• فهرست مقالات Corpus

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        1 - A computerized corpus-based method for the Tourism and Hospitality students’ vocabulary learning
        Shadab Jabbarpoor
        Computers as innovative technological tools provides numerous advantages in the context of education and learning, particularly in regards to the acquisition of the English language. Nevertheless, the computerized corpus-based method has not attained widespread usage fo چکیده کامل
        Computers as innovative technological tools provides numerous advantages in the context of education and learning, particularly in regards to the acquisition of the English language. Nevertheless, the computerized corpus-based method has not attained widespread usage for instructing English specifically within the field of tourism. The present study aspired to scrutinize whether the students who underwent instructions via this method show a superior ability in expanding their English vocabulary for tourism and hospitality in comparison to those who were not subjected to such a method. The present study employed an experimental research methodology. A cohort of 52 students specializing in Tourism and Hospitality was allocated into two classes. The adoption of a computerized corpus-based method was observed. The results of the t-test indicated that the utilization of the experimental methodology did not yield noteworthy outcomes regarding its effectiveness in aiding students in developing their English vocabulary of the tourism in comparison to those who were not exposed to this method. The process was deemed to be time-intensive that necessitated considerable exertion in comprehending the corpus data owing to the presence of numerous unfamiliar terminologies evident in the authentic texts. Notwithstanding, the students generally demonstrated a favorable disposition towards this method. پرونده مقاله
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        2 -   English Comparative Forms in Iranian Textbooks Compared to Textbooks Developed by Native Material Developers
        Ghazaleh Shafeniya AhmadReza Lotfi
        In the introductory stages of language learning, students are exposed to parative forms explicitly taught in their textbooks. As Knoch (2004) mthis is accomplished by teaching the comparative form of the adjective generally directly followed by a than clause. This stud چکیده کامل
        In the introductory stages of language learning, students are exposed to parative forms explicitly taught in their textbooks. As Knoch (2004) mthis is accomplished by teaching the comparative form of the adjective generally directly followed by a than clause. This study aimed to compare between native and nonnative material developers with regard to the coverage of comparative forms. In doing so, two corpora of high school changes were developed and juxtaposed. The data were gathered books and converting them into computerized forms. The data by the frequency percentages of the forms and further examined and compared as well. The results revealed that there was a significant difference corpora with regard to the coverage of comparative forms. پرونده مقاله
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        3 - Reporting Verbs in Results and Discussion Sections of Scientific Research Articles of Hard and Soft Disciplines
        Fereshte Dehghan Hossein Saadabadi, Motlaq Seyed Foad Ebrahimi
        Reporting Verbs have gained considerable attention in corpus-based studies during the previous years. It is necessary to utilize reporting verbs appropriately to establish the writer’s claims and situate them across formerly published studies. Given the importance چکیده کامل
        Reporting Verbs have gained considerable attention in corpus-based studies during the previous years. It is necessary to utilize reporting verbs appropriately to establish the writer’s claims and situate them across formerly published studies. Given the importance of the reporting verbs, the current study explored the rates and the differences of reporting verbs across science disciplines. Hence, a total number of 200 Results and Discussion sections of research articles consisting of 50 excerpts from the four science categories introduced by Science Direct web of science, namely Life Science, Social Science and Humanities, Physical Science and Engineering, and Health Sciences were gathered and used as the corpus and analyzed based on Thomas and Hawes's framework. The results showed that authors in Life Science and Health Science used more reporting verbs in comparison to the other two science disciplines. Furthermore, the tentative reporting verbs had a higher frequency than certainty reporting verbs. The research findings have several implications for novice researchers within various science disciplines in reporting their claims using reporting verbs and for course designers to treat crucial problems of the students in their academic writings. پرونده مقاله
