A Survey on the Rate of Public Satisfaction about Subway Facilities in the City of Tehran Using Servqual Model
Subject Areas :
Space Ontology International Journal
Hamid Bigdeli Rad
Vahid Bigdeli Rad
1 - Department of Transportation Planning, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran
2 - Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran
Received: 2017-11-04
Accepted : 2018-05-17
Published : 2018-03-01
Public transportation,
Service Quality,
Consumers satisfaction,
Abstract :
Tehran suburb city rail Exploitation Company (Tehran subway) presents public transportation services to more than 3 million people in a day. Therefore, the way these services are presented and customer satisfactions’ rate with the services presented to enjoy high importance. In the matters applied to the survey, first the expectations that users of this public transportation system have and the perception they had after using these services were examined by servqual services quality assessment model.The aim at this study is surveying the gap between the expectations and perceptions of customers from services presented by Tehran Subway Company.To provide necessary solutions to eliminating this gap or at least minimizing it with the aim of increasing subway service quality level by this model.The findings showed that the performance of Tehran Subway Company was under the expected rate of citizens from the credibility dimension, reliability dimension, empathy dimension, answering dimension and items marked of servqual model. Therefore, there is a need to take extensive practical measures for removing defects and mitigating this gap.
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