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  • Hossein Ali Asadi-Gharneh

    List of Articles Hossein Ali Asadi-Gharneh

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    1 - Assess Effect of Foliar Application of Seaweed Extract and Amino Acids on Morpho-physiological Characteristics of <i>Gerbera jamesonii</i> Var. Stanza Cut Flowers
    Journal of Crop Nutrition Science , Issue 1 , Year , Winter 2020
    BACKGROUND: Biofertilizers, like amino acids, are used to reduce drought stress damage to plants and improve physiological factors, thereby increasing plant yield in arid and semi-arid regions. Seaweed extract has a beneficial effect on plant growth due to its growth ho More
    BACKGROUND: Biofertilizers, like amino acids, are used to reduce drought stress damage to plants and improve physiological factors, thereby increasing plant yield in arid and semi-arid regions. Seaweed extract has a beneficial effect on plant growth due to its growth hormones and elements such as iron, copper, zinc, cobalt, molybdenum, manganese and nickel, vitamins and amino acids. OBJECTIVES: Current research was conducted to investigate the effect of foliar application of seaweed and amino acids and their interaction on the morphophysiological characteristics of cut flowers of Gerbera cultivar Stanza and determine the relationship between the use of these two substances on the quantity and quality of morphological and physiological characteristics of this plant. METHODS: This study was done via factorial experiment based on completely randomized design with three replications along 2015 year. The treatments included amino acids (A1: Control, A2: 1, A3: 1.5 and A4: 2 gr.L-1) and seaweed extract (S1: Control, S2: 0.25, S3: 0.5 and S4: 1 gr.L-1). RESULT: According to the results of the present study, it can be said that amino acid treatment at concentrations of 1.5 and 2 gr.L-1, as a suitable pre-harvest treatment, has the highest production in amount of flower diameter, flowering stem diameter, flowering stem length, anthocyanin, chlorophyll b, carotenoids and leaf greenness. Seaweed extract treatment at concentrations of 0.25 and 1 gr.L-1, as a suitable pre-harvest treatment, had the highest amount of flower diameter, flowering stem diameter, anthocyanin, chlorophyll b, total chlorophyll, carotenoids and leaf greenness. CONCLUSION: Also, the simultaneous use of 2 gr.L-1 amino acid along with 1 gr.L-1 seaweed extract, had the highest amount of chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, total chlorophyll, carotenoids and leaf greenness and it can be advised to producers. In general, the results of this study indicate that seaweed and amino acid biofertilizers can improve the quantity, quality and post-harvest life of gerbera flowers by increasing nutrient uptake and the presence of plant hormones. Manuscript profile

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    2 - Assessment Effects of Different Level of Amino Acid and Seaweed Extract on Growth Traits and Essence Components of Sweet Scented Geranium (<i>Pelargonium graveolens</i> L.)
    Journal of Crop Nutrition Science , Issue 2 , Year , Spring 2019
    BACKGROUND: Sustainable agriculture today plays an important role in the utilization of organic matter and biofertilizers to eliminate or reducing chemical fertilizer, promoting fertility and preserving biological activities, enhancing the health of agricultural product More
    BACKGROUND: Sustainable agriculture today plays an important role in the utilization of organic matter and biofertilizers to eliminate or reducing chemical fertilizer, promoting fertility and preserving biological activities, enhancing the health of agricultural products and reducing environmental damage. OBJECTIVES: Current research was conducted to assessment physiological characteristics of sweet scented geranium affected different seaweed extract and amino acid. METHODS: This study was carried out in greenhouse research of Islamic Azad University of Isfahan Branch (Khorasgan) via factorail experiment based on completely randomized design with three replication. The main factor included four level of seaweed extract (S1= nonuse of seaweed extract or control, S2= 0.25, S3= 0.5, S4= 1 mg.l-1) and second factor consisted four level of amino acid (A1= nonuse of amino acid or control, A2= 1, A3= 1.5, A4= 2 mg.l-1).RESULT: Mean comparison result showed the increase of shoot dry weight by use of (15.8 g) in 0.5 mg.l-1 seaweed extract (15.8 gr) and 2 mg.l-1 amino acid (16 g). Interaction effect of treatment had significant and additive effect on vegetative traits such as plant height. The highest leaf greenness index was observed by 0.5 mg.l-1 seaweed extract with 2 mg.l-1 amino acid. Aromatic essence of current study included linalool, menthol, beta-citronellol, geraniol, cytonelin fumarate, beta-caryophylline, germacron, phenyl ethyl tiglate, geraniol tiglate was improved due to apply treatments. The highest beta-citronellol content was obtained of 1 mg.l-1 amino acid with nonuse of seaweed extract treatment. CONCLUSION: Concentration of 2 mg.l-1 amino acid plus 1 and 1.5 mg.l-1 of seaweed extract achieved maximum quality and quantity of aromatic geranium. Manuscript profile

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    3 - Phytochemical Responses of White Savory (<i>Satureja mutica Fisch</i> and C.A.Mey.) to Foliar Application of Seaweed Extract and Ecormon Fertilizer
    Journal of Crop Nutrition Science , Issue 5 , Year , Autumn 2019
    BACKGROUND: Sustainable agriculture is a great solution to reduce chemical pollutants to overcome environmental pollution. OBJECTIVES: Considering the importance of the savory and the consequences of fertilizers application, current study was carried out to determine t More
    BACKGROUND: Sustainable agriculture is a great solution to reduce chemical pollutants to overcome environmental pollution. OBJECTIVES: Considering the importance of the savory and the consequences of fertilizers application, current study was carried out to determine the optimum concentration of seaweed extract and Ecormon fertilizer -as an organic matter and growth promoting stimulus- on some biochemical characteristics of white savory. METHODS: The present study was conducted as a factorial experiment in a randomized complete blocks design including three concentrations of seaweed extract (0, 1.5, and 3/1000) and three concentrations of Ecormon fertilizer (0, 0.5 and 1/1000) in three replications to study the biochemical properties of white savory. RESULT: According to the results, the highest chlorophyll a, b, total chlorophyll and carotenoid levels were observed in the treatment of Ecormon1 (2.65, 2.31, 4.95 and 2.88 mg.g-1 respectively), whereas Seaweed 1.5 had the lowest pigments amounts. The highest amount of phenolic compounds (804.00 mg.g-1) was obtained from seaweed 3 plus Ecormon 1, while the lowest amounts were belonging to seaweed 1.5 plus Ecormon1 and seaweed 3 plus Ecormon 0.5 (247.40 and 248.30 mg.g-1), respectively. The highest amounts of antioxidant activity were observed in treatments of seaweed 3 plus Ecormon1 and Ecormon 0.5 (46.25 and 45.26 %, respectively) and the lowest value (25.87 %) was observed in control treatment. CONCLUSION: In general, application of Ecormon and seaweed extract showed a positive effect on photosynthetic pigments, phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity of white savory. So, it can be recommended to farmers as efficient bio-elicitors that improve the biochemical properties of the plant through induction of the immune system. Manuscript profile

