Code Glosses in Academic Writing: The Comparison of Iranian and Native Authors
Subject Areas : Research in English Language Pedagogy
Mahdi Dehghan
Azizeh Chalak
1 - Department of English, Isfahan(Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan,Iran
2 - Department of English, Isfahan(Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan,Iran
Keywords: Code gloss, Discourse Studies, EAP, Metadiscourse, L2 writing,
Abstract :
One of the challenges of academic writing is the creation of a structurally and communicatively well-organized and coherent text. Metadiscourse enables authors of journal articles to achieve this goal by raising the writers‘ awareness about discourse features which can contribute to a better academic content production. Also, L1 background has always been a hot topic in applied linguistics and native versus non-native comparisons have been of particular interest in this field. The purpose of this study was to see whether native English speakers and Iranians use code glosses as a sub-category of metadiscourse similarly in their academic writings. To this end, the introduction section of 30 journal articles written by native and Iranian non-native English authors were investigated and the number of code-glosses in each group was counted and analyzed. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used to answer the research question of this study. The result of data analysis revealed that there was no significant difference between the frequency count of code glosses used by Iranian and native English authors. This study can have pedagogical implications for EAP course designers as well as academic writing instructors and students.
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