سیاستهای راهبردی دیوان بین المللی کیفری در جبران خسارت با تاکید بر رویه قضانی بین المللی
محورهای موضوعی : علوم سیاسی- روابط بین المللحسین جعفری طاهری 1 , سیدحسام الدین لسانی 2 *
1 - گروه حقوق، دانشکده علوم انسانی، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، تهران، ایران
2 - عضو هیات علمی گروه حقوق،دانشگاه حضرت معصومه(س)،قم، ایران
کلید واژه: جبران خسارت, جنایات بین المللی, سیاست راهبردی دیوان بین المللی کیفری, رویه قضایی بین المللی, سیاست بین المللی,
چکیده مقاله :
در اثر ارتکاب جنایات بین المللی، خسارت و صدماتی به قربانیان و زیان دیدگان وارد می شود. سیاست راهبردی دیوان با رویکردی حیاتی و استراتژیک بگونه ای با حیات سیاسی دولتها پیوند داشته اند. جبران خسارت بعنوان یکی از مولفه های سیاست راهبردی دیوان بین المللی کیفری نهادینه شده است. دیوان بین المللی کیفری نظام عدالت کیفری بین المللی را بزه دیده مداری می داند، از اینروی جبران خسارت که بخشی از سیاستهای راهبردی دیوان کیفری بین المللی است که در پرتو اجرای جبران خسارت متبلور می شود. عنصر قدرت و نوع روابط کشورهای متنفذ و قدرتمند با دیوان می تواند در اجرای این سیاست تعیین کننده باشد، لیکن دیوان با اعمال سیاستهای استبدادی ابرقدرتهای جهانی، جهت دستیابی به اهداف و سیاست های راهبردی، با ناملایمات و موانع جدی مواجه می گردد که این موانع اسباب برهم زدن موازنه نظام عدالت کیفری در برخورد با جنایات بین المللی را پدید آورده است. برهمین اساس، دیوان باید در هر پرونده، سیاستها و رویه های مربوط به سیاست جبران خسارت را مشخص نماید. درپژوهش حاضر که به شیوه توصیفی- تحلیلی است، به بررسی سیاستهای راهبردی جبران خسارت در دیوان پرداخته است.
Some international harms and injuries may be suffered by the victims through the commission of these crimes.The strategic policy of the Court has been linked with a critical and strategic approach to the political life of governments. Compensation has been institutionalized as an integral part of the strategic policy strategy of the International Criminal Court. The power element and the kind of strong and powerful relations with the Supreme Court can be decisive in the implementation of this policy, but the Supreme Court faces serious obstacles and obstacles in pursuit of strategic goals and policies by imposing authoritarian policies of global superpowers. These obstacles have created the balance of criminal justice system in dealing with international crimes. By this way the compensation as part of the function of the court is expressed through the implementation of the compensation plans. The Statute provides for the general points regarding compensation. However, the Court needs to establish the principles and procedures in every case. The main question in this research is what are the principles governing compensation within the ICC. For replying this question, the present research- which is in a descriptive-analytical method.
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Jeremy, B., (1843).Principles of Penal Law, in The Works of Jeremy Bentham, (Russell & Russell Inc. 1962) available at< http://oll.libertyfund.org/titles/bentham-the-works-of-jeremy-bentham-vol-1>
Enrico, F., (1917), Criminal Sociology, Kessinger Publishing. Bryan A., G., (2009), (editor in Chief), Black`s Law Dictionary, ninth edition.
Heather, S., (2002), Repair or Revenge: Victims and Restorative Justice, Clarendon Press.
Articles Chappell, D., (1972), "Providing for the Victim of Crime: Political Placebos or Progressive Programs?", 4 Adelaide Law Review.
Culhane, J., G., (2003), "Tort, Compensation, and Two Kinds of Justice", 55 Rutgers Law Review.
Dannenbaum, T., (2010), "the International Criminal Court, Article 79, and Transitional Justice: The Case for an Independent Trust Fund for Victims", 28 Wisconsin International Law Journal.
Fischer, P., G., (2003), "the Victims’ Trust Fund of the International Criminal Court—Formation of a Functional Reparations Scheme", 17 EMORY International Law Review.
Fry, M., (1959), "Justice for Victims", 8 Journal of Public Law. Haldane, J., & Harvey, A., (1995), "the Philosophy of State Compensation", 12 Journal of Applied Philosophy.
Hoelzel, W., E., (1980), "A Survey of 27 Victim Compensation Programs", 63 Judicature.
O’Connell, M., (2003), "Criminal Injuries Compensation: Revisiting the Rationale for State Funded Compensation for Crime Victims", Available <http://ibrarian.net/navon/paper /CRIMINAL_INJURIES_COMPENSATION_Revisiting_the_Rat.pdf?paperid=16631375> (last visit 05 July 2017)
Shank, W., (1970), "Aid to Victims of Violent Crimes in California", 43 Sothern California Law Review. Reports and Documents An Overview of Victim Services across Canada, Federal Ombudsman for Victims of crime, <http://www.victimsfirst.gc.ca/index.html > (last modified Feb. 26, 2009 and last visit 03/07/2018). Basic Principles and Guidelines on the Right to a Remedy and Reparation for Victims of Gross Violations of International Human Rights Law and Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law, Adopted and proclaimed by General Assembly resolution 60/147 of 16 December 2005.
Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority, the Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme (2012), para. 9 (2012), available at<https:/www.gov.uk /government /uploads /system /uploads /attachment_data/file/243480/9780108512117.pdf>
Declaration of Basic Principles of Justice for Victims of Crime and Abuse of Power, G.A. Res. 40/34, Annex, para 12, U.N. Doc.A/Res/40/34/ (Nov. 29, 1985).
ICC, Decision on the Notification of the Board of Directors of the Trust Fund for Victims in Accordance with Regulation 50 of the Regulations of the Trust Fund, at 2,ICC-01/04-492 (April 11, 2008).
Manjoo, Rashida, Report of the Special Rapporteur on violence against women, its causes and consequences: A/HRC/14/22, 19 April 2010. Nairobi Declaration on Women's and Girls' Right to a Remedy and Reparation, 2007. Updated Set of Principles for the Protection and Promotion of human rights through action to combat impunity, 8 February 2005, E/CN.4/2005/102/Add.1
OHCHR: Call for 2011 Applications UN Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture, UN Non-Governmental Liaison Service, <http:/ /www .ohchr. org /EN /Issues /Torture /UNVFT /Pages/WhattheFunddoes.aspx>. Peace Village for Rwandan Genocide Survivors in Construction, AFROL NEWS (Sept. 27, 2000), <http://www.afrol.com/html/News/rwa008_victim_initiative.htm>. (last visit 02 July 2018) Report from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament and the European Economic and Social Committee, at 4, COM (2009) 170 final (April 20, 2009). <http://www. justice.ir /Portal/View/Page.aspx?PageId=23cbe37e-cccb-440e-97fa-fbcc33874e48> (last visit 15 July 2018)
United Nations Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture, G.A. Res 36/151, 1(a), U.N. Doc A/RES/36/151 (Dec. 16, 1981). United Nations Voluntary Trust Fund on Contemporary Forms of Slavery, G.A. Res. 46/122, U,N. Doc. A/RES/46/122 (Dec. 17, 1991).
United Nations Office of the High Comm’r for Human Rights, United Nations Voluntary Trust Fund on Contemporary Forms of Slavery Guidelines for the Use of Organizations, 2005, Available at <http://www.ohchr.org/Documents/Issues/Slavery/GuidelinesFund.pdf>(last visited 03 July 2018).
UN Guidelines on Justice in Matters Involving Child Victims and Witnesses, ECOSOC Resolution 2005/20. Witnesses, International Criminal Tribunal For the Former Yugoslavia, (last visit 02 July 2018); see also Updated Statute of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, art. 22 (Sept. 2009), available at <http:// www.icty. org/x/file/Legal%20Library/Statute/statute_sept09_en.pdf>. (last visit 02 July 2018)
_||_ابن منظور، محمد بن مکرم، (1375)، لسان العرب، جلد ۷، بیروت، دارالفکر للطباعه النشر و التوزیع. امامی، سید حسن، (۱۳۵۱)، دوره مقدماتی حقوق مدنی، جلد ۲، مؤسسه عالی حسابداری. انصاری، مسعود و طاهری نیا، محمد علی، (۱۳۸۶)، دانشنامه حقوق خصوصی، جلد ۲، چاپ دوم، انتشارات محراب فکر. حمید درخشان نیا، (1376)، ضرر و زیان ناشی از جرم، پایان نامه کارشناسی ارشد، رشته جزا و جرم شناسی، دانشگاه شهید بهشتی. خمینی، روح الله، (1385 ه. ق)، الرسائل، جلد۱، قم، موسسه مطبوعاتی اسماعیلیان. صانعی، پرویز، (1372)، حقوق جزای عمومی، جلد اول، انتشارات گنج دانش. علی آبادی، عبدالحسین، (1367)، حقوق جنایی، جلد اول، موسسه انتشارات فردوسی، چ اول. فقیه نخجیری، حسن، (1351)، دعوی خصوصی در دادگاه جزا، چاپ داور پناه. معین، محمد، (۱۳۶۴)، فرهنگ فارسی، جلد اول، چاپ هفتم، تهران، مؤسسه امیرکبیر. آشوری، محمد، (1359)، «عدالت کیفری از دیدگاه حمورابی»، نشریه موسسه حقوق تطبیقی دانشگاه تهران، شماره 7. جلالی، محمود و زینب سادات موسوی، (1395)، «جهانی شدن تروریسم و راهکارهای حمایت موثر از بزه دیدگان آن»، پژوهشنامه حقوق کیفری، سال هفتم، شماره اول، بهار و تابستان، شماره پیاپی 13. لسانی، حسام الدین و مرضیه دیرباز، «حمایت های مادی دیوان بین المللی کیفری از بزه دیدگان»، آموزه های حقوق کیفری، پاییز- زمستان 1390، دوره جدید، شماره 2. اساسنامه دیوان بین المللی کیفری، 1998 آیین دادرسی دیوان بین المللی کیفری مقررات صندوق امانی قربانیان Jeremy, B., (1843).Principles of Penal Law, in The Works of Jeremy Bentham, (Russell & Russell Inc. 1962) available at< http://oll.libertyfund.org/titles/bentham-the-works-of-jeremy-bentham-vol-1> Enrico, F., (1917), Criminal Sociology, Kessinger Publishing. Bryan A., G., (2009), (editor in Chief), Black`s Law Dictionary, ninth edition. Heather, S., (2002), Repair or Revenge: Victims and Restorative Justice, Clarendon