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    4 - How Does Immersion of saffron Corm in Some Hormones and Humic Acid Affect the Morphological Characteristics of Plant under Salinity Stress
    Journal of Crop Nutrition Science , Issue 2 , Year , Spring 2020
    BACKGROUND: The use of growth-promoting hormones and organic acids is one of the ways to deal with environmental stresses.OBJECTIVES: The present study was conducted to assess the effect of these treatments on saffron vegetative and reproductive traits, to use organic i More
    BACKGROUND: The use of growth-promoting hormones and organic acids is one of the ways to deal with environmental stresses.OBJECTIVES: The present study was conducted to assess the effect of these treatments on saffron vegetative and reproductive traits, to use organic inputs properly, take steps towards sustainable production and increase quality of important medicinal plant.METHODS: Current research carried out via factorial experiment was conducted in Islamic Azad University, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch (2018-2019) in a completely randomized design with three replications. The treatments were control, Salicylic acid (1 and 2 mM), humic acid (15 and 30 mM) and Jasmonic acid (5 and 10 μM) with two salinity levels (1 and 4 ds.m-1). The evaluated traits included chlorophyll a, b and total chlorophyll, the number of flowers, flowering stem and leaves, petiole length, fresh and dry weights of leaves, stigma weight, and fresh weight of flowers.RESULT: The highest levels of chlorophyll a and total chlorophyll were belonging to humic acid 30 and control treatments under salinity 1. The highest amount of chlorophyll b was observed in humic acid 30 and control treatments under salinity 1 and salicylic acid 2 under salinity 4. The highest number and fresh weight of flowers were obtained from the control treatment under salinity 1. The tallest petioles and flowering stems were observed in Jasmonic acid10 under salinity1. The highest leaf length was belonging to salicylic acid2 under salinity1. The highest leaf fresh weight was belonging to salicylic acid2 under salinity1 whereas of Humic acid15 under salinity1 produced the highest dry weight of plant leaves. The highest stigma weight was observed in Jasmonic acid5 and the control under salinity1. As a result, application of plant growth regulators and humic acid can reduce effect of salinity stress in saffron.CONCLUSION: As a final conclusion of this study, it can be said that the use of growth-promoting hormones (salicylic acid) and organic acids (humic acid) under environmental stress conditions can improve morphological and vegetative characteristics such as chlorophyll and biomass produced in some plants such as saffron. Manuscript profile

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    5 - Growth and Biochemical Properties of Green Basil (<i>Ocimum basilicum</i> L.) Affected by Foliar Application of Biostimulants
    Journal of Crop Nutrition Science , Issue 4 , Year , Summer 2021
    BACKGROUND: Green basil is a nutritional and medicinal plant due to its valuable properties. Improving qualitative and quantitative traits of plants with appropriate methods in sustainable agricultural were emphases. Biostimulants derived from organic materials and stim More
    BACKGROUND: Green basil is a nutritional and medicinal plant due to its valuable properties. Improving qualitative and quantitative traits of plants with appropriate methods in sustainable agricultural were emphases. Biostimulants derived from organic materials and stimulate natural process in plants and improve crop performance. OBJECTIVES: In this research the effects of some biostimulants (amino acids, humic acid and seaweed extract) on morpho-physiological properties of green basil were evaluated. METHODS: This research was carried out under greenhouse condition. The experiment was conducted based on Completely Randomized Design with ten treatments and three replications. The treatments included control (distilled water), seaweed extract (0.5, 1 and 2 gr.l-1), amino acid (1, 2 and 3 gr.l-1) and humic acid (1, 2 and 3 ml.l-1). RESULT: The results showed that application of different biostimulants positive effects on vegetative parameters and biochemical properties of green basil plants. The highest leaf numbers (21.67) was measured in amino acid application at 1 g.l-1 concentration. The effect of humic acid was more noticeable on increased plant height (37.00- 47.67 cm) in compare to other biostimulants. The plants that received biostimulants had higher plant fresh weight than control treatment. Seaweed extract and humic acids increased significantly carotenoid content of plants. The highest ascorbic acid content was measured in treated plants at levels of 2 and 3 gr.l-1 amino acid. Application of all biostimulants were used in this study, had positive effects on concentration of total phenolic content of basil plants. CONCLUSION: According to the results of the present study, it can be concluded that, application of biostimulants at proper concentration due to positive effect on quality and quantity of growth parameters and biochemical properties of green basil plants are recommended. Manuscript profile

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    6 - تأثیر نانوسلنیوم و سلنات سدیم بر برخی پارامترهای فیزیولوژیکی و بیوشیمیایی گیاه وشا (Dorema ammomiacum L.)
    Journal of Plant Environmental Physiology , Issue 1 , Year , Autumn 2024
    سلنیوم با خواص آنتی اکسیدانی، اثرات مثبتی بر رشد و بهبود بسیاری از فعالیت های بیولوژیکی گیاه دارد، اما سطوح بیش از حد آن در خاک باعث بروز اختلالات فیزیولوژیکی در گیاهان می‌گردد. این مطالعه به منظور بررسی اثر سلنیوم (بالک) و نانوسلنیوم بر رشد و برخی خصوصیات فیزیولوژیکی گ More
    سلنیوم با خواص آنتی اکسیدانی، اثرات مثبتی بر رشد و بهبود بسیاری از فعالیت های بیولوژیکی گیاه دارد، اما سطوح بیش از حد آن در خاک باعث بروز اختلالات فیزیولوژیکی در گیاهان می‌گردد. این مطالعه به منظور بررسی اثر سلنیوم (بالک) و نانوسلنیوم بر رشد و برخی خصوصیات فیزیولوژیکی گیاه وشا از خانواده Apiaceae به صورت آزمایش کاملا تصادفی اجرا گردید. سلنیوم به شکل سلنات سدیم در غلظت های (۰، ۵/۲، ۵ و ۱۰ میلی گرم بر لیتر) و نانوسلنیوم در غلظت‌های (۰، ۵/۲، ۵، ۱۰ و۲۰ میلی گرم بر لیتر) به محلول غذایی اضافه شد. نتایج نشان داد کاربرد هر دو تیمار نانو سلنیوم و سلنات بالک به طور معنی داری بر شاخص‌های رشد گیاه (طول ریشه و اندام هوایی، وزن تر و خشک ریشه و اندام هوایی) تاثیرگذار بود. بیشترین میزان محتوای رنگدانه فتوسنتزی (کلروفیلa، کاروتنویید)، کربوهیدرات، پرولین، فلاونوئید کل، آنتوسیانین و همچنین فنل کل به ترتیب در ۵/۲ و 10 میلی گرم در لیتر سلنیوم و نانوسلنیوم مشاهده گردید. همچنین بیشترین میزان کلروفیل a در غلظت 10 میلی گرم در لیتر نانوسلنیوم مشاهده شد که با افزایش غلظت سلنیوم نسبت به تیمار شاهد کاهش یافت. در غلظت های فوق افزایش چشمگیر میزان فعالیت آنتی اکسیدان گیاه مشاهده گردید. در‌نهایت، سطح مالون دی آلدئید در کلیه گیاهان تحت تیمار کاهش یافت. نتایج این پژوهش نشان داد که اثر مثبت سلنیوم بر رشد و افزایش ترکیبات فنلی بستگی به نوع و غلظت سلنیوم مصرفی دارد. Manuscript profile