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        4 - A Corpus-Based Probe into Context Type, Social Power, and Speaker Status of Sympathy, Grief, and Condolence Collocational Patterns in American Spoken English Discourse
        Reza Bagheri Nevisi Sanaz Inanlou
        The ability to express thoughts and emotions appropriately on different social occasions is considered an essential prerequisite to maintaining social relationships. This study sought to investigate the most frequent words and expressions pertaining to 'Condolence' and چکیده کامل
        The ability to express thoughts and emotions appropriately on different social occasions is considered an essential prerequisite to maintaining social relationships. This study sought to investigate the most frequent words and expressions pertaining to 'Condolence' and 'Sympathy' and also which words and expressions co-occurred with such expressions in spoken American English discourse in the different contexts to know how and when to use grief-related expressions. To this end, the data was collected from the spoken Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA). The findings revealed that the word 'Sympathy' occurred mostly in the equal social status and socio-cultural context whereas the word ' Grief ' was observed in the equal social status and transactional context in the same corpus. The study showed that the collocational words did not influence the function of such words and they were substituted based on the intended meaning of the speakers. The teachers and the learners will get insights into the more frequent collocations as well as the likely appropriate ways to apply them in the authentic context. The findings could be beneficial for four groups: First, the researcher can use the findings as a resource for cross-cultural comparison of condolences. Second, the EFL learners might get familiar with the expressions of condolences in the native forms. Besides, teachers may benefit from the results to instruct the learners on how to use condolence expressions properly. Finally, material developers and test designers can use the findings in designing materials and tests. پرونده مقاله
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        5 - شناسایی جایگاه برنامه درسی تربیت جنسی در نظام آموزشی
        زهره قلاوند پروین صمدی پروین احمدی نرگس کشتی آرای
        تربیت جنسی یکی از پیچیده و حساس‌ترین ساحت‌های تعلیم و تربیت است. ازاین‌رو، پژوهش حاضر با هدف شناسایی جایگاه برنامه درسی تربیت جنسی در نظام آموزشی کشور در طی سال‌های 1398-1380 انجام شد. مطالعه حاضر از نوع کیفی و از روش سنتزپژوهی است. جامعۀ اطلاع‌رسان شامل همۀ پژوهش‌های ع چکیده کامل
        تربیت جنسی یکی از پیچیده و حساس‌ترین ساحت‌های تعلیم و تربیت است. ازاین‌رو، پژوهش حاضر با هدف شناسایی جایگاه برنامه درسی تربیت جنسی در نظام آموزشی کشور در طی سال‌های 1398-1380 انجام شد. مطالعه حاضر از نوع کیفی و از روش سنتزپژوهی است. جامعۀ اطلاع‌رسان شامل همۀ پژوهش‌های علمی مرتبط با هدف پژوهش بوده که با توجه به جست‌وجوی منظم در پایگاه‌های اطلاعاتی (مگ ایران، جهاددانشگاهی، نورمگز و...)، بر اساس معیارهای ورود تعداد 206 پژوهش علمی شناسایی و پس از مطالعات لازم، 36 پژوهش بر اساس ملاک‌های خروج به‌عنوان نمونه انتخاب و با روش سنتزپژوهی شش مرحله‌ای روبرتس، ترکیبی بهینه از نتایج آنها ارائه شده است. برای فراهم آوردن اطلاعات مورد نیاز، از فرم کاربرگ و برای اطمینان از میزان پایایی، از ضریب کاپای کوهن استفاده شد. طبق یافته‌های حاصل از سنتزپژوهی، تربیت جنسی حائز چهار مضمون شامل شمشیر دولبه بودن مفهوم تربیت جنسی، تهدیدها - فرصت‌های تربیت جنسی، تربیت جنسی مبتنی بر آموزش، زبان و فرهنگ در تربیت جنسی است. نتایج نشان داد که برنامه درسی تربیت جنسی در نظام آموزشی یک برنامه درسی خاموش است که با یک طراحی مدون توسط سیاست‌گذاران می‌توان آن را روشن نمود. پرونده مقاله
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        6 - A Corpus-based Analysis of Epistemic Stance Adverbs in Essays Written by Native English Speakers and Iranian EFL Learners
        امیر سبزوار حمیدرضا حق وردی رضا بی ریا
        Academic essays entail taking a stance on the truth value of propositions. Epistemic adverbs deal with the speaker's assessment of the truth value of propositions. Employing a corpus-based approach with descriptive statistics and qualitative description, this study expl چکیده کامل
        Academic essays entail taking a stance on the truth value of propositions. Epistemic adverbs deal with the speaker's assessment of the truth value of propositions. Employing a corpus-based approach with descriptive statistics and qualitative description, this study explored the use of epistemic stance adverbs in academic essays written by native English speakers and Iranian EFL learners. Following Biber et al.'s (1999) framework of stance adverbials, the researchers employed a corpus of 62077 words taken from class assignments written by Iranian EFL learners and a corpus of 65268 words taken from British Academic Written English (BAWE) to investigate the use of epistemic stance adverbs. Antconc software 3.4.3 version was used to search the most frequent stance adverbs. Frequency counts for each of the adverbs were extracted and normalized per 1000 words; then, Chi-square was run to pinpoint any differences between the two groups. The findings revealed both similarities and differences in the use of stance adverbs between the two groups. For example, EFL writers used more confident adverbs to show their authorial presence while native speakers used more maybe adverbs which are less authority-oriented. The findings may have implications for second/foreign language learners and writing instruction. پرونده مقاله
