List of articles (by subject) Mechanics of Solids
Open Access Article
1 - Vibrations of Multi-Layer Beam with Nanocomposite Face Sheets Reinforced with Graphene Platelets and Porous Core
A Mihankhah Zahra Khoddami Maraghi Ali Ghorbanpour Arani Shahriar Niknejad -
Open Access Article
2 - Vibrational Study on Multilayer Sandwich Plates: Porous FGM Core, Nanocomposite and Piezoelectric Face Sheets
M Pakize M Irani Rahaghi Z Khoddami Maraghi Sh Niknejad A Ghorbanpour Arani -
Open Access Article
3 - Vibration Analysis of a Magneto Thermo Electrical Nano Fiber Reinforced with Graphene Oxide Powder Under Refined Beam Model
R Selvamani J Rexy F Ebrahimi -
Open Access Article
4 - Deformation Field Produced by a Doublet Source in a Half-Space Model
N Verma K Singh -
Open Access Article
5 - Study on Vibration Band Gap Characteristics of a Branched Shape Periodic Structure Using the GDQR
M Hajhosseini A Abshahi -
Open Access Article
6 - Vibrations of Inhomogeneous Viscothermoelastic Nonlocal Hollow Sphere under the effect of Three-Phase-Lag Model
S.R Sharma M.K Sharma D.K Sharma -
Open Access Article
7 - Characterization of the Viscoelastic Q-Factor of Electrically Actuated Rectangular Micro-Plates
E Keykha H Rahmani H Moeinkhah M Salehi Kolahi -
Open Access Article
8 - Multi-Objective Optimization of Shot-Peening Parameters Using Modified Taguchi Technique
M Hassanzadeh S. E Moussavi Torshizi -
Open Access Article
9 - Analytical Solutions of Finite Wedges Coated by an Orthotropic Coating Containing Multiple Cracks and Cavities
A Ajdari -
Open Access Article
10 - Elasticity Exact Solution for an FGM Cylindrical Shaft with Piezoelectric Layers Under the Saint-Venant Torsion by Using Prandtl’s Formulation
M. R Eslami M Jabbari A Eskandarzadeh Sabet -
Open Access Article
11 - Thermoelastic Behaviour in a Multilayer Composite Hollow Sphere with Heat Source
S.P Pawar J.J Bikram G.D Kedar -
Open Access Article
12 - Response of Two-Temperature on the Energy Ratios at Elastic-Piezothermoelastic Interface
R Kumar P Sharma -
Open Access Article
13 - An Interval Parametric Approach for the Solution of One Dimensional Generalized Thermoelastic Problem
S Mandal S Pal Sarkar T Kumar Roy -
Open Access Article
14 - Dispersion of SH-Wave in a Heterogeneous Orthotropic Layer Sandwiched Between an Inhomogeneous Semi-Infinite Medium and a Heterogeneous Elastic Half-Space
R.M Prasad S Kundu -
Open Access Article
15 - Analysis of Nanoplate with a Central Crack Under Distributed Transverse Load Based on Modified Nonlocal Elasticity Theory
M Rajabi H Lexian A Rajabi -
Open Access Article
16 - Photothermoelastic Investigation of Semiconductor Material Due to Distributed Loads
N Sharma R Kumar -
Open Access Article
17 - Numerical and Experimental Analysis of Impact and Damage on Composite Sandwich Panels with Grid-Stiffened Core
J Faraji Shoaa A Davar J Eskandari Jam M Heydari Beni -
Open Access Article
18 - Large Deformation Hermitian Finite Element Coupled Thermoelasticity Analysis of Wave Propagation and Reflection in a Finite Domain
M Mirparizi M Shariyat A.R Fotuhi -
Open Access Article
19 - Analysis of a Functionally Graded Finite Wedge Under Antiplane Deformation
A. R Shahani I Shakeri -
Open Access Article
20 - Refined Plate Theory for Critical Buckling Analysis of FG Sandwich Nanoplates Considering Neutral Surface Concept and Piezoelectric Surface Effects
Amir Hossein Soltan Arani Ali Ghorbanpour Arani Zahra Khoddami Maraghi -
Open Access Article
21 - The Modelling of the Mechanics of Deformation in Plane Strain Upsetting of Round Cross-Section Billets Between the Flat and V-Shaped Dies
M Maleki H Haghighat -
Open Access Article
22 - Arbitrary Angle Waveguide Bends Made of a New Heterostructure Phononic Crystal
Mohammad Bagherinouri M Moradi -
Open Access Article
23 - Fracture Analysis of Several Interface Cracks in an FG Half-Plane with a Homogeneous Coating under Mixed-Mode Transient Loading
Rasul Bagheri Mojtaba Ayatollahi S. M Hosseini A Bagheri -
Open Access Article
24 - Modeling at the nanometric scale of interfacial defects of a semiconductor heterostructure in the isotropic and anisotropic cases for the study of the influence of stresses.