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    7 - Dracocephalum kotschyi Boiss.: An Iranian endemic medicinal plant; A review
    Journal of Medicinal Herbs, "J. Med Herb"(Formerly known as Journal of Herbal Drugs or J. Herb Drug) , Issue 2 , Year , Winter 2021
    Background & Aim:Iran with about 8000 plant species and 1728 endemic species; is one of the most important sources of medicinal plants. Dracocephalum kotschyi Boiss, belonging to the Lamiaceae family, is one of the endemic plants in Iran. It grows in regions of Chah More
    Background & Aim:Iran with about 8000 plant species and 1728 endemic species; is one of the most important sources of medicinal plants. Dracocephalum kotschyi Boiss, belonging to the Lamiaceae family, is one of the endemic plants in Iran. It grows in regions of Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari, Esfahan, Gorgan, Mazandaran, Hamedan, Kermanshah, Lorestan, Tehran, Fars and the northern heights of Semnan. In this review, the botany, traditional uses, phytochemical and pharmacological properties of Dracocephalum kotschyi Boiss are discussed.Experimental: In the current review keywords including DracocephalumkotschyiBoiss. and medicinal properties were searched in scientific websites such as PubMed, Science Direct and Google Scholar to compile the botanical and medicinal properties of Dracocephalum kotschyi Boiss.Results: According to the literature review, Dracocephalum kotschyi Boiss. with high concentration of essential oil, flavonoids and other secondary metabolites is a valuable endemic plant. It has been shown immunomodulatory, anti-hyperlipidemic and anti-spasmodic activities and is effective in treatment of headaches, congestion, and liver disorders. In addition, anti-cancer properties of this plant are related to presence of xanthomicrol and Spinal-Z compounds in the leaves of this plant.Recommended applications/ industries: Dracocephalum kotschyi Boiss. with high amount of biochemical components and pharmacological effects can be used as a valuable herbal drugs. Its cultivation for industrial and pharmaceutical purposes can help to improve the production of anti-cancer drugs in Iran. Manuscript profile

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    8 - Investigation of mineral composition of some wild Sumac (Rhus coriaria L.)
    Journal of Medicinal Herbs, "J. Med Herb"(Formerly known as Journal of Herbal Drugs or J. Herb Drug) , Issue 4 , Year , Summer 2019
    Background & Aim: Rhus coriaria L. (sumac) is usually a wild plant and classified in Anacardiaceae family. The fruits are used as a medicine for curing fever, diarrhea, stomachache, dermatitis disease and some other important disease like cancer, stroke, diabetes an More
    Background & Aim: Rhus coriaria L. (sumac) is usually a wild plant and classified in Anacardiaceae family. The fruits are used as a medicine for curing fever, diarrhea, stomachache, dermatitis disease and some other important disease like cancer, stroke, diabetes and liver disease. In this study, some Iranian wild sumac ecotypes were investigated in terms of mineral compositions. Detecting medicinal plants chemical composition is useful for phytochemical scientific source. Experimental: Mature and ripe fruits were collected and dried in laboratory condition, and then the minerals content like Ca, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Na, P, K, and Zn were determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Results: In Yahya-Abad samples, potassium, sodium, zinc, phosphorous and manganes were the most abundant minerals. The amount of calcium in Yahya-Abad samples and Firizhand samples was the highest. In Firizhand samples the amount of copper and magnesium were higher than other ecotypes and in Malmir samples, iron was significantly higher than other ecotypes. Also, results from this study indicated that all samples are significantly different from each other in terms of mineral elements. The samples from Yahya-Abad was found to contain appreciable amounts of different minerals. Recommended applications/industries: Minerals are vital chemical elements for the human health and must be in the diet. These findings would be useful for food scientists and nutritionists interested in the nutritive value of plants. Manuscript profile

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    9 - Effect of Different Drying Methods on Some Biochemical Properties of Iranian Ox-tongue (Echium amoenum Fisch. & Mey.)
    Journal of Medicinal Herbs, "J. Med Herb"(Formerly known as Journal of Herbal Drugs or J. Herb Drug) , Issue 4 , Year , Spring 2017
    Background & Aim:Iranian ox-tongue (Echium amoenum Fisch. & Mey.) is an endemic Iranian medicinal plant belongs to Boraginaceae family. The violet-blue petals of this plant have been used in traditional medicine. Drying is one of the most critical and fundamenta More
    Background & Aim:Iranian ox-tongue (Echium amoenum Fisch. & Mey.) is an endemic Iranian medicinal plant belongs to Boraginaceae family. The violet-blue petals of this plant have been used in traditional medicine. Drying is one of the most critical and fundamental operations in the post-harvest processing of medicinal plants. Experimental: This research was carried out in Islamic Azad University, Isfahan (Khorasgan) branch in 2015. The experiment was arranged based on completely randomized design with three repetitions. Drying methods are including sun and shade drying, oven-drying (45, 65 and 85∘C) and microwave drying (200, 300 and 400 W). Drying time of Iranian Ox-tongue petals and some biochemical properties such as total chlorophyll, the amount of carotenoids, anthocyanin content and total flavonoids were measured. Results: The results showed that different drying methods had significant effects on drying time, chlorophyll, carotenoids, total flavonoid and anthocyanin contents of Iranian ox-tongue petals. The maximum and minimum drying times were measured in shade drying and microwave 400 W, respectively. The anthocyanin content gradually decreased with the increase of oven temperatures and microwave powers. Also shade drying method had the highest amount of total chlorophyll and carotenoids. Generally, regarding the biochemical composition, traditional shade drying is the optimum method for dying of Iranian ox-tongue petals. Recommended applications/industries: According to this study, shade drying could be recommended in terms of qualitative characteristics of mentioned medicinal plant. Manuscript profile

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    10 - Quantitative and qualitative assessment of fatty acids of seeds in Armenian cucumber (Cucumis melo var. flexuosus)
    Journal of Medicinal Herbs, "J. Med Herb"(Formerly known as Journal of Herbal Drugs or J. Herb Drug) , Issue 4 , Year , Autumn 2019
    Background & Aim:Armenian cucumber (Cucumis melo var. flexuosus) is one of the varieties of Cucurbitaceae family that is freshly consumed in Iran, while due to the presence of useful fatty acids and minerals, it can play a special role in the health diet. The aim of More
    Background & Aim:Armenian cucumber (Cucumis melo var. flexuosus) is one of the varieties of Cucurbitaceae family that is freshly consumed in Iran, while due to the presence of useful fatty acids and minerals, it can play a special role in the health diet. The aim of this study was to evaluate the quantitative and qualitative of fatty acids in the seeds of Armenian cucumber. Experimental: Fruits were harvested in summer of 2018 at a fully ripened stage.The seeds were manually separated from the fruits and dried in roomtemperature. Evaluation of morphological traits was performed in the laboratory of horticulture sciences department. The seed oil extraction was done using Soxhlet apparatus and fatty acids analysis was performed by gas chromatography at Central Research Institute of Islamic Azad University, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch. Results: The mean of 100-seed weight was 4.08 g, the mean of seed length and diameter were 12.46 and 4.84 mm, respectively, andthe ratio of kernel to seed shellwas 2.75. The seed oil content was 34.8% and included of 24 kind of different fatty acids. The most important unsaturated fatty acids were linoleic with 51.62% and oleic acid with 28.31% and the most important saturated fatty acids were palmitic and stearic acids with 11.16% and 7.16%, respectively. The sum of unsaturated fatty acids, saturated fatty acids and the ratio of unsaturated to saturated fatty acids were 19.46, 80.54 and 4.13, respectively. Recommended applications/industries: According to the results of this research, America cucumber seeds are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids that will make them suitable for food, pharmaceutical and industrial applications. Manuscript profile