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        7 - مطالعه اثر آنالوگ پروستاگلاندین F2α، داینوپروست، بر بافت جسم زرد خرگوش آبستن کاذب
        سید اسماعیل صفوی میر هادی خیاط نوری
        در این بررسی تأثیر آنالوگ پروستاگلاندین F2α (PGF2α)، داینوپروست، بر روی بافت جسم زرد خرگوش آبستن کاذب مورد بررسی قرار گرفت. بدین منظور، 42 سر خرگوش ماده بالغ در شش گروه هفت‌تایی به‌طور تصادفی توزیع گردید. در سه گروه در روز دهم آبستنی کاذب، داینوپروست (1mg/kg چکیده کامل
        در این بررسی تأثیر آنالوگ پروستاگلاندین F2α (PGF2α)، داینوپروست، بر روی بافت جسم زرد خرگوش آبستن کاذب مورد بررسی قرار گرفت. بدین منظور، 42 سر خرگوش ماده بالغ در شش گروه هفت‌تایی به‌طور تصادفی توزیع گردید. در سه گروه در روز دهم آبستنی کاذب، داینوپروست (1mg/kg) به‌صورت داخل عضلانی تزریق و به‌ترتیب 24، 48 و 72 ساعت پس از تزریق، حیوانات کالبدگشایی شدند. در سه گروه دیگر به‌عنوان گروه شاهد سرم فیزیولوژی تزریق شد. در تمام گروه‌ها پس از اخذ نمونه خونی، حیوانات کالبدگشایی و تخمدان آن‌ها خارج و توزین گردید. پس از نمونه‌برداری و پایدارسازی در فرمالین نمکی 10 %، مقاطع بافتی با رنگ‌آمیزی هماتوکسیلین- ائوزین تهیّه و جسم زرد از لحاظ مورفولوژی و مورفومتری مورد مطالعه قرار گرفت. مطالعات مورفومتری نشان داد که قطر جسم زرد در تمام گروه‌های تیمار در مقایسه با گروه‌های شاهد کاهش معنی‌داری (05/0p<) دارد. همچنین پیشرفت بافت همبند، افزایش تعداد هسته‌های پیکنوزه، گسترش فضاهای بین سلولی و ایجاد واکوئل‌های درشت در گروه‌های تیمار به‌طور معنی‌داری (05/0p<) در مقایسه با گروه‌های شاهد افزایش یافت. قطرات چربی محیطی و قطرات چربی مرکزی به‌ترتیب 24 و 48 ساعت پس از تزریق PGF2α به‌صورت معنی‌داری (05/0p<) افزایش یافتند. غلظت پروژسترون سرم در تمامی گروه‌های تیمار در مقایسه با گروه‌های شاهد کاهش معنی‌داری (05/0p<) نشان داد. نتایج بیان‌گر افزایش پیشرونده لوتئولیز ساختمانی و فونکسیونی در گروه‌های تیمار در مقایسه با گروه‌های شاهد بود. پرونده مقاله
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        8 - The Influence of Data-Driven Exercises Through Using a Computer Program on Vocabulary Improvement in an EFL Context
        Touraj Talaei Zahra Fotovatnia
        The present study was conducted to evaluate data driven learning (DDL) combined with Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) as an approach to improving vocabulary knowledge of Iranian postgraduates majoring in teaching English, English literature and translation. Th چکیده کامل
        The present study was conducted to evaluate data driven learning (DDL) combined with Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) as an approach to improving vocabulary knowledge of Iranian postgraduates majoring in teaching English, English literature and translation. The purpose was to help language learners get familiar with DDL as a student-centered method taking advantage of a computer program for enhancing the knowledge of vocabulary. This research paper analyzed the efficiency of DDL from different angles including the participants' ability to remember the word meanings and make meaningful and grammatical sentences after doing DDL exercises using the Microsoft Power Point program. The results of the study showed that this technique could significantly enhance the participants' vocabulary knowledge in all the above mentioned aspects. The analysis of the questionnaire given to the participants to elicit their attitudes towards DDL showed that most of them were interested in this technique. The results of this article can be helpful for the language teachers who teach the learners at advanced levels of language proficiency and advanced students who would like to learn new items of vocabulary on their own. پرونده مقاله
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        9 - Hedges in English for Academic Purposes: A Corpus-based study of Iranian EFL learners
        Hossein khazaee Parviz Maftoon Parviz Birjandi Ghafour Rezaie Golandoz
        Hedges, as tools to express tentativeness and doubt, have been studied in plenty of research papers in the Iranian EFL research setting. However, their use in a learner corpus, portraying Iranian learner English, is in need of more research attention. With this end in v چکیده کامل
