Study of phytochemical compounds of Lactuca serriola L. (case study of the fields of Vamenan village in Azadshar)
Subject Areas : Genetic
Ebrahim Gholamalipour Alamdari
Maral Iri
Javad Bayat Kohsar
zeinab avarseji
1 - Department of Plant Products, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Gonbad Kavous University, Gonbad Kavous, Iran
2 - Department of Animal Science, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Gonbad Kavous University, Gonbad Kavous, Iran
3 - Department of Animal Science, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Gonbad Kavous University, Gonbad Kavous, Iran
4 - Department of Plant Products, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Gonbad Kavous University, Gonbad Kavous, Iran
Keywords: Protein, Weeds, Anthocyanins, Total phenols, Compatibility osmolytes, Membrane stability index,
Abstract :
This experiment was carried out to analyze some primary and secondary compounds in various organs of Lactuca serriola during phenological vegetative growth stage. After collecting aerial parts of L. Serriola from the farms in Vamenan village in Azadshar, various organs such as root, stem, and leaf were dried and powdered separately. Also, mixed organs were considered as another treatment for comparison. Then various organs of L. serriola and a mixture of them were analyzed qualitatively for primary metabolites like organic matter, raw ash, protein, proline, starch and soluble sugar as well as membrane stability index and some secondary metabolites like total phenols and anthocyanin. Results showed that various organs of L. serriola had a various content of primary and secondary metabolites as well membrane stability index. On the basis of the findings, the highest and lowest contents of organic matter and raw ash were obtained in leaf, respectively. The highest content of protein, starch and compatibility osmotic of soluble sugar and proline also were found in the leaf organ. The highest content of total phenols and anthocyanin were obtained in leaf showing a positive and significant correlation with membrane stability index. Regarding the high biomass generated from L. serriola, it is suggested to analyze the other chemical compounds in this plant. Complimentary studies are required to exploit the application of these compounds as bio herbicide.
Afshar Mohammadian, M., Sharifi, M., Abolghasemi, S.N. and Mohammadi, M. (2015). Investigation of some medicinal secondary metabolites and antioxidants of Dittrichia graveolens L. Greuter. Nova Biologica Reperta. 2 (2): 140-150. (In Persian)
Agrawal, S., Sairam, R.K., Srivastava, G.C. and Meena, R.C. (2005). Changes in antioxidant enzymes activity and oxidative stress by abscisic acid and salicylic acid in wheat genotypes. Biology. Plant. 49: 541-550.
AOAC. (2003). Official Methods of Analysis of AOAC International. 17 editions. 2 revisions. Gaithersburg, MD, USA, Association of Analytical Communities.
Azizpour, K., Shakiba,M.R., Khosh Kholg Sima,N.A., Alyari,H., Mogaddam,M., Esfandiari, E. and Pessarakli, M.(2010).Physiological response of spring durum wheat genotypes to salinity. Journal of Plant Nutrition. 33:859-873.
Bates, L.S., Waldren, R.P. and Tevre, I.V. (1973). Rapid determination of free proline for water- stress studies. Plant Soil. 39: 205-207.
Bystrická, J., Vollmannová, A., Margitanová, E. and Čičová, I. (2010). Dynamics of polyphenolics formation in different plant parts and different growth phases of selected buckwheat cultivars. Acta Agriculturae Slovenica .95: 225-229.
David, R. and Zbigniew, A. (2010). Aqueous extract of Achillea millefolium L. (Asteraceae) inflorescences suppresses lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammatory responses in RAW 2647 murine macrophages. Medicinal Plants Research. 4(3): 225-234.
