Public Participation Model In Unequal Urban Environment (Case Study: Vakil-Agha And Nobahar Districts In Kermanshah)
Subject Areas :
Space Ontology International Journal
Kianoosh Zakerhaghighi
Ebrahin Nazari Darabkhani
1 - Associate Professor, Department of Urban Planning, Hamedan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Hamedan, Iran.
2 - Department of Urban Planning, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Hamedan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Hamedan, Iran.
Received: 2017-11-06
Accepted : 2018-05-17
Published : 2018-03-01
Urban environment,
Public participation,
Unequal space,
Abstract :
The spatial inequality of the environment arises as a planning problem when the spatial structure of the different districts of a city is distinctly different; Differences that require different programming solutions for different regions and meeting the objective of creating spatial equality in a city. Nobahar and Vaki-Agha are two districts with unequal urban space located in north and south of Kermanshah city in Iran. Nobahar district of Kermanshah is characterized by regular geometric pattern, medium and large granularity, semi-compact texture, and regular granularity of parts. Vakil-Agha district is characterized by physical exhaustion, lack of safety standards, and solidity. Despite the fact that urban infrastructure services possess identity values, they have a low level of spatial and housing status.Considering the conditions and laws of Iran, the best option that is the basis of this research, is the pattern of citizen participation in urban affairs for mitigating this inequality. The research method is descriptive-analytic. The path analysis in this study was conducted using LISREL8.5 software. ANOVA test was used to determine the difference between variables based on gender, age and dependency. The participants for this study included all the caretakers of the households living in of Vakil-Agha and Nobahar districts in Kermanshah. The results showed that the participation of citizens in Iran and in particular in Kermanshah, both in the districts of Nobahar and Vakil-Agha, faces with some structural, socio-cultural, political-managerial, legal and spatial barriers. In some cases, despite the emphasis of senior management of the municipality of Kermanshah on the necessity of citizen participation in urban affairs, this necessity is not pursued by urban managers and citizens, and the participation of citizens is mostly formal and symbolic. The obtained results of the model in both regions can be a solution for managing citizen participation in unequal human environments in Kermanshah.
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