        Hedges, as tools to express tentativeness and doubt, have been studied in plenty of research papers in the Iranian EFL research setting. However, their use in a learner corpus, portraying Iranian learner English, is in need of more research attention. With this end in view, this study aimed at investigating how Iranian EFL learners who have majored in English-related fields in Iran deployed hedges in their academic, expository essays. This study was conducted through running the corpus analysis software MonoConc Pro-Semester version 2.2 on the electronically compiled Iranian Corpus of Learner English, totaling 436,035 words. Automatic and manual analyses suggested that hedges comprised only 7.4% of the total metadiscourse in the Iranian Corpus of Learner English, with 0.68 occurrences per 1,000,000 words. In a comparable native corpus, a sub-corpus of the British Academic Written English, hedges were used with 1.43 occurrences per 1,000,000 words (21% of the total metadiscourse in the corpus). Log-likelihood statistical analysis confirmed statistically significant differences between the two corpora in terms of the use of hedges, with underuse of hedges in the Iranian academic, expository essays relative to the English natives’ essays. Implementations of the results for English academic writing instruction including genre-based, explicit teaching of hedges through data-driven techniques with the aid of tools such as AntConc software and corpora such as the BAWE are considered. پرونده مقاله
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        10 - The Effect of Colligational Corpus-based Instruction on Enhancing the Pragmalinguistic Knowledge of Request Speech Act among Iranian Intermediate EFL Learners
        Batoul Sabzalipour Mansour Koosha
        This study investigated the effectiveness of colligational corpus-based instruction on enhancing the pragmalinguistic knowledge of speech act of request among Iranian intermediate EFL learners. The objective of the study was to find out whether or not providing students چکیده کامل
        This study investigated the effectiveness of colligational corpus-based instruction on enhancing the pragmalinguistic knowledge of speech act of request among Iranian intermediate EFL learners. The objective of the study was to find out whether or not providing students with corpora through using colligational instruction had any significant effects on enhancing their pragmalinguistic knowledge and, hence, speech act learning. Sixty participants from several institutes in Mazandaran Province, Iran, participated in the study. They were all intermediate- level students, and were divided into two homogeneous groups (30 each) of experimental and control groups based on the OPT results. A multiple discourse completion test was then administered to both groups as the pretest to measure their ability and knowledge in using the speech act of request. Subsequently, the treatment started where the experimental group received corpus-based instruction through colligational practices, while the control group practiced learning the same speech act through traditional or common methods of learning speech acts (i.e., using textbooks, audios, and videos). After 15 sessions of training, a posttest of multiple discourse completion test was administered. The data were analyzed using paired- and independent-samples t tests. In order to increase the validity of the results, the researchers observed and interviewed all the participants, too. The results that learning of the speech act of request improved significantly better through corpus-based instruction vis-à-vis traditional method of teaching colligations. پرونده مقاله
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        11 - Vocabulary Lists for EAP and Conversation Students
        Mahmood Safari
        Despite the abundance of research investigating general and academic vocabularies and developing dozens of word lists, few studies have compared academic vocabulary with general service word lists such as conversation vocabulary. Many EAP researchers assume that univers چکیده کامل
        Despite the abundance of research investigating general and academic vocabularies and developing dozens of word lists, few studies have compared academic vocabulary with general service word lists such as conversation vocabulary. Many EAP researchers assume that university students need to know all the words in West’s (1953) General Service List (GSL) as a prerequisite to academic words (e.g., Coxhead’s, 2000) and teachers at language institutes recommend conversation students to learn words in Coxhead’s Academic Word List (AWL) as a follow-up to the GSL. The present study compared the academic and conversation vocabularies by exploring frequency and coverage of words in academic and conversation corpora. The GSL and AWL words were investigated in a conversation corpus and an academic corpus, each containing around 12 million running words. The analysis revealed that 1200 GSL word families were highly frequent in both corpora and 645 GSL word families were highly frequent in the conversation corpus but of low frequency in the academic texts. Also, a new academic word list of 700 word families was developed, which proved to be much more rigorous than Coxhead’s AWL. Further analysis indicated that the abovementioned 645 GSL words had a very low coverage of academic texts (0.7%), while they covered 4.05% of the conversation corpus. The new academic word list covered only 1.6% of the conversation corpus, whereas it had a high coverage of the academic texts (9.1%), much higher than that of the AWL (7.5%). The analysis of some other academic corpora revealed identical results. پرونده مقاله