Ebrahimi, R. (2014). Evaluation of antioxiodant activity, essential oil and total extract of Perovskia abrotanoides in various growth stages and assessing antioxidant activity of strongest cells aspect essential oils. Ph.D. Thesis, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad. (In Persian)
Essilan, G.S. (2016). Effect of drought stress on slouble sugar, prolin, leaf chlorophyll and seed protein in some sun flower hybrid (Helianthus annuus L.). Journal of Irainian Crop Sciences. 47: 175-184. (In Persian)
Farhang, H., Vahabi, M., Alafchian, A. and Tarksh esfahani, M. (2017). Effect of environmental condition on phytochemical traits of Gundelia tournefortii L. in Charmahal Bakhtiari and south of Esfahan province, Iran. Rangland Journal. 11 (2): 258-272 (In Persian)
Ghamari, H., Saidi, M., Ghaasemnejaad, A. and Ghanbari, A.R. (2016). Evaluation of phytochemical composition of Sahandian savory (Satureja sahendica Bornm.) essential oils at different phenological stages. Journal of Agroecology. 8 (1): 1-16. (In Persian)
Heber D. (2004). PDR for herbal medicine. Third editions. Thomson Company. pp: 495-96.
Hughes, N.M. (2011). Winter leaf reddening in evergreen species. New Phytology. 190: 573-581.
Jun Gu Lee, A., Byoung Yil Lee, B. and Hee Jae Lee, B. (2006). Accumulation of phytotoxic organic acids in reused nutrient solution during hydroponic cultivation of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.). Journal of Scientia Horticulturae. pp:119–128.
Kaykha, Z., Valizadeh, M., Valizadeh, J. and Taheri, Kh. (2017). Studying the quantity and quality of fatty acids in the seeds of Withania coagulans (Stocks) Dun. and Withania somnifera (L.) Dun., collected from different habitats of Sistan and Baluchestan. Iranian Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants. 33 (5): 730-740.
Kochert, G. (1978). Carbohydrate determination by the phenol sulfuric acid method. In: Helebust, J.A., CraigieJ. S(Ed): Hand book of physiological methods. Cambridge University. Press, Cambridge. pp: 96-97.
Kulkarni, S.K. and Dhir, A. (2010). Berberine: a plant alkaloid with therapeutic potential for entral nervous system disorders. Phytother Research.24 (3): 317-24.
Lowry, O.H., Rosebrough, N.J., Farr, A.L. and Randall, R.J. (1951). Protein measurement with folin phenol reagent. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 193: 256-275.
Lugan, R., Niogret, M.F., Leport, L., Guegan, J.P., Larher, F.R., Savoure, A., Kopka, J. and Bouchereau, A. (2010). Metabolome and water homeostasis analysis of Thellungiella salsuginea suggests that dehydration tolerance is a key response to osmotic stress in this halophyte. Plant Journal. 64: 215–229.
Malick, C.P. and Singh, M.B. (1980). In plant Enzymology and Histo Enzymologhy, Kalyani Publishers, New Dehli.
Naghiloo, S., Movafeghi, A., Delazar, A., Nazmiye, H., Asnaashari, S. and Dadpour, M. R. (2012). Ontogenetic variation of volatiles and antioxidant activity in leaves of Astragalus compactus Lam. (Fabaceae). Journal of Experimental and Clinical Sciences. 11: 436-43.
Omidi, M., Koohzadi, F., Solouki, M., Taghizad, F. and Alizadeh, H. (2012). Comparison of morphinan alkaloids during different stages of growth in the medicinal plant of Opium poppy (Papaver somniferum L.). Journal of Medicinal Plants. 11(4): 140-148.
Pedrol, N., Gonzalez, L. and Reigosa, M.L. (2006). Allelopathy and a biotic stress, a Physiological Process with Ecological Implications, Netherlands. pp.171-209.
Rashed Mohassel, M.H., Najafi, H. and Akbarzadeh, M.D. (2001). Weed biology and control. Publication of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad. pp. 404. (In Persian).
Ridle, J.M. (1992). Contraception and Abortion from the Ancient World to the Renaisance. Harvard University Pres, Cambridge, MA.
Samsam Shariat, H. (1999). The extraction and derivation of the constituents of medicinal plants and their identification and assessment methods. Mani Press.pp. 266. (In Persian)
Sánchez, D.H., Siahpoosh, M.R., Roessner, U., Udvardi, M. and Kopka, J. (2008). Plant metabolism reveals conserved and divergent metabolic responses to salinity. Physiologia Plantarum. 132: 209-219.
Soltani, A. (2007). Application of SAS soft ware in statistical analysis. Publication of Jahad-e Daneshgahi Mashhad. pp.182.
