List of Articles Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 1 - Cytotoxic Effect of Hydroalcoholic Extract from Satureja bachtiarica Bunge on Hela Cancer Cells Line آناهیتا اروند شوشتر حسین سازگار عبداله قاسمی پیربلوطی Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 2 - The Comparison of intravenous and oral administration of anise plant on BALB/c mice with listeriosis امین هاشم پور محمد حسین صادقی زالی صابر یوسفی Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 3 - Comparative analysis of chemical composition of Mentha longifolia (L.) Huds احمدرضا گلپرور امین هادی پناه محمدمهدی قیصری سعید صالحی رضا خلیلی اذر امید قاسمی Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 4 - Anti-inflammatory activity of leaf extract of Solanum anomalum جود اکوکون کوفره دیویز لوییس آمازو امام یوموه Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 5 - Evaluation of antibacterialic activity of methanol extracts of Francoeuria Undulata in two harvest times on several aerobic bacteria causing vaginal infections لیلا فیروزیان لیلا امجد منیر دودی Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 6 - Rapid screening of antioxidant activity, fracture rate and scavenging of free radicals by hairy root of Periwinkle (Catharanthus roseus L. G. Don) شاهین مردانی نژاد Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 7 - Qualitative and quantitative changes in the essential oil of sage (Salvia hydrangea DC exBenth.) as affected by different drying methods فروغ مهدیان عبدالله قاسمی پیربلوطی فاطمه ملک پور Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 8 - Investigation of Compositions and Effects of Local Herbal Silybum marianum and Foeniculum vulgare extractions on Hospital Acquired Infections (HAI) and Cell Line of liver Cancer (HepG2) by MTT assays گلثوم صمدی اندزاگی هاشم یعقوبی مسعود فردین