Analyzing the status of the structure of academic disciplines and educational groups in Iran in the atmosphere of industrial revolutions (with thematic analysis approach)
Subject Areas : Educational management
hamed tarin
sakineh shahi
yadollah mehralizadeh
Hamid Farhadi Rad
, gholamhosain rahimidoost
1 - Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Faculty of Educational Sciences
2 - university of shahid chamran ahvaz
3 - University of shahid chamran
4 - Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Faculty of Educational Sciences, Department of Educational Management
5 - Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Faculty of Educational Sciences, Department of Educational Management
Keywords: Organizational structure, Theme Analysis, disciplines and educational groups,
Abstract :
The current research was to explore the state of structure of academic disciplines and educational groups in the past, present and future according to the approach of industrial revolutions. This study is in terms of applied-developmental purpose, in terms of descriptive-exploratory nature, and in terms of the type of data, it is qualitative. All scientific documents indexed in domestic and foreign databases, whose subject is "organizational structure", "educational disciplines and groups" and "industrial revolutions", as well as experts in the field of educational management of public institutions and universities in Tehran as a society Statistics were selected. 61 related scientific documents and 10 experts were selected by using criterion-based targeted sampling. To collect data, the data-mining tool of scientific documents was used, and for data analysis, thematic analysis technique and MaxQda software version 2020 were used. The results showed that the network of themes of the structure of university courses and educational groups has 60 basic themes, 6 organizing themes and one comprehensive theme. The obtained results indicate that the structure of university courses and educational groups in the first and second industrial revolutions had a form of discipline-oriented and task-oriented, in the third industrial revolution, cellular and network structures and in the industrial revolution Fourth, they will have a digital and project-oriented situation.