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    The role and importance of the language and literature of any society, as the main carrier of the cultural tradition of that society, is not hidden from anyone. Similarly, local literature and cultures have always been one of the main sources of culture and art of any country and nation. This part of culture and art is not only a treasure trove of the historical heritage of any society, and I take with me the lesser-known corners of history, myth, imagination and memory of the people of that land, as well as being a rich source of religion. , Is known as art, rhetoric and words.
    The vast country of Iran with its long history, in every corner, is the base and refuge of people, ethnicities and ethnicities, each of which has played its part in building its glorious history. Each of these peoples has a wealth of cultural, artistic and literary heritage that has been effective in building the cultural life of Iranians in various dimensions and with complementary aspects.
    The diversity of languages, dialects and dialects of the people of Iran is so great that it is unique in less parts of our vast world. These languages, dialects and dialects are of utmost importance both for the preservation of important parts of the history of Iranian literature and art, for the preservation of lesser-known words and vocabulary, and for cultural and anthropological aspects. This field is a platform for research and study of various groups of literary studies, sociology, culturology and linguistics. In this regard, the quarterly "Literature and Local Languages ​​of Iran" welcomes research articles by researchers who explore and respect various aspects of local literature.
    The new issue of the quarterly was published with scientific credentials.