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        12 - Undergraduate Argumentative Writing in English as a Foreign Language: a Gendered Perspective
        عباس زارعی شینا کوار
        Determining whether gender-related differences exist in the linguistic characteristics of writing in formal contexts is one of the concerns of recent research on gender in second language writing. This study aimed to explore gender differences in undergraduate argumenta چکیده کامل
        Determining whether gender-related differences exist in the linguistic characteristics of writing in formal contexts is one of the concerns of recent research on gender in second language writing. This study aimed to explore gender differences in undergraduate argumentative writing in English as a foreign language (EFL) in terms of lexical and discoursal features. Around 100 Persian-speaking male and female EFL learners with insignificant differences in English proficiency at the time of the study and with similar background literacy experiences performed an opinion-based writing task under exam conditions. Combined corpus analysis and discourse analysis techniques were used to describe and compare their texts in terms of writing quality, lexical properties, and rhetorical organization. Results showed that a) male learners received significantly higher mean scores in the content and organization of their argumentative writing (t= 2.03 and 2.08 respectively, p≤ 0.04); b) female EFL learners wrote less assertively and expressed positions more obscurely as shown in the analysis of their topic sentences; and c) While male learners used both inductive and deductive overall organizations for their texts, most female learners (74.4%) wrote more deductively. Results of concordance and keyword analyses through Wordsmith Tools also illustrated that learners’ social and ideological contexts of gender contributes to their approach to academic writing in English. پرونده مقاله
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        13 - Effect of Post-Mating GnRH Treatment onSerum Progesterone Profile and Conception Rate in Buffaloes
        M.Z. Lattoo S. Prasad H.P. Gupta A. Hussain
        The present study was designed to investigate the impact of exogenous administration of GnRH (Receptal VET®, Intervet Pharmaceuticals Ltd., India) on serum progesterone profile and conception rates during mid luteal phase of estrous cycle in buffaloes. Estrus was in چکیده کامل
        The present study was designed to investigate the impact of exogenous administration of GnRH (Receptal VET®, Intervet Pharmaceuticals Ltd., India) on serum progesterone profile and conception rates during mid luteal phase of estrous cycle in buffaloes. Estrus was induced using Cyclix 2 mL. i/m. (Intervet India Pvt. Ltd., India) and animals were bred naturally during observed estrus. The buffaloes (n=40) were grouped as control (n=10) on day 0 and treatment groups (I, II and III, n=10 in each group). GnRH (2.5 mL) was administrated on day 0, 11 and 13 of estrous cycle. Progesterone concentration was significantly higher (P<0.05; 1.782±0.046 ng/mL) in group I on day 5 and in group II on day 13 (4.514±0.038 ng/mL) and day 18 (6.173±0.015). However, in group III progesterone concentration was significantly higher on day 18 (6.554±0.0993) compared to control on day 5 (1.390±0.587 ng/mL), day 13 (3.770±0.103 ng/mL) and day 18 (5.114±0.009 ng/mL), respectively. Although progesterone concentration increased in all the three treatment groups compared to control, it was significantly higher (P<0.05) in pregnant animals of group I on days 5, 11, 12, 13 and 18 than non-pregnant animals of same group. Nevertheless, these differences were significant on days 13 and 18 in group II and on day 18 in group III in pregnant animals compared to non-pregnant animals, respectively. Similarly the conception rate was also significantly higher (P<0.05; 80% vs. 60%) in animals at group III compared to those at control.Comparison of data on progesterone profile between pregnant and non-pregnant (within group) animals of various treatment and control groups showed significantly higher levels of serum progesterone in pregnant animals on days 11, 12, 13 and 18 as compared tonon-pregnant animals of the same group. Thus, the above study revealed positive impact of GnRH administration on progesterone profile during mid luteal phase of estrous cycle, which could be used to improve fertility in buffaloes. پرونده مقاله
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        14 - Anti-Apoptotic Role of <i>p21</i> and <i>p27</i> Genes during Different Stages of Corpus Luteum Progression in Bovine
        H. Ali S. Hayat S. Ahmad M. Ibrahim S.A. Haider S. Ullah S. Ahmad H. Khan I. Ul Haq
