In Pursuit of Meaning in Persian and English Novels: An Existential Approach to The Scorched Earth and The Neighbor Versus A Farewell to Arms
Subject Areas :Mohammad Hosseini Nassab 1 , Hassan Shahabi 2 , Najmeh Ghabeli 3
1 - English Language.Literature.Azad.Kerman. Iran
2 - English Department, Kerman Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran
3 -
Keywords: Existentialism, Identity, Responsibility, War, Authenticity,
Abstract :
This comparative study examines the works of two prominent novelists, Ernest Hemingway and Ahmad Mahmoud, through the lens of Existentialism. Both authors are renowned for their unique styles and themes that probe the human condition and the quest for meaning in life. This research compares their works, including Hemingway’s A Farewell to Arms and The Sun Also Rises and Mahmoud’s The Neighbors and The Scorched Earth to differentiate the similarities and differences in their approaches to Existentialism. Based on an existential perspective, the study aims to examine how characters in the novels of Hemingway and Mahmoud grapple with existential crises, confront the absurdity of life, navigate concepts of freedom and authenticity, and cope with existential anxiety. Results show that while Hemingway's characters often exhibit a stoic acceptance of the absurdity of life and adopt a sense of freedom in their choices, Mahmoud's characters tend to struggle more intensely with existential anxiety and undergo profound existential crises as they confront the complexities of their existence. Moreover, Hemingway's characters typically fail to stick to their true selves and what they believe in, while Mahmoud's characters might struggle more with being true to themselves and finding their own identity
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