A study on the reasons influencing Bank rears in fish ponds of Haraz River
Subject Areas : Breeding and Aquaculture Sciences JournalMohammad Sadiq Nikpour 1 , Nasser Ali Yadollahzadeh Tabari 2 * , Reza Changizi 3
1 - Fishery Department, Babol Branch, Islamic Azad University, Babol, Iran
2 - Economics Department, Babol Branch, Islamic Azad University, Babol, Iran
3 - Fishery Department, Babol Branch, Islamic Azad University, Babol, Iran
Keywords: inflation, Bank rears, Haraz river, Salmon farming, Product price, Repayment rate,
Abstract :
Based on the theoretical principles and conducted empirical studies on deferred credit, we can divide the factors such as individual and social characteristics of the borrower, bank status and environmental conditions. In this paper the affective factors of paid credit facilities are considered deeply. Since the population was small, all the experts regarded as the sample. This research considers the effective factors using AHP method. Among these criterions, based on bank experts' views, the following weights were considered; bank status 0/199, individual and social characteristics 0/212 and environmental factors 0/588. So the criteria of environmental factor have the most weight in this research. In general, among 15 criterions, fluctuating exchange rate, natural events, sales and inflation problems are in the first to fourth respectively. Finally, it is suggested that the government must follow some control policies to develop the exchange rate.
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