Ahmed Boussaha Rafik Makhloufi Rachid Benbouta Mourad Brioua -
Open Access Article
25 - Post-buckling analysis of porous circular plate with small initial deflection using first-order shear deformation theory
M. M Mohieddin Ghomshei Mahdi Alimohammadi -
Open Access Article
26 - Free Damped Vibration Analysis of Sandwich Plates with CNT-Reinforced MRE Core and Laminated Three-Phase Polymer/GPL/Fiber Face Sheets
A Karbasizadeh A Ghorbanpour Arani Sh Niknejad Z Khoddami Maraghi -
Open Access Article
27 - Experimental and numerical investigation of the effect of wall perforation geometry on absorption of axial impact energy in thin-walled metal tubes
A Naddaf Oskouei Mojtaba Ghamarizadeh Khodadad Vahedi R Hosseini Ebrahim Salek -
Open Access Article
28 - Mathematical Study for the Rayleigh Wave Propagation in a Composite Structure with Piezoelectric Material
Brijendra Paswan P Singh Sanjeev A Sahu -
Open Access Article
29 - Thermo-Magneto-Elastic-Plastic Analysis of functionally magnetoelastic pressurized thick cylindrical structure
Sahar Sohrabi S Rash Ahmadi -
Open Access Article
30 - Effect of Thermosensitivity on Heat Conduction and Stresses of a Multilayered Annular Disk
Ganesh Kedar V.B. Srinivas V.R Manthena -
Open Access Article
31 - Investigation on Dynamic Response of Sandwich Micro-Beam with Piezo-Electric and Porous Graphene Face-Sheets and Piezo-Magnetic Core Rested on Silica Aerogel Foundation
A Ghorbanpour Arani P Pourmousa E Haghparast Sh Niknejad -
Open Access Article
32 - Creep Behavior of Cylinders Subjected to an Internal Pressure and a Two Dimensional Temperature Field Using First Order Shear Deformation Theory
H Seddighi Mehdi Ghannad Abbas Loghman -
Open Access Article
33 - Stress generation due to Moving Load on gravitational magneto-elastic orthotropic half-space with parabolic irregularity
Nidhi Dewangan Sanjeev A Sahu Soniya Chaudhary -
Open Access Article
34 - Analytical and Numerical Investigation of Energy Absorption in Graded Aluminum Open Cell Foam under Low Velocity Impact Loading
S Davari Seyed Ali Galehdari Amir Atrian -
Open Access Article
35 - Dynamical stability of bi-directionally graded moving beams
Mohammad Hasan Babaei Rochi Jalil Jamali -
Open Access Article
36 - The Nonlinear Thermo-Hyperelastic Analysis of Functionally Graded Incompressible Hollow Sphere with Temperature Dependent Material Using Finite Element Method
Ali Zargaripoor Mohammad Shariyat -
Open Access Article
37 - Geomechanical Modeling for Determining Safe Mud Window and Evaluating Wellbore Wall Stability Using Numerical Simulation: A Case Study
Mohammed Rasmi Raheem Alomairi Mojtaba Rahimi -
Open Access Article
38 - Thermoelastic Interaction in A Spherically Symmetric Hollow Sphere via Three-Phase Lag and Memory Effect
Jitendra Patil Chandrakant Jadhav Nitin Chandel Vinod Varghese -
Open Access Article
39 - Numerical Implementation of A Nonlocal Damage Model For A Stress Regime-Dependent Creep Constitutive Model
Behzad Dastgerdi Mostafa Baghani -
Open Access Article
40 - Flexural behavior assessment of an eco-friendly thermoplastic composite sandwich panel with recyclable core and faces
Seyed Ali Mousavi Hassan Shokrollahi Hadi Sabouri