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    11 - The Morphological and Physiological Traits of Periwinkle (<i>Catharanthus roseus</i> L.) as an Ornamental-Medicinal Plant Species in Response to Salinity Stress and Biochar
    Journal of Ornamental Plants , Issue 5 , Year , Autumn 2023
    Biochar is a sort of organic fertilizer derived from the pyrolysis of plant residuals and crop waste and is recommended for improving soil fertility and modifying saline soils. In this regard, the effect of biochar on moderating the effects of salinity stress on growth More
    Biochar is a sort of organic fertilizer derived from the pyrolysis of plant residuals and crop waste and is recommended for improving soil fertility and modifying saline soils. In this regard, the effect of biochar on moderating the effects of salinity stress on growth and some physiological traits Catharanthus roseus L. was explored in a factorial experiment based on a randomized complete block design with two treatments including salinity stress (0, 1000, 2000, and 3000 mg/kg NaCl) and biochar (0, 2, and 4%) in 3 replications, 36 plots, and 6 plants per plot. The study was conducted in pots in the spring of 2021. The results showed that salinity negatively influenced all studied morphological traits and relative water content (RWC) whereas biochar, especially at the rate of 2%, helped their preservation and improvement. With increasing the salinity level, the proline content and total soluble solids (TSS) increased versus the control. The highest level of proline (346.48 mmol/kg FW) and TSS (1.42°Brix) were recorded for NaCl3000 mg/kg × biochar0%. A decline was recorded in malondialdehyde (MDA) with the application of 2% biochar at all four NaCl levels, but biochar at the rate of 4% failed to alleviate salinity effects at the highest level of NaCl (3000 mg/kg) and this treatment exhibited the highest MDA level. The highest activities of peroxidase (POD) (1.56 IU/g FW/min) and ascorbate peroxidase (APX) (9.40 IU/g FW/min) were observed in the treatment of NaCl1000 mg/kg × biochar2%. With increasing the NaCl level (2000 and 3000 mg/kg), POD and APX activities decreased, which was accompanied by an increased accumulation of MDA. Based on the results, it can be concluded that by applying 2% biochar at the salinity level of 1000 or 2000 mg/kg, periwinkle plants with acceptable morphophysiological traits can be produced. Manuscript profile

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    12 - Biochemical and Physiological Responses of Tuberose (<i>Polianthes tuberosa</i> L.) Cut Flower to Silver Nanoparticles Treatment
    Journal of Ornamental Plants , Issue 5 , Year , Autumn 2021
    Tuberose is an valuable ornamental plant with a high economic value, which is among the five leading cut flowers of the world. The major obstacle hindering the development of cut flower exports, especially tuberoses, is their short postharvest vase life caused by the di More
    Tuberose is an valuable ornamental plant with a high economic value, which is among the five leading cut flowers of the world. The major obstacle hindering the development of cut flower exports, especially tuberoses, is their short postharvest vase life caused by the disruption of the plant’s water relations due to growth and an increase in vase solution microbial load. The quality and longevity of flowers are highly dependent on their stem stability and antioxidant systems. This research investigated the effect of Nano-silver (NS) applied to the cut flowers of tuberoses cv. ‘Dezfuli’ in 24 h pulse treatments in a randomized complete design. The cut flowers were treated with NS at four rates (0 as control, 10, 20, and 30 mg/L) along with 3% sucrose. Then, the treated flowers were fully immersed in deionized water. The results showed that the application of NS treatment positively increased the activity of antioxidant enzymes and improved postharvest conditions in Polianthes tuberosa L. (cut tuberose flower). Moreover, NS reduced the accumulation of malondialdehyde (MDA) in flower stems and also had a positive effect on the rate of chlorophyll increase compared to the control. NS extended the postharvest vase life of the treated flowers versus the control and increased solution uptake and fresh weight of the cut flowers. In this experiment, the 10 mg/L rate of NS exhibited the best results. Manuscript profile

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    13 - ارزیابی کمی و کیفی روغن بذر در برخی گونه‌های شورپسند
    Journal of Plant production Sciences , Issue 1 , Year , Winter 2022
    شوری یکی از مهم‌ترین مسائلی است که باعث کاهش عمده سطح زمین‌های قابل کشت و همچنین میزان تولید و کیفیت محصول می‌شود. شناسایی و اهلی‌سازی گونه‌های گیاهی مقاوم به شوری که دارای ارزش اقتصادی هستند، راهبرد مهمی محسوب می‌شود. این مطالعه به‌منظور بررسی درصد روغن و محتوای اسیدها More
    شوری یکی از مهم‌ترین مسائلی است که باعث کاهش عمده سطح زمین‌های قابل کشت و همچنین میزان تولید و کیفیت محصول می‌شود. شناسایی و اهلی‌سازی گونه‌های گیاهی مقاوم به شوری که دارای ارزش اقتصادی هستند، راهبرد مهمی محسوب می‌شود. این مطالعه به‌منظور بررسی درصد روغن و محتوای اسیدهای چرب بذر برخی گونه‌های شورپسند انجام شد. نتایج نشان داد، بیشترین درصد روغن (20/14 درصد) در گیاه شورزی سالیکورنیا (قلیا) و کم‌ترین مقدار (65/2 درصد) در گیاه شورزی سنبله نمکی مشاهده شد. بیشترین میزان اسید پالمیتیک، اسید استئاریک و اسید لینولنیک در گیاه سنبله نمکی اندازه‌گیری شد. بیشترین مقادیر اسید لینولئیک در گیاهان سالیکورنیا (قلیا)، آسمانی سیخک‌دار و شور سودی و کم‌ترین مقدار در گیاه سنبله نمکی به دست آمد. بیشترین مجموع اسیدهای چرب اشباع و غیراشباع به‌ترتیب در گونه سنبله نمکی و گونه‌های سالیکورنیا و شور ترکمانی اندازه‌گیری شد. علاوه بر این، درصد اسیدهای چرب غیراشباع در همه گونه‌های مورد بررسی به جز گونه سنبله نمکی در سطح بالایی بود. با توجه به شورپسند بودن این گیاهان و قابلیت رشد آن‌ها در خاک‌های شور، می‌توان از این گیاهان به عنوان یکی از منابع استحصال روغن در این خاک‌ها استفاده کرد. Manuscript profile