Press. Articles Chappell, D., (1972), "Providing for the Victim of Crime: Political Placebos or Progressive Programs?", 4 Adelaide Law Review. Culhane, J., G., (2003), "Tort, Compensation, and Two Kinds of Justice", 55 Rutgers Law Review. Dannenbaum, T., (2010), "the International Criminal Court, Article 79, and Transitional Justice: The Case for an Independent Trust Fund for Victims", 28 Wisconsin International Law Journal. Fischer, P., G., (2003), "the Victims’ Trust Fund of the International Criminal Court—Formation of a Functional Reparations Scheme", 17 EMORY International Law Review. Fry, M., (1959), "Justice for Victims", 8 Journal of Public Law. Haldane, J., & Harvey, A., (1995), "the Philosophy of State Compensation", 12 Journal of Applied Philosophy. Hoelzel, W., E., (1980), "A Survey of 27 Victim Compensation Programs", 63 Judicature. O’Connell, M., (2003), "Criminal Injuries Compensation: Revisiting the Rationale for State Funded Compensation for Crime Victims", Available <http://ibrarian.net/navon/paper /CRIMINAL_INJURIES_COMPENSATION_Revisiting_the_Rat.pdf?paperid=16631375> (last visit 05 July 2017) Shank, W., (1970), "Aid to Victims of Violent Crimes in California", 43 Sothern California Law Review. Reports and Documents An Overview of Victim Services across Canada, Federal Ombudsman for Victims of crime, <http://www.victimsfirst.gc.ca/index.html > (last modified Feb. 26, 2009 and last visit 03/07/2018). Basic Principles and Guidelines on the Right to a Remedy and Reparation for Victims of Gross Violations of International Human Rights Law and Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law, Adopted and proclaimed by General Assembly resolution 60/147 of 16 December 2005. Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority, the Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme (2012), para. 9 (2012), available at<https:/www.gov.uk /government /uploads /system /uploads /attachment_data/file/243480/9780108512117.pdf> Declaration of Basic Principles of Justice for Victims of Crime and Abuse of Power, G.A. Res. 40/34, Annex, para 12, U.N. Doc.A/Res/40/34/ (Nov. 29, 1985). ICC, Decision on the Notification of the Board of Directors of the Trust Fund for Victims in Accordance with Regulation 50 of the Regulations of the Trust Fund, at 2,ICC-01/04-492 (April 11, 2008). Manjoo, Rashida, Report of the Special Rapporteur on violence against women, its causes and consequences: A/HRC/14/22, 19 April 2010. Nairobi Declaration on Women's and Girls' Right to a Remedy and Reparation, 2007. Updated Set of Principles for the Protection and Promotion of human rights through action to combat impunity, 8 February 2005, E/CN.4/2005/102/Add.1 OHCHR: Call for 2011 Applications UN Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture, UN Non-Governmental Liaison Service, <http:/ /www .ohchr. org /EN /Issues /Torture /UNVFT /Pages/WhattheFunddoes.aspx>. Peace Village for Rwandan Genocide Survivors in Construction, AFROL NEWS (Sept. 27, 2000), <http://www.afrol.com/html/News/rwa008_victim_initiative.htm>. (last visit 02 July 2018) Report from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament and the European Economic and Social Committee, at 4, COM (2009) 170 final (April 20, 2009). <http://www. justice.ir /Portal/View/Page.aspx?PageId=23cbe37e-cccb-440e-97fa-fbcc33874e48> (last visit 15 July 2018) United Nations Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture, G.A. Res 36/151, 1(a), U.N. Doc A/RES/36/151 (Dec. 16, 1981). United Nations Voluntary Trust Fund on Contemporary Forms of Slavery, G.A. Res. 46/122, U,N. Doc. A/RES/46/122 (Dec. 17, 1991). United Nations Office of the High Comm’r for Human Rights, United Nations Voluntary Trust Fund on Contemporary Forms of Slavery Guidelines for the Use of Organizations, 2005, Available at <http://www.ohchr.org/Documents/Issues/Slavery/GuidelinesFund.pdf>(last visited 03 July 2018). UN Guidelines on Justice in Matters Involving Child Victims and Witnesses, ECOSOC Resolution 2005/20. Witnesses, International Criminal Tribunal For the Former Yugoslavia, (last visit 02 July 2018); see also Updated Statute of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, art. 22 (Sept. 2009), available at <http:// www.icty. org/x/file/Legal%20Library/Statute/statute_sept09_en.pdf>. (last visit 02 July 2018)