        Corpus luteum is a temporary endocrine gland, secretes progesterone and estradiol crucial for establishment and maintenance of pregnancy. The cyclin dependent kinase inhibitors (CDKIs) like p21 and p27 plays important role in cell cycle progression and regulation. In th چکیده کامل
        Corpus luteum is a temporary endocrine gland, secretes progesterone and estradiol crucial for establishment and maintenance of pregnancy. The cyclin dependent kinase inhibitors (CDKIs) like p21 and p27 plays important role in cell cycle progression and regulation. In this experiment, the expression level of p21 and p27 mRNA and the proliferations of immune cells in different stages of the corpus luteum (CL) were studied. As p21 and p27 proteins are having role in the cell cycle progression and proliferation while CL undergoes both these processes. Ovaries containing corpora lutea were collected from local abattoir. The corpus luteum were isolated and segregated based on respective stages. The excised corpus luteum were processed for the extraction of the mRNA and a portion was embedded in paraffin for the slide preparation. The results showed significantly lower expression of p21 and p27 in stage I and -IV, compared to stage II and III (p &lt;0.05). However, there was a slight dynamism in the expression level of each individual CL in the same stage, which indicates the developmental variation within the bovine specie. Histopathological examination shows that proliferation of immune cells gradually increased in stage I, II and III; however, a quick decline was found in stage-IV. The results indicate that p21 and p27 plays its role in the stage I (establishment) and stage IV (regression) of the corpus luteum. Decrease in immune cell proliferation in stage IV of the corpus luteum, as evident from histopathological examination, was probably the outcome of the increased apoptosis, triggered by down-regulation of p21 and p27. This indicates the reliance of apoptosis upon the expression level of p21 and p27. The level of p21 and p27 expression is indicative of estimating quality of the corpus luteum, and subsequently the early embryonic losses, associating mal functioning of the corpus luteum. پرونده مقاله
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        15 - Effects of Different Preparations of Gonadotropins (oFSH and pFSH) on Superovulatory Response and Embryo Yield in Indigenous Ewes in Bangladesh
        P.K. Jha M. Golam Shahi Alam M.R.I. Talukder F.Y. Bari
        Two different gonadotropins on superovulatory response and embryo yield in indigenous ewes were studied. Donor ewes (n=33) were synchronized for oestrus using vaginal sponges containing 45 mg flurogestone acetate (FGA) for 12 days. For the superovulation, different type چکیده کامل
        Two different gonadotropins on superovulatory response and embryo yield in indigenous ewes were studied. Donor ewes (n=33) were synchronized for oestrus using vaginal sponges containing 45 mg flurogestone acetate (FGA) for 12 days. For the superovulation, different types of gonadotropins were used in ewes randomly allocated into group I [n=16; ovine follicle-stimulating hormone (oFSH), 2.2 mg] and group II [n=17; porcine follicle-stimulating hormone (pFSH), 25 mg]. Gonadotropin treatments started on day 10 of FGA treatment for four consecutive days. The superovulatory response and embryo recovery was performed by modified semi-laparoscopic method on day 5/6 following mating. The stages (very early morula, morula, early blastocyst, blastocyst and hatching blastocyst) and grades (grade 1 to 5) of embryos were calculated. The oestrus response rate was 100%, and had significantly earlier onset of oestrus with pFSH than oFSH (23.41&plusmn;0.50 h vs. 26.15&plusmn;0.46 h, respectively). The corpus luteum/donor was significantly higher with pFSH than oFSH (14.18&plusmn;1.63 vs. 10.25&plusmn;0.89, respectively). The embryos recovered/donor differed insignificantly with pFSH than oFSH (11.82&plusmn;1.48 vs. 8.81&plusmn;0.86, respectively). The embryo recovery rate was higher using oFSH than pFSH (85.04&plusmn;2.93% vs. 82.75&plusmn;3.31%, respectively). The proportion of morula and grade 1 embryos was differed insignificantly with both oFSH and pFSH (86.52% and 97.16% vs. 84.58% and 90.55%, respectively). In conclusion, both the oFSH and pFSH were equally efficient, giving consistent ovulation rate and embryo yield. پرونده مقاله
      • دسترسی آزاد مقاله

        16 - Metadiscourse Markers in a Corpus of Learner Language: The Case of Iranian EFL Learners
        Hossein khazaee Parviz Maftoon Parviz Birjandi Ghafour Rezaie Golandouz
        Different issues have been probed in learner corpus research since the late 1980s.However, taking the im- portance of meta discourse markers (MDMs) in signposting academic discourse, their use in Iranian EFL learners‟ academic essays is an area of research in need of a چکیده کامل