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    14 - واکنش مورفوفیزیولوژیکی گشنیز (Coriandrum sativum L.) به محلول پاشی نانوکلات آهن و نانو کلات روی
    Journal of Plant production Sciences , Issue 1 , Year , Autumn 2022
    پژوهش حاضر بهمنظور ارزیابی تأثیر محلول پاشی تیمارهای نانوکلات‌های آهن و روی در قالب طرح بلوکهای کامل تصادفی با 9 تیمار شامل شاهد، چهار غلظت نانوکلات آهن (5/0، 1، 5/1 و 2 گرم بر لیتر) و چهار غلظت نانوکلات روی (5/0، 1، 5/1 و 2 گرم بر لیتر) و در 3 تکرار بر خصوصیات مورفوفیز More
    پژوهش حاضر بهمنظور ارزیابی تأثیر محلول پاشی تیمارهای نانوکلات‌های آهن و روی در قالب طرح بلوکهای کامل تصادفی با 9 تیمار شامل شاهد، چهار غلظت نانوکلات آهن (5/0، 1، 5/1 و 2 گرم بر لیتر) و چهار غلظت نانوکلات روی (5/0، 1، 5/1 و 2 گرم بر لیتر) و در 3 تکرار بر خصوصیات مورفوفیزیولوژیکی گیاه گشنیز در سال 1399-1398 انجام شد. نتایج نشان داد، بیشترین میزان کلروفیل a، کلروفیل کل و کاروتنوئید در تیمار 2 گرم بر لیتر نانوکلات آهن و بیشترین میزان کلروفیل b در تیمارهای 2 گرم بر لیتر نانوکلات آهن و 2 گرم بر لیتر نانوکلات روی حاصل شد. بیشترین سطح برگ در تیمار 2 گرم بر لیتر نانوکلات آهن با میزان 3230 سانتی متر مربع در بوته حاصل شد. بیشترین تعداد چتر در تیمار 2 گرم بر لیتر نانوکلات آهن با میزان 33/25 عدد در بوته مشاهده شد. بیشترین ارتفاع گیاه در تیمار 2 گرم بر لیتر نانوکلات روی به دست آمد. بیشترین تعداد شاخه فرعی گیاه در تیمارهای 2 گرم بر لیتر نانوکلات آهن و روی با میزان 33/11 عدد در بوته حاصل شد. بیشترین وزن هزار دانه و بیشترین تعداد بذر در چتر در تیمارهای 2 گرم بر لیتر نانوکلات روی و 2 گرم بر لیتر نانوکلات آهن اندازه‌گیری داده شد. بر اساس نتایج به دست آمده محلول پاشی تیمارهای نانوکلات آهن و روی بر خصوصیات گیاه دارویی گشنیز تأثیر داشت. در‌بین غلظت‌های مورد بررسی غلظت 2 گرم ‌بر ‌لیتر نانو‌کلات آهن و روی بیشترین تاثیر را در صفات مورد بررسی نشان داد. Manuscript profile

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    15 - بررسی درصد روغن و محتوای اسیدهای چرب در برخی ژنوتیپ‌های گیاه کور در مناطق جنوبی ایران
    Journal of Plant production Sciences , Issue 1 , Year , Autumn 2022
    کور با نام علمی Caparis spinosa L. گیاهی علفی و چند ساله متعلق به خانواده Capparidaceae است. گونه‌های مختلف جنسCaparis از گیاهان ارزشمندی هستند که به‌عنوان دارو، غذا و همچنین چاشنی مورد استفاده قرار می گیرند. این مطالعه به‌منظور بررسی درصد روغن و محتوای اسیدهای چرب برخی More
    کور با نام علمی Caparis spinosa L. گیاهی علفی و چند ساله متعلق به خانواده Capparidaceae است. گونه‌های مختلف جنسCaparis از گیاهان ارزشمندی هستند که به‌عنوان دارو، غذا و همچنین چاشنی مورد استفاده قرار می گیرند. این مطالعه به‌منظور بررسی درصد روغن و محتوای اسیدهای چرب برخی ژنوتیپ‌های مختلفکور انجام شد. استخراج روغن و شناسایی اسیدهای چرب به‌ترتیب به‌وسیله دستگاه سوکسله و گاز کروماتوگرافی انجام شد. درصد روغن در ژنوتیپ‌های مورد مطالعه از 10/21 درصد (ژنوتیپ دشت ارژن) تا 70/29 درصد (ژنوتیپ نورآباد) متفاوت بود. در روغن بذر 12 اسید چرب متفاوت شناسایی شد.بیشترین مقادیر اسیدهای چرب اشباع متعلق به اسید پالمیتیک(C16:0) و اسید استئاریک(C18:0) بود. همچنین اسیدهای لینولئیکC18:1(n-6)، اولئیک C18:1(n-9)و پالمیتولئیک(C16:1) مهم‌ترین اسیدهای چرب غیراشباع بودند. بالاترین مقادیر اسید لینولئیک (74/46 درصد)،پالمیتولئیک (93/2 درصد) و اولئیک (92/37 درصد) به‌ترتیب در ژنوتیپ‌های نورآباد، کاسکان و دریاچه پریشان مشاهده شد. بیشترین و کم‌ترین مقادیر مجموع اسیدهای چرب غیراشباع نیز به‌ترتیب در ژنوتیپ‌های سعادت‌شهر و قلعه‌سفید اندازه‌گیری شدند. به‌طور کلی بر اساس نتایج به‌دست آمده، بین ژنوتیپ‌های مورد مطالعه تنوع قابل توجهی از نظر درصد روغن و ترکیب اسیدهای چرب مشاهده شد. روغن بذر کور، به دلیل دارا بودن مقادیر قابل توجهی اسیدهای چرب غیراشباع که اثرات مهمی در سلامتی انسان دارند، می‌تواند به عنوان یک منبع روغن گیاهی مورد توجه قرار گیرد. Manuscript profile

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    16 - پاسخ‌های مورفوفیزیولوژیک گیاه شوید (Anethum graveolens) به محلول‌پاشی برگی پلی‌آمین‌ها در مراحل مختلف رشد
    Journal of Plant production Sciences , Issue 1 , Year , Winter 2023
    اربرد پلی آمین‌ها با اثر در محدوده وسیعی از فرآیندهای رشد و نمو گیاه می‌تواند به طور مستقیم یا غیرمستقیم بر شاخص‌های رشد و عملکرد متابولیکی گیاه اثر بگذارد. این تحقیق با هدف بررسی اثرات محلول‌پاشی برگی پلی آمین‌ها در قالب طرح آماری بلوک کامل تصادفی با 10 تیمار شامل اسپر More
    اربرد پلی آمین‌ها با اثر در محدوده وسیعی از فرآیندهای رشد و نمو گیاه می‌تواند به طور مستقیم یا غیرمستقیم بر شاخص‌های رشد و عملکرد متابولیکی گیاه اثر بگذارد. این تحقیق با هدف بررسی اثرات محلول‌پاشی برگی پلی آمین‌ها در قالب طرح آماری بلوک کامل تصادفی با 10 تیمار شامل اسپرمین، اسپرمیدین و پوتریسین هر کدام در سه سطح 50، 100 و 150 میلی‌گرم در لیتر با 3 تکرار انجام شد. تیمار بدون محلول پاشی به‌عنوان تیمار شاهد استفاده شد. نتایج نشان داد که محلول پاشی با سطوح مختلف اسپرمین، اسپرمیدین و پوتریسین تأثیر معنی‌داری (01/0 P≤) بر صفات وزن‌ خشک ریشه، وزن‌تر و خشک اندام هوایی و همچنین تأثیر معنی‌داری (01/0 P≤) بر میزان کلروفیل a،b و کل، کاروتنوئید، ارتفاع بوته، تعداد چتر، تعداد شاخه جانبی و وزن صد دانه داشت. بیشترین وزن خشک ریشه و وزن‌تر و خشک اندام هوایی و تعداد شاخه جانبی مربوط به تیمار اسپرمیدین 150 میلی‌گرم در لیتر، بیشترین کلروفیل a و b و کلروفیل کل وتعداد چتر مربوط به تیمار اسپرمین 150 میلی‌گرم در لیترو بیشترین کاروتنوئید برگ مربوط به تیمار اسپرمین 100 میلی‌گرم در لیتر و بیشترین وزن صد دانه و ارتفاع بوته به ترتیب برای کاربرد تیمارهای پوتریسین 150 و 100 میلی‌گرم در لیتر بود. بیشترین وزن تر ریشه نیز مربوط به تیمار شاهد بود. بر اساس نتایج این تحقیق به نظر می‌رسد که پلی‌آمین‌های اسپرمین و اسپرمیدین اثرات بیشتری بر صفات اندازه گیری داشته اند. همچنین محلول پاشی برگی پلی‌آمین‌ها می‌تواند باعث افزایش عملکرد کمی و کیفی شوید شود. Manuscript profile

