Analysis and Assessment of Communicative Action Indicators and Variables; a Case of Tehran city, Iran
Subject Areas : Space Ontology International JournalMaryam Rezapour 1 , Seyed Hossein Bahrainy 2 * , Manouchehr Tabibian 3
1 - Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Urban Planning, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Qazvin Branch, IslamicAzad University, Qazvin, Iran
2 - Professor, Department of Urban Planning and Design, Fine Arts Faculty, Tehran University, Iran
3 - Professor, Department of Urban Planning and Design, Fine Arts Faculty, Tehran University, Iran
Keywords: Communicative Rationality, Tehran City, Communicative Action Indicators, Lifeworld,
Abstract :
While there are a wide variety of studies about communicative action theory of Habermas, there is the need for building of indicators and variables for quantitative methods of assessing this concept in a particular case study. Especially as the development of communicative action theory has created new perspectives in urban planning, it is necessary to assess and promote this concept in cities and neighborhoods. The purpose of this paper is to identify communicative action indicators and variables and assess the communicative action in Tehran city as the case study. Seven indicators were derived of theoretical framework, which are Urban Space, Lifeworld, Amenity, Social Capital, Communicative Rationality, Critical View Point and Economic Development. Variables related to each one were also identified and after testing reliability and validity, were served as a basis for assessing communicative action in Tehran city. In this regard, the hypotheses of the research were elaborated on the existence of the significant relationship between the seven indicators and communicative action in Tehran city. This research has been conducted with quantitative analysis based on field studies. Research hypotheses were tested using structural equation modeling in Lisrel software, using data related to 384 questionnaires. Results show that all indicators have a significant relationship with communicative action in Tehran city and among them the strongest impacts relate to social capital, amenity and lifeworld.
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