        Different issues have been probed in learner corpus research since the late 1980s.However, taking the im- portance of meta discourse markers (MDMs) in signposting academic discourse, their use in Iranian EFL learners‟ academic essays is an area of research in need of a more serious analysis. Contributing to this line of investigation, this paper reports a corpus-based study of the use of MDMs in the academic essays of Iranian EFL learners who have majored in English-related fields in Iran. For this, based on Hyland‟s (2005)model of MDMs, the recently-compiled Iranian corpus of learner English was analyzed for in- stances of MDMs and compared with a sub-corpus of the British academic written English. The findings indicated overuse in categories (interactional and interactive) and overuse and underuse in types of MDMs (hedges, transitions, etc.) in Iranian EFL learners‟ essays relative to the English-natives‟ essays, with more instances of interactional MDMs in the former compared with more uses of interactive MDMs in the latter. Suggestions have been proposed for such profiling of MDMs among Iranians as rooted indif- ferences between Iranian and English cultures, previous instruction, and so forth. Implications of the re- sults for English language teaching including explicit teaching of MDMs have been considered. پرونده مقاله
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        17 - Comparative Study of the Academic Vocabulary Content of Electronic Engi-neering Corpora, GE Materials and M.S. Entrance Examinations
        Parviz Maftoon Aris Hakhverdian
        The importance of vocabulary learning has been underlined in the field of English for Academic Purposes (EAP) because non-English majors who require reading English texts in their fields of study have to expand their English vocabulary knowledge much more efficiently th چکیده کامل
        The importance of vocabulary learning has been underlined in the field of English for Academic Purposes (EAP) because non-English majors who require reading English texts in their fields of study have to expand their English vocabulary knowledge much more efficiently than ordinary ESL/EFL learners. Since academic vocabulary instruction in Iranian universities is realized through the use of General English (GE) textbooks, the present study pursued a dual purpose of evaluating Iranian engineering undergraduates&rsquo; knowledge of academic vocabulary, as well as conducting a comparative corpus analysis of the academic vocabulary content of GE textbooks, electrical/electronic engineering Master&rsquo;s Entrance Examinations, and authentic electrical and electronic engineering texts. The participants were 520 engineering students from ten universities. The corpora under study comprised a total of 1,180,000 running words. The results revealed an inadequacy of academic vocabulary knowledge among Iranian engineering undergraduates, as well as the fact that GE textbooks for engineering students do not have sufficient coverage of academic vocabulary as compared to M.S. examinations and authentic electronic engineering corpora. There was also insufficient correspondence between academic words in M.A. entrance exams and the authentic texts. پرونده مقاله
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        18 - A Genre-Based Analysis of the Moves and Steps in the Discussion Section of Psychology Research Articles between English Writers and Iranian Writers
        Zeinab Ariarid Rajab Esfandiari
        Nonnative English speaking (NNES) writers seeking to publish the results of their studies in international English-medium journals may find it challenging because of unfamiliarity with the genre conventions of research articles (RAs). The goal of the present study was t چکیده کامل
        Nonnative English speaking (NNES) writers seeking to publish the results of their studies in international English-medium journals may find it challenging because of unfamiliarity with the genre conventions of research articles (RAs). The goal of the present study was twofold: (a) to identify the moves and steps characterizing the discussion section of RAs and (b) to investigate the differences in the use of moves and steps employed by English Writers (EWs) and Iranian Writers (IWs). To these ends, an English Corpus (EC) composed of 50 RAs written by EWs, and an Iranian Corpus (IC), including 50 RAs written by IWs were developed. Drawing on Swales&rsquo; moves analysis, this genre-based study used corpus data for genre analysis. The data were quantitatively and qualitatively analyzed. A series of one-way chi-square procedures was used to analyze the frequency data quantitatively. For qualitative analysis, corpus data were content analyzed to identify moves and steps. A list of moves and steps, including six moves and 10 steps of the discussion section of RAs was proposed based on the analysis of 100 English RAs representing five core subfields. The results showed statistically significant differences in using one of the moves and several steps between EWs and IWs. Unlike EWs, IWs mostly failed to use all steps to linguistically textualize and manifest the overall function of a particular move. The study concludes with some implications for English for specific purposes (ESP) practitioners. پرونده مقاله