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    17 - اثر کاربرد همزمان اسید سالیسیلیک و تیامین بر ویژگی‌های مرفوفیزیولوژیک و کیفی گوجه‌فرنگی (.Solanum lycopersicum L) رقم گلکسی
    Journal of Plant production Sciences , Issue 1 , Year , Autumn 2022
    این آزمایش در قالب فاکتوریل و به صورت طرح بلوک‌های کامل تصادفی با سه تکرار اجرا شد. تیمارهای مورد استفاده شامل چهار غلظت اسید سالیسیلیک و تیامین بود. کاربرد اسید سالیسیلیک باعث تغییرات معنی‌دار در سطح 5 و 1 درصد در همه صفات مورفولوژیک و فیزیولوژیک بجز صفات تعداد گل در خ More
    این آزمایش در قالب فاکتوریل و به صورت طرح بلوک‌های کامل تصادفی با سه تکرار اجرا شد. تیمارهای مورد استفاده شامل چهار غلظت اسید سالیسیلیک و تیامین بود. کاربرد اسید سالیسیلیک باعث تغییرات معنی‌دار در سطح 5 و 1 درصد در همه صفات مورفولوژیک و فیزیولوژیک بجز صفات تعداد گل در خوشه، محتوای نسبی آب برگ و اسیدیته شد. پاشش اسید سالیسیلیک باعث افزایش مقدار صفات عملکرد، تعداد میوه در بوته، تعداد خوشه در بوته نسبت به گیاهان شاهد گردید. پاشش تیامین نیز باعث ایجاد تغیرات معنی‌دار در بین اکثر صفات مورفوفیزیولوژیک و کیفی شد. تیامین هم مانند اسید سالیسیلیک در صفاتی که معنی‌دار شده بود موجب افزایش آن صفت شد، هرچند که این افزایش تحت تأثیر غلظت تنظیم‌کننده هورمونی و زیستی مورد استفاده قرار گرفت. صفات عملکرد (4084 و 4225 کیلوگرم برای کاربرد اسید سالیسیلیک و تیامین)، ویتامین ث (42 و 51 میلی‌گرم بر گرم وزن تر برای کاربرد اسید سالیسیلیک و تیامین) و لیکوپن (34/2 و 49/2 میلی‌گرم بر گرم وزن تر برای کاربرد اسید سالیسیلیک و تیامین) در غلظت 100 میلی‌گرم بر لیتر اسید سالیسیلیک و تیامین بیشترین مقدار را دارا بودند. برخی از صفات مانند عملکرد، قطر میوه، وزن تر و خشک، اسیدیته کل، اسید فنولیک و ویتامین ث هم تحت تأثیر اثر متقابل اسید سالیسیلیک و تیامین قرار گرفتند. بنابر یافته‌های این مطالعه، پاشش اسید سالیسیلیک و تیامین با غلظت 100 میلی‌گرم بر لیتر بیشترین تأثیر را بر روی صفات مورفوفیزیولوژی و صفات کیفی در گوجه‌فرنگی رقم گلکسی تحت شرایط کشت گلخانه‌ای داشت. Manuscript profile

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    18 - Improving Growth and Performance of Young Almond Trees in Nursery by Optimizing Mineral Nutrition
    Journal of Nuts , Issue 1 , Year , Winter 2020
    Short growing season restricts production of standard-sized fruit trees in nurseries at cold regions. Enhancing plant growth by optimizing program of mineral nutrition may solve the problem. This study evaluated efficiency of fertilizers [urea, sulfur coated urea (SCU), More
    Short growing season restricts production of standard-sized fruit trees in nurseries at cold regions. Enhancing plant growth by optimizing program of mineral nutrition may solve the problem. This study evaluated efficiency of fertilizers [urea, sulfur coated urea (SCU), or foliar applications of a NPK compound fertilizer] for optimizing the growth of seedling rootstocks and grafted young almond trees at the nursery in a cold region. At the end of the first growing season, the growth and quality of the almond seedlings were evaluated and they were budded in September. At the following season, the treatments were repeated on the grafted trees and grafting success and performance of the young almond trees were evaluated. The result showed that application of 600 kg ha-1 SCU and urea were the most successful treatments on enhancing the growth of the seedlings. Application of 400 and 600 kg ha-1 urea and SCU, and 30 kg ha-1 NPK resulted in the highest grafting success at the second season. The largest shoots of scion were found in the 400-600 kg ha-1 urea and SCU treatments. The highest leaf greenness and chlorophyll concentration were found in the 600 kg SCU ha-1 and 30 kg ha-1 NPK treatments. The highest leaf potassium and phosphorus concentrations were found in 30 kg ha-1 NPK treatment. The highest leaf nitrogen concentration was detected in treated plants with 400 and 600 kg SCU and 600 kg urea per hectare. According to the results, application of 400 kg ha-1 SCU is recommended to obtain young standard-sized almond plants in the nurseries. Manuscript profile

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    19 - Oil Content and Fatty Acid Profile of some Pine Nuts Species (Pinus spp.)
    Journal of Nuts , Issue 2 , Year , Winter 2019
    The pine nuts, as the most expensive ones, are a source of healthy oil. Accordingly, the hypothesis was genetic differences of pine species (Pinus spp.) affect their nut oil content and fatty acid phytovariability. A completely randomized design experiment with three re More
    The pine nuts, as the most expensive ones, are a source of healthy oil. Accordingly, the hypothesis was genetic differences of pine species (Pinus spp.) affect their nut oil content and fatty acid phytovariability. A completely randomized design experiment with three replicates was done in Isfahan Flower Garden, Iran, using four pine species of chir pine (Pinus longifolia Roxb.), stone pine (P. pinea L.), eldar pine (P. eldarica Medv.) and mugo pine (P. mugo pumilio XENARI). The mugo pine and eldar pine species contained the highest (44.10%) and the lowest (37.40%) oil percentage, respectively. The eldar pine (12.45%) and the chir pine (12.23%) species contained the highest and the stone pine species (11.18%) contained the least rate of saturated fatty acids (SFA). Palmitic (6.33%) and oleic (36.29%) acids were the highest in the stone pine specie, and stearic acid (3.86%) was the highest in the chir pine specie. For human health, high levels of unsaturated fatty acids and little amount of saturated fatty acids are recommended. In conclusion, the oil content and fatty acid composition in studied pine species were highly variable, and are considered as a potential source of polyunsaturated fatty acids. According to our results, the mugo pine species due to possess of the highest amount of oil percent and linoleic acid and the lowest amount of palmitic and stearic acids can be introduced as an elite pine specie. Manuscript profile

