Analyzing the Biophilic Paradigm in Urbanism, Based on Content Analysis Technique
Subject Areas : Space Ontology International Journal
Sahar Moarefi
Zahra Sadat Saeideh Zarabadi
Farah Habib
1 - Department of Urban Development, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Department of Urban Development, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
3 - Department of Urban Development, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Biophilic Urbanism, Human-Nature Connection, Urban Spatial Scales, Nature Pyramid, Content Analysis Technique,
Abstract :
The lived experience of million years of human beings has been originated and evolved in nature. The connection between man and nature plays a fundamental role to respond his physical and mental needs. The increasing manifestations of industry and technology, simultaneously lifestyle changes in the contemporary era, have led to rise dissociation of urban environments from nature. Accordingly, numerous problems, such as; loss of biological species, deforestation, global warming, traffic, air pollution, etc, appear in the present cities. Consequently, Human beings; as the main stakeholders of urban spaces, have been suffered from various physical and mental problems, such as; movement disorders, hypertension, diabetes, alienation to the environment, neurological diseases, depression, anger, etc. due to the nature receding processes. Therefore, it is more necessary to address the approach, through human-nature reconnection by creation, revive and restoration nature aspects in urban spaces. In this regard, the research problem raised from the main question: What are the issues of Biophilic paradigm in urban planning and design? This research is based on the content analysis for systematic review (PRISMA). Accordingly, articles with keywords selected and screened from comprehensive scientific databases and the selected final articles were analyzed in-depth, to extract and define while expressing the Biophilic concept of urban planning and design, its dimensions, components and criteria. Biophilic urban development is a comprehensive approach; principally deals with the interaction of functional, structural and meaning dimensions, embodied environmental, sociocultural, economic, institutional , city spatial and time duration scales, simultaneously sensory design components and the embodied natural features.Consequently,enriched accessible natural urban spaces can directed to people wellbeing and their responsibility toward the natural values of the environment.
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