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        19 - Corpora and Translation Studies: Implications and Applications
        Mehrdad Vasheghani Farahani Hossein Vahid Dastjerdi
        Concurrent with the advent of Mona Baker&rsquo;s seminal and trendsetter paper (1995) on the constructive role of corpora in translation research, we have witnessed an exponential revolution in this fast-growing strand of research (Fang, 2020; Vasheghani Farahani and Ka چکیده کامل
        Concurrent with the advent of Mona Baker&rsquo;s seminal and trendsetter paper (1995) on the constructive role of corpora in translation research, we have witnessed an exponential revolution in this fast-growing strand of research (Fang, 2020; Vasheghani Farahani and Kazemian, 2021; Zanettin, 2012). What Baker envisaged in Corpus-based Translation Studies borrowed its roots from Descriptive Translation Studies (to study translation in accordance with target text boundaries) and was concomitant with the time when corpora were in their incipient stages of fruition in Applied Linguistics (Laviosa, 2013). As a matter of principle, the critical nexus between translation and corpora was underpinned based on the assumption that &ldquo;hypotheses are tested by examining language in use rather than concocted examples&rdquo; (Laviosa, 2013, p. 228). پرونده مقاله
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        20 - تأثیر عصاره الکلی حنا روی فاکتورهای خونی ماهی کپور معمولی (Cyprinus carpio)
        مرضیه محمدی مژده چله مال دزفول نژاد مهرزاد مصباح
        برای انجام این آزمایش 280 قطعه ماهی کپور معمولی (با وزن متوسط 21/1&plusmn;30/22 گرم) تحت چهار تیمار شاهد، گروه حمام دائم عصاره الکلی 01/0 درصد، گروه حمام دائم عصاره الکی 1/0 درصد، گروه حمام دائم عصاره الکلی 5/0 درصد به مدت 60 روز قرار گرفتند. در انتهای دوره بالاترین میز چکیده کامل
        برای انجام این آزمایش 280 قطعه ماهی کپور معمولی (با وزن متوسط 21/1&plusmn;30/22 گرم) تحت چهار تیمار شاهد، گروه حمام دائم عصاره الکلی 01/0 درصد، گروه حمام دائم عصاره الکی 1/0 درصد، گروه حمام دائم عصاره الکلی 5/0 درصد به مدت 60 روز قرار گرفتند. در انتهای دوره بالاترین میزان گلبول های سفید مربوط به تیمار 01/0 و به دنبال آن تیمار 1/0 بوده و در تیمار شاهد میزان گلبول های سفید کمترین مقدار را در میان سایر تیمارها نشان داد (05/0p &lt;). بیشترین تعداد گلبول های قرمز مربوط به تیمار 5/0 بدون اختلاف معنی دار با تیمار 1/0 و شاهد بود(05/0p &gt;). میزان هماتوکریت در شاهد مقادیر بالاتری را در مقابل تیمارهای 01/0، 1/0 و 5/0 نشان داد (05/0p &lt;). در مورد هموگلوبین تیمار شاهد بالاترین میزان را دارا بود و به دنبال آن تیمار 01/0 قرار داشت(05/0p &lt;). در مورد شاخص میزان متوسط هموگلوبین گلبولی بالاترین میزان مربوط به تیمار 01/0 و کمترین مقدار مربوط به تیمار 5/0 بود(05/0p &lt;). تیمار شاهد از نظر عددی در رتبه دوم قرار داشت. عصاره حنا در پایان دوره 28 غلظت سبب بالا رفتن متوسط هموگلوبین گلبولی در تیمارها شد و حجم متوسط گلبولی کمترین مقدار را در تیمار 5/0 و بیشترین مقدار مربوط به تیمار شاهد داشت(05/0p &lt;). پرونده مقاله
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        21 - مقایسه آنالیزلاشه و پروفایل اسیدهای چرب بین قزل‌آلای رنگین کمان رودخانه‌ای، پرورشی (Oncorhynchus mykiss) و قزل‌آلای خال قرمز (Salmo trutta fario) در رودخانه هراز
        نیلوفر فلاح مهرنوش نوروزی تقی محمدی فوتمی
        تحقیق حاضر با هدف تعیین ترکیب شیمیایی و پروفایل اسید‌های چرب بافت عضلانی سه گروه از آزاد‌ ماهیان رودخانه‌ای و پرورشی شامل قزل آلای رنگین کمان رودخانه‌ای و پرورشی (Oncorhynchus mykiss) و قزل آلای خال قرمز(Salmo trutta fario) انجام شد. در مجموع 9 عدد ماهی قزل آلای رنگین ک چکیده کامل
        تحقیق حاضر با هدف تعیین ترکیب شیمیایی و پروفایل اسید‌های چرب بافت عضلانی سه گروه از آزاد‌ ماهیان رودخانه‌ای و پرورشی شامل قزل آلای رنگین کمان رودخانه‌ای و پرورشی (Oncorhynchus mykiss) و قزل آلای خال قرمز(Salmo trutta fario) انجام شد. در مجموع 9 عدد ماهی قزل آلای رنگین کمان رودخانه ای، خال قرمز و قزل آلای پرورشی از محدوده رودخانه هراز نمونه برداری شد. نمونه‌ها به حالت منجمد به آزمایشگاه منتقل، زیست سنجی سپس ترکیبات لاشه و پروفایل اسیدهای چرب با سه تکرار اندازه گیری شدند. مطابق با نتایج زیست سنجی و آنالیز لاشه (خاکستر، رطوبت، پروتئین و چربی) اختلاف معنا‌داری بین سه گروه مشاهده نشد (05/0&lt;P).بیشترین مقدار اسید چرب اشباع (SFA) 787/0&plusmn; 80/24، تک غیر اشباع (MUFA) 638/1&plusmn; 03/48 و چند غیر اشباع (PUFA) 916/4&plusmn; 95/45 به ترتیب در ماهی قزل آلای رودخانه‌ای، خال قرمز و پرورشی دیده شد که تفاوت معنی‌داری بین سه گروه وجود داشت (05/0&gt;P).اما در میزان امگا 3 (&omega;-3)، امگا 6 (&omega;-6)، ایکوزاپنتائنوئیک اسید (EPA) و دوکوزا هگزانوئیک اسید (DHA) بین گروه ها اختلاف معنی‌داری دیده نشد (05/0&lt;P). همچنین نسبت &omega;-3/&omega;-6 در تمام گونه‌ها از یک بیشتر بود.بیشترین نسبت &omega;-3/&omega;-6 به ترتیب در قزل آلا پرورشی (625/0&plusmn; 30/3)، قزل آلا خال قرمز (458/0&plusmn; 44/2) و قزل آلا رودخانه‌ای (706/0&plusmn; 36/2) مشاهده شد. در هر سه گروه مورد مطالعه، نسبت &omega;-3/&omega;-6 از مقدار توصیه شده متخصصان تغذیه بیشتر بود. بر اساس نتایج، قزل آلای رنگین کمان رودخانه‌ای، پرورشی و خال قرمز از نظر ارزش غذایی بسیار غنی هستند. پرونده مقاله