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    20 - Effects of Vermicompost and Manures on Growth Characteristics and Yield Components of Purslane (Portuleca oleracea L. var Behbahani)
    Research On Crop Ecophysiology , Issue 2 , Year , Spring 2015
    Nilofar Rahbar, Hossein Ali Asadi Gharneh* Department of Horticulture, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran *Corresponding author Email: h.asadi@khuisf.ac.ir Received: 3 May 2015 Accepted: 14 June 2015 Ab More
    Nilofar Rahbar, Hossein Ali Asadi Gharneh* Department of Horticulture, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran *Corresponding author Email: h.asadi@khuisf.ac.ir Received: 3 May 2015 Accepted: 14 June 2015 Abstract Fertilizer management is an important factor in successful cultivation of pharmaceutical plants. In order to investigate the effects of vermicompost and manures on growth characteristics and yield components of purslane (Portuleca oleracea L. var Behbahani), this study was carried out in a randomized complete blocks design with three replications in research greenhouses of Islamic Azad University- Isfahan Branch in 2014. Treatments were cow manure, sheep manure, buffalo manure and vermicompost of cow in 10, 20, 30, and 40% levels plus control (17 treatments). According to results, using manure had significant superiority (p<0.05) in all studied traits, so that, the highest fresh and dry weights of leaves, stem, and root, stem length, number of leaves, fresh and dry weights of aerial parts were obtained in 30% cow manure. Also, this treatment had the highest number of capsules per plant, seeds per plant, and 1000- seeds weight as yield components. On the whole, results showed that using manure can play important role in production and yield increment of Behbahani pursalne to reduce chemical fertilizers pollution and reach to sustainable agriculture. Manuscript profile

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    21 - Assessment of Qualitative and Quantitative Composition of Essential Oil of Three Salvia Species
    Research On Crop Ecophysiology , Issue 1 , Year , Winter 2019
    Farahnaz Farajzadeh1, Hossein Ali Asadi-Gharneh*2, Naser Sabaghnia3 1-Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran 2- Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branc More
    Farahnaz Farajzadeh1, Hossein Ali Asadi-Gharneh*2, Naser Sabaghnia3 1-Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran 2- Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran 3- Department of Plant Production and Genetics, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Maragheh, Iran *Corresponding address Email: h.asadi@khuisf.ac.ir Received: 25 July 2018 Accepted: 10 March 2019 Abstract Different species of Salvia are the most important medicinal plants. In this research essential oil composition of three Salvia species cultivated in climate condition in Marand region were investigated. The plants were harvested in flowering stage and after drying in room temperature, the essential oils of them were extracted with hydro-distillation technique and chemical compositions were analysed by a gas chromatography (GC) and gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The highest and lowest amounts of essential oil yield were measured in Salvia officinalis and Salvia virgata, respectively. A total of 31 different components were identified accounting by 89.51%, 92.62% and 87.40% of the oils of Salvia officinalis, Salvia nemorosa and Salvia virgata, respectively. The main components were found in Salvia officinalis were α-thujone (37.35%), followed by camphor (18.59%), 1, 8-cineol (8.26%), β-thujone (5.53%), e-caryophyllene (4.15%), and α-humulene (3.50%). The oil of Salvia virgata contained, as main components, E-caryophyllene (37.51%), E- β-farnesene (15.26%), Caryophyllene oxide (8.57%) and camphor (5.16%). Major compounds in the volatile of Salvia nemorosa were e-caryophyllene, caryophyllene oxide, spathulenol and caryophylla-β-ol with 42.54, 23.94, 7.44 and 6.61%, respectively. Results indicated variation in the essential oil percent and composition among studied salvia species. Keywords:Essential oil, Salvia officinalis, Salvia nemorosa, Salvia virgata. Manuscript profile

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    22 - Pharmaceutical Uses of Coriander (Coriandrum sativum) for Neuropsychological Disorders
    Research On Crop Ecophysiology , Issue 1 , Year , Winter 2022
    Pharmaceutical Uses of Coriander (Coriandrum sativum) for Neuropsychological Disorders Elham Foroozandeh1, Hossein ali asadi-gharneh2, * 1- Department of Horticulture, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran 2- Department of Horticultur More
    Pharmaceutical Uses of Coriander (Coriandrum sativum) for Neuropsychological Disorders Elham Foroozandeh1, Hossein ali asadi-gharneh2, * 1- Department of Horticulture, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran 2- Department of Horticulture, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran * Corresponding author e-mail: h.asadi@khuisf.ac.ir Received: 18 November 2021 Accepted: 10 January 2022 Abstract Coriander (Coriandrum sativum) in addition to its wide applications in the food, perfumery and cosmetics industries, has significant medicinal properties. Based on various studies in the field of pharmacognosy, different effects have been reported for coriander. In this review study, the medicinal uses of coriander in the field of neurological and psychological disorders are discussed and the use of coriander essential oil, syrup and its seeds for disorders such as Alzheimer's, anxiety, migraine, and seizures are reviewed. Manuscript profile

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    23 - Effect of Some Physical Treatments to Overcome Zarin-giyah (Dracocephalum kotschyi Boiss.) Seed Dormancy
    Research On Crop Ecophysiology , Issue 1 , Year , Winter 2021
    Effect of Some Physical Treatments to Overcome Zarin-giyah (Dracocephalum kotschyi Boiss.) Seed Dormancy Maedeh Bohlouli1, Hossein Ali Asadi - Gharneh1*, Elham Chavoshi2, Nafiseh Zamindar3 Department of Horticultural Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Isfahan (Khor More
    Effect of Some Physical Treatments to Overcome Zarin-giyah (Dracocephalum kotschyi Boiss.) Seed Dormancy Maedeh Bohlouli1, Hossein Ali Asadi - Gharneh1*, Elham Chavoshi2, Nafiseh Zamindar3 Department of Horticultural Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran Department of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran Department of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran *Correspondence Author E-mail: h.asadi@khuisf.ac.ir Received: 20 September 2020 Accepted: 18 November 2021 Abatract Zarin-giyah (Dracocephalum kotschyi Bioss.) is a medicinal plant and an endemic species in Iran. It is grown and well adapted to high elevations. This plant can be found in some areas such as Tabriz, Yasuj, Mazandaran and Isfahan. Germination in Zarin-giyah seed is irregular and takes a long period of time. This study conducted in 2021-2022, and the potential of Zarin-giyah seed dormancy release was evaluated using eight different treatments which consisted of: scratching with sandpaper, 24 hours of running water + 12 weeks of cooling at 4˚C, 48 hours of running water + 12 weeks of cooling at 4˚C, 60 ˚C hot water for ten minutes, freezing the seeds for 48 hours at -18 ˚C, 24 hours of running water + 48 hours of freezing at -18 ˚C, 24 hours of running water + scratching and the control. The result showed that seedling germination index, root and shoot dry weight, shoot length, mean germination time and germination rate were significant at the 1% probability level. Also, these results showed that using 24 hours of running water and 12 weeks of cooling at 4˚C improved germination traits in Zarin-giyah. Reducing the duration of seed immersion in running water is suggested as a means of achieving better results. Manuscript profile