Turkan, J.(2008). Study of phonological stage effect and environmental factors on forage quality of several rangeland species. MSc. Thesis of rangeland science, College of Natural Resources, Tehran University. (In Persian)
Thayumanavan B. and Sadasivam S. (1984). Plant Foods for Human Nutrition. 34-253.
Xiangfei, L., Shane, A., Marisa, B., John, P. and Kequan, Z. (2009). Cecil lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) Science Horticulture. 13(2): 56-62.
Zeinali, Z., Hemmati, Kh. and Mazandarani, M. (2014). Autecology, ethnopharmacology, phytochemistry and antioxidant activity of Ferula gummosa Boiss. In different regions of Razavi Khorasan Province. Eco-phytochemical Journal of Medicinal Plants. 1: 11-22.
Zovko Koncic, M., Kremer, D. and Karlovic, K. (2010). Evaluation of antioxidant activities and phenolic content of Berberis vulgaris L. and Berberis croatica Horvat. Food and Chemical Toxicology. 48: 2176-21.
Afshar Mohammadian, M., Sharifi, M., Abolghasemi, S.N. and Mohammadi, M. (2015). Investigation of some medicinal secondary metabolites and antioxidants of Dittrichia graveolens L. Greuter. Nova Biologica Reperta. 2 (2): 140-150. (In Persian)
Agrawal, S., Sairam, R.K., Srivastava, G.C. and Meena, R.C. (2005). Changes in antioxidant enzymes activity and oxidative stress by abscisic acid and salicylic acid in wheat genotypes. Biology. Plant. 49: 541-550.
AOAC. (2003). Official Methods of Analysis of AOAC International. 17 editions. 2 revisions. Gaithersburg, MD, USA, Association of Analytical Communities.
Azizpour, K., Shakiba,M.R., Khosh Kholg Sima,N.A., Alyari,H., Mogaddam,M., Esfandiari, E. and Pessarakli, M.(2010).Physiological response of spring durum wheat genotypes to salinity. Journal of Plant Nutrition. 33:859-873.
Bates, L.S., Waldren, R.P. and Tevre, I.V. (1973). Rapid determination of free proline for water- stress studies. Plant Soil. 39: 205-207.
Bystrická, J., Vollmannová, A., Margitanová, E. and Čičová, I. (2010). Dynamics of polyphenolics formation in different plant parts and different growth phases of selected buckwheat cultivars. Acta Agriculturae Slovenica .95: 225-229.
David, R. and Zbigniew, A. (2010). Aqueous extract of Achillea millefolium L. (Asteraceae) inflorescences suppresses lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammatory responses in RAW 2647 murine macrophages. Medicinal Plants Research. 4(3): 225-234.
Ebrahimi, R. (2014). Evaluation of antioxiodant activity, essential oil and total extract of Perovskia abrotanoides in various growth stages and assessing antioxidant activity of strongest cells aspect essential oils. Ph.D. Thesis, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad. (In Persian)
Essilan, G.S. (2016). Effect of drought stress on slouble sugar, prolin, leaf chlorophyll and seed protein in some sun flower hybrid (Helianthus annuus L.). Journal of Irainian Crop Sciences. 47: 175-184. (In Persian)
Farhang, H., Vahabi, M., Alafchian, A. and Tarksh esfahani, M. (2017). Effect of environmental condition on phytochemical traits of Gundelia tournefortii L. in Charmahal Bakhtiari and south of Esfahan province, Iran. Rangland Journal. 11 (2): 258-272 (In Persian)
Ghamari, H., Saidi, M., Ghaasemnejaad, A. and Ghanbari, A.R. (2016). Evaluation of phytochemical composition of Sahandian savory (Satureja sahendica Bornm.) essential oils at different phenological stages. Journal of Agroecology. 8 (1): 1-16. (In Persian)
Heber D. (2004). PDR for herbal medicine. Third editions. Thomson Company. pp: 495-96.
Hughes, N.M. (2011). Winter leaf reddening in evergreen species. New Phytology. 190: 573-581.
Jun Gu Lee, A., Byoung Yil Lee, B. and Hee Jae Lee, B. (2006). Accumulation of phytotoxic organic acids in reused nutrient solution during hydroponic cultivation of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.). Journal of Scientia Horticulturae. pp:119–128.
