Investigating the Effects of Online and Traditional Modes of Corrective Feedback on the Iranian EFL Learners' Writing Quality
Subject Areas : All areas of language and translation
Sahar Farrahi Avval
Hassan Asadollahfam
Bahram Behin
1 - English Department, Bonab Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bonab, Iran
2 - English Department, Bonab Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bonab, Iran
3 - English Department, Shahid Madani University, Tabriz, Iran
Keywords: CF, SLA, CAF, Online sessions,
Abstract :
Corrective feedback (CF) is an inseparable part of second language acquisition (SLA) and has been the focus of numerous studies since the concept of CF was introduced in the field of SLA. This study focused on investigating the differences between two modes of providing CF, namely, online and traditional modes, which would affect Iranian EFL learners’ writing ability. To serve this purpose, 317 EFL learners from four language schools in Tabriz took the TOEFL: 271 participants scored between 477 and 510, the scores of 164 of them fell between ±1SD, and 66 of them agreed to participate in the study who were asked to deliver a 200-word composition. Their compositions were analyzed based on CAF (complexity, accuracy, and fluency). They were then divided into two groups; one group underwent a treatment of 10 sessions of online chatting (1 hour each session), and the other group was asked to deliver 10 writing tasks. Afterward, all participants were asked to deliver another 200-word writing task. These tasks were analyzed based on the CAF criteria. The obtained results proved a significant difference between the writing ability of the participants receiving CF through online sessions and that of those receiving CF in traditional mode. The findings implicate that EFL teachers could be encouraged and allowed to use up-to-date ways of providing CF if more development in the teaching and learning of English as a second language is anticipated.
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