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    24 - Evaluation of Morphological Traits in Some Castor Plant Genotypes in Isfahan Climate Condition
    Research On Crop Ecophysiology , Issue 1 , Year , Winter 2022
    Evaluation of Morphological Traits in Some Castor Plant Genotypes in Isfahan Climate Condition Shahla Etebarian1, Hossein Ali Asadi-Gharneh 2* Department of Horticulture, College of Agriculture, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran More
    Evaluation of Morphological Traits in Some Castor Plant Genotypes in Isfahan Climate Condition Shahla Etebarian1, Hossein Ali Asadi-Gharneh 2* Department of Horticulture, College of Agriculture, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran Department of Horticulture, College of Agriculture, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran *Corresponding Author Email Address: h.asadi@khuisf.ac.ir Received: 21 September 2021 Accepted: 8 January 2022 Abstract Castor plant with the scientific name Ricinus communis L. is one of the oil plants of the Euphorbiaceae family cultivated in many parts of Iran. Castor plant is one of the important medicinal plants used in the cosmetic, health and pharmaceutical industries. Its medicinal properties are associated with the presence of phytochemical compounds such as alkaloids, flavonoids and tannins. The purpose of this study is to study the morphological characteristics of 15 different genotypes of castor bean plants under the climatic conditions of Isfahan province. This research was conducted in the form of a randomized complete block design and three replications in the research farm of Islamic Azad University, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch in the year 1400-1401, located in eastern Isfahan, Khatunabad. Average comparisons between the investigated genotypes showed that the Isfahan genotype had the lowest number of clusters and the highest plant height and stem length. Jiroft and Malair genotypes had the highest number of clusters with 5 and 4 clusters, respectively. Jiroft, Fars and Mashhad genotypes had a capsule size of 2.6 cm. Mashhad, Shahrekord and Zahedan genotypes had the highest number of leaves with 34, 33 and 29 respectively, and Mashhad and Shahrekord genotypes had the highest and lowest weight per thousand seeds with 524.61 grams and 132.72 grams, respectively. Mashhad and Jiroft genotypes had 23 and 21 sub-branches, respectively. In addition, the Shahrekord genotype was the lowest with a seed width of 6.89 mm.Jiroft and Shahrekord genotypes had the highest and lowest stem cross-sectional areas with 3 cm2 and 1.3 cm2, respectively. In general, there is considerable genetic diversity between castor plant genotypes in terms of morphological characteristics. High yields of 1,000 seed weight, capsule size and cross-section are available to the food and pharmaceutical industries by growing Mashhad, Fars and Jiroft genotypes in Isfahan. Manuscript profile

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    25 - Effects of Vermicompost Application and Moringa Extract on Growth Responses, Yield and Bioactive Compounds in Cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata)
    Research On Crop Ecophysiology , Issue 1 , Year , Winter 2023
    Effects of Vermicompost Application and Moringa Extract on Growth Responses, Yield and Bioactive Compounds in Cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata) Ahmed Ali Hani Al-Haideri 1, Hossein Ali Asadi-Gharneh2*, Yasameen Fadhil Salloom3 1- Department of Horticulture, More
    Effects of Vermicompost Application and Moringa Extract on Growth Responses, Yield and Bioactive Compounds in Cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata) Ahmed Ali Hani Al-Haideri 1, Hossein Ali Asadi-Gharneh2*, Yasameen Fadhil Salloom3 1- Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran. 2- Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran. 3- Department of Agricultural Engineering Science, University of Baghdad. Baghdad Iraq. *Corresponding author email: h.asadi@khuisf.ac.ir Received: 8 November October 2022 Accepted: 20 January 2023 Abstract Soil fertility management plays a crucial role in agricultural production. Vermicompost and moringa extract are organic compounds that can enhance soil conditions and improve the productivity and efficiency of crops. This study aimed to examine the impact of vermicomposting and foliar application of moringa extract on the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of red and white cabbage under field conditions. Before transplanting, vermicompost was added to the soil at rates of 0, 0.5, and 1 kg/m2. Moringa extract was sprayed on the plants every 14 days at concentrations of 0, 10, and 20 g/l. The growth characteristics and bioactive compound content of cabbage were evaluated at the commercial maturity stage. The results showed that applying 1 kg/m2 of vermicompost resulted in an 8% increase in head diameter, a 28% increase in cabbage weight, and a 39% increase in crop yield. Additionally, using 20 g/l of moringa extract led to a 2% increase in head diameter and a 12% increase in weight and yield of cabbage. The use of vermicompost and moringa extract also increased the flavonoid content in red cabbage. The highest levels of bioactive compounds were achieved with the application of 1 kg/m2 of vermicompost and 20 g/l of moringa extract. These treatments are recommended as effective strategies for promoting cabbage growth and enhancing bioactive compound content, particularly in hot and dry conditions. Manuscript profile

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    26 - Effect of Trinexapac-Ethyl Growth Inhibitor and Drought Stress on Some Morpho-Physiological Traits of Wheatgrass (Agropyron cristatum L.)
    Research On Crop Ecophysiology , Issue 2 , Year , Spring 2018
    Abstract The wheatgrass (Agropyron cristatum L.), is a plant with potential source of turf in arid and semi-arid regions. It can be also cultivated in order to prevent the soil erosion by coverage of earth's surface. Drought stress is one of the most important factors More
    Abstract The wheatgrass (Agropyron cristatum L.), is a plant with potential source of turf in arid and semi-arid regions. It can be also cultivated in order to prevent the soil erosion by coverage of earth's surface. Drought stress is one of the most important factors that influence growth and productivity of plants in arid and semi-arid condition. In order to evaluate the effect of trinexapac ethyl concentrations (0, 0.25 and 0.5 kg/h) and drought stress (25, 50 and 75% of field capacity) treatments on some wheatgrass morphological traits, a pot experiment was conducted as factorial in completely randomized block designs with four replications in research greenhouses of Islamic Azad University, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch during 2015. The results showed that the maximum plant height and the lowest amount of proline obtained in 75% drought stress treatment. The lowest fresh weight of the aerial parts and the relative water content (RWC) were observed in 25% drought stress treatment. The highest dry weight of the shoots was measured in control, 0.25 kg/h trinexapac-ethyl and 75% drought stress treatments. The highest proline content and the lowest height of the plants were observed in 25% drought treatment with 0.5 kg/h oftrinexapac-ethyl. In general, the research results indicated that under drought stress condition, application of trinexapac-ethyl by increasing the amount of proline and relative water content reduced stress damage and increased resistance to drought stress in the wheatgrass. Keywords: Agropyron cristatum L, Proline, Relative water content, Plant growth regulator. Manuscript profile

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    27 - Effects Of Some Biostimulant Foliar Application On Antioxidant Capacity and Some Morphological Characteristics Of Lavendula angustifolia L.
    Research On Crop Ecophysiology , Issue 2 , Year , Spring 2015

    In this research, the effect of foliar spraying of some biological stimulants on the growth characteristics and antioxidant capacity of lavender was investigated. The treatments include seaweed (1, 2, 3 ml/L), amino acid (1, 3, 5 ml/L) and Curser organic fertilizer (5, 10, 15 ml per liter) was evaluated in three replicates along with the control treatment. The measured traits included number, length, fresh and dry weight of flowering stems and antioxidant capacity of pure flowers. The results of this research showed that foliar spraying with biological stimulants had a significant difference in vegetative traits and antioxidant capacity with the control treatment. The highest number of flowering stems related to the seaweed (3 ml/liter) is 359 stems, the highest length of the flowering stem related to Cercer organic fertilizer (10 ml/liter) is 27.70 cm. The highest fresh and dry weight related to Amino acid (1 ml/liter) at the rate of 0.067 g and 0.027 g, respectively, the highest antioxidant capacity related to the control treatment at the rate of 71.92 percent, and amino acid (3 ml/liter) was 71.81%. Also, the lowest amount in the vegetative traits related to the control treatment and the lowest amount of antioxidant capacity in the seaweed treatment (1 ml/liter) was estimated to be 42.14%. The general conclusion indicates that the biological stimuli had a positive effect on the vegetative traits of lavender and a negative effect on the antioxidant capacity

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