The Feasibility Study of Cheese Production from Whey and Evaluatation of Physicochemical, Textural and Sensory Properties of the Whey Cheese
Subject Areas : Nutraceutical Foods and Bioactive Extracts (Nutraceutic Foods Bioact. Ext.)
Atiyeh Habibi
Hamid Reza Esfandiari
maryam Moslehishad
Mahnaz Khodaei
1 - tehran
2 - Department of Food Science and Technology, Safadasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Department of Food Science and Technology, Safadasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
4 - Iran Dairy Industries Company (Pegah)
Keywords: Whey, Cheese, Sensory Evaluation, Physicochemical Properties,
Abstract :
The aim of this study was to produce cheese from whey as the main ingredient. Physicochemical, textural and sensory properties of the whey cheese were evaluated over 16 pretreatments, and three formulations were obtained. The results showed that the cheese made from acid whey, lactic acid, milk, and doogh had the highest sensory score, protein content and the best rheological properties. It was concluded that the lowest hardness obtained for this sample, despite its high protein content, was due to the high acidity induced by lactic acid. Presumably, the presence of lactic acid caused the acidity to the isoelectric point of proteins and decreased the net charge. Therefore, the repulsion between fat globules decreased, leading to a decline in emulsion stability. According to the results, the obtained formulation can be used to produce proper cheese made with whey as a primary ingredient.
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