    Quarterly Journal of Breeding and Aquaculture Science 



    First Publish Year :  2013

    Journal Frequency: Quarterly

    Address: Babol Branch, Islamic Azad University, Babol, Iran

    Tel: +9832415132

    Fax: +9832415132



     Open Access Journal


    Journal of Breeding and Aquaculture is an electronic open access, double blind peer-reviewed journal presenting timely research on all aspects of Breeding.


     Article-Processing Charges (Free)

    Journal of Breeding and Aquaculture is supported by Islamic Azad University/Babol Branch with no article-processing charge (APC).



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    Indexed in


    Number of Volumes 5
    Number of Issues 16
    Printed Articles 103
    Number of Authors 358
    Article Views 6941
    Article Downloads 2490
    Number of Submitted Articles 160
    Number of Rejected Articles 2
    Number of Accepted Articles 121
    Acceptance 75 %
    Time to Accept(day) 178
    Reviewer Count 3
    Last Update 9/13/2024