Kaykha, Z., Valizadeh, M., Valizadeh, J. and Taheri, Kh. (2017). Studying the quantity and quality of fatty acids in the seeds of Withania coagulans (Stocks) Dun. and Withania somnifera (L.) Dun., collected from different habitats of Sistan and Baluchestan. Iranian Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants. 33 (5): 730-740.
Kochert, G. (1978). Carbohydrate determination by the phenol sulfuric acid method. In: Helebust, J.A., CraigieJ. S(Ed): Hand book of physiological methods. Cambridge University. Press, Cambridge. pp: 96-97.
Kulkarni, S.K. and Dhir, A. (2010). Berberine: a plant alkaloid with therapeutic potential for entral nervous system disorders. Phytother Research.24 (3): 317-24.
Lowry, O.H., Rosebrough, N.J., Farr, A.L. and Randall, R.J. (1951). Protein measurement with folin phenol reagent. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 193: 256-275.
Lugan, R., Niogret, M.F., Leport, L., Guegan, J.P., Larher, F.R., Savoure, A., Kopka, J. and Bouchereau, A. (2010). Metabolome and water homeostasis analysis of Thellungiella salsuginea suggests that dehydration tolerance is a key response to osmotic stress in this halophyte. Plant Journal. 64: 215–229.
Malick, C.P. and Singh, M.B. (1980). In plant Enzymology and Histo Enzymologhy, Kalyani Publishers, New Dehli.
Naghiloo, S., Movafeghi, A., Delazar, A., Nazmiye, H., Asnaashari, S. and Dadpour, M. R. (2012). Ontogenetic variation of volatiles and antioxidant activity in leaves of Astragalus compactus Lam. (Fabaceae). Journal of Experimental and Clinical Sciences. 11: 436-43.
Omidi, M., Koohzadi, F., Solouki, M., Taghizad, F. and Alizadeh, H. (2012). Comparison of morphinan alkaloids during different stages of growth in the medicinal plant of Opium poppy (Papaver somniferum L.). Journal of Medicinal Plants. 11(4): 140-148.
Pedrol, N., Gonzalez, L. and Reigosa, M.L. (2006). Allelopathy and a biotic stress, a Physiological Process with Ecological Implications, Netherlands. pp.171-209.
Rashed Mohassel, M.H., Najafi, H. and Akbarzadeh, M.D. (2001). Weed biology and control. Publication of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad. pp. 404. (In Persian).
Ridle, J.M. (1992). Contraception and Abortion from the Ancient World to the Renaisance. Harvard University Pres, Cambridge, MA.
Samsam Shariat, H. (1999). The extraction and derivation of the constituents of medicinal plants and their identification and assessment methods. Mani Press.pp. 266. (In Persian)
Sánchez, D.H., Siahpoosh, M.R., Roessner, U., Udvardi, M. and Kopka, J. (2008). Plant metabolism reveals conserved and divergent metabolic responses to salinity. Physiologia Plantarum. 132: 209-219.
Soltani, A. (2007). Application of SAS soft ware in statistical analysis. Publication of Jahad-e Daneshgahi Mashhad. pp.182.
Turkan, J.(2008). Study of phonological stage effect and environmental factors on forage quality of several rangeland species. MSc. Thesis of rangeland science, College of Natural Resources, Tehran University. (In Persian)
Thayumanavan B. and Sadasivam S. (1984). Plant Foods for Human Nutrition. 34-253.
Xiangfei, L., Shane, A., Marisa, B., John, P. and Kequan, Z. (2009). Cecil lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) Science Horticulture. 13(2): 56-62.
Zeinali, Z., Hemmati, Kh. and Mazandarani, M. (2014). Autecology, ethnopharmacology, phytochemistry and antioxidant activity of Ferula gummosa Boiss. In different regions of Razavi Khorasan Province. Eco-phytochemical Journal of Medicinal Plants. 1: 11-22.
Zovko Koncic, M., Kremer, D. and Karlovic, K. (2010). Evaluation of antioxidant activities and phenolic content of Berberis vulgaris L. and Berberis croatica Horvat. Food and Chemical Toxicology. 48: 2176-21.