فهرست مقالات منوچهر طبیبیان

  • مقاله

    1 - تحلیل امنیت در سکونتگاه هاى غیررسمى با تاکید بر آسیب هاى اجتماعى (مطالعه موردى : محله خا ک سفید تهران)
    هویت شهر , شماره 1 , سال 7 , بهار 1392
    هدف از این بحث تعیین چگونگى پراکنش آسیب هاى اجتماعى، به عنوان یکى از تعریف کننده هاى میزان احساس امنیت و درنتیجه موثر بر میزان مشارکت مردم و تحقق برنامه هاى توانمندسازى، در محله ى خاک سفید تهران است که از محله هاى باسابقه اسکان غیررسمى محسوب مى گردد. روش تحقیق توصیفى- ت چکیده کامل
    هدف از این بحث تعیین چگونگى پراکنش آسیب هاى اجتماعى، به عنوان یکى از تعریف کننده هاى میزان احساس امنیت و درنتیجه موثر بر میزان مشارکت مردم و تحقق برنامه هاى توانمندسازى، در محله ى خاک سفید تهران است که از محله هاى باسابقه اسکان غیررسمى محسوب مى گردد. روش تحقیق توصیفى- تحلیلى از نوع موردى (محله خاک سفید) است و جمع آورىداده ها، به روش کتابخانه اى و میدانى با استفاده از پرسش نامه بوده است. تحلیل ها با استفاده از سیستم اطلاعات جغرافیایىانجام شده است. نتایج نشان مى دهد کمترین میزان امنیت به دلیل تعدد آسیب هاى اجتماعى در expert choice و نرم افزارمحله خاک سفید، در قسمت میدان نواب صفوى قابل مشاهده است و وجود چنین آسیب هایى در این میدان، بر روى محدوده هاىاطراف آن نیز تأثیر بسیار منفى گذارده است، به طورى که این مناطق نیز به نواحى نا امنى از منظر آسیب هاى اجتماعى تبدیلگردیده اند و به کارگیرى برنامه اى جهت بهبود بخشى وضعیت امنیت در این نقاط را ضرورى نموده است. پرونده مقاله

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    2 - A Review of Relationship between Environmental Quality and Citizen’s Behavioral Patterns in Public Spaces (Case Study: Mashhad Kouhsangi and Qaranei Streets)
    International Journal of Architecture and Urban Development , شماره 2 , سال 8 , بهار 2018
    Purpose of this article is to introduce different approaches in reviewing the mutual relationship between the built environment and citizen’s behavioral patterns in public spaces with applying analytical and comparative methods by using a questionnaire, a sample o چکیده کامل
    Purpose of this article is to introduce different approaches in reviewing the mutual relationship between the built environment and citizen’s behavioral patterns in public spaces with applying analytical and comparative methods by using a questionnaire, a sample of 200 members of the audience in two streets of Mashhad, Kouhsangi and Qaranei, by using two tests of the ordinal logistic regression and the Kruskal-Wallis have been conducted. This study seeks to develop a conceptual framework identifying influential elements in regeneration public spaces and in order to identify factors contributing to numerous variables have been studied such as a variety of activities, Sociability, location of public spaces, diversity, and dynamism, impact and effect of behavioral patterns. This article first attempt to clarify the importance of this issue and establish the position of behavioral patterns in relation to the physical and built environment. Then develop a conceptual framework to identify the impact and effectiveness of various criteria. The results of this study indicate Classification of parameters affecting the interaction between the built environment and citizens' behavioral patterns that can be used in the next preceding studies and in various public spaces, especially street, be measured. پرونده مقاله

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    3 - Analysis and Assessment of Communicative Action Indicators and Variables; a Case of Tehran city, Iran
    Space Ontology International Journal , شماره 5 , سال 6 , پاییز 2017
    While there are a wide variety of studies about communicative action theory of Habermas, there is the need for building of indicators and variables for quantitative methods of assessing this concept in a particular case study. Especially as the development of communicat چکیده کامل
    While there are a wide variety of studies about communicative action theory of Habermas, there is the need for building of indicators and variables for quantitative methods of assessing this concept in a particular case study. Especially as the development of communicative action theory has created new perspectives in urban planning, it is necessary to assess and promote this concept in cities and neighborhoods. The purpose of this paper is to identify communicative action indicators and variables and assess the communicative action in Tehran city as the case study. Seven indicators were derived of theoretical framework, which are Urban Space, Lifeworld, Amenity, Social Capital, Communicative Rationality, Critical View Point and Economic Development. Variables related to each one were also identified and after testing reliability and validity, were served as a basis for assessing communicative action in Tehran city. In this regard, the hypotheses of the research were elaborated on the existence of the significant relationship between the seven indicators and communicative action in Tehran city. This research has been conducted with quantitative analysis based on field studies. Research hypotheses were tested using structural equation modeling in Lisrel software, using data related to 384 questionnaires. Results show that all indicators have a significant relationship with communicative action in Tehran city and among them the strongest impacts relate to social capital, amenity and lifeworld. پرونده مقاله

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    4 - The Impact of the Tourism Sector Policies in the Ninth and Tenth Boards of Government on Urban form and Structure of Mashhad Using Discourse Theory
    Space Ontology International Journal , شماره 1 , سال 8 , زمستان 2019
    As the pilgrims and tourists have been always present in Mashhad, meeting their needs has been constantly prioritized in urban planning especially the renewal and reconstruction projects carried out in the holy shrine surroundings. However, recent years have seen a chan چکیده کامل
    As the pilgrims and tourists have been always present in Mashhad, meeting their needs has been constantly prioritized in urban planning especially the renewal and reconstruction projects carried out in the holy shrine surroundings. However, recent years have seen a change of perspective toward pilgrims. These changes have been induced by both global and national politics. That is why great changes can be observed in the urban form and structure which are faster than ever before. The present research aims to analyze the discourse of the ninth and tenth boards of government to explore the effect of policies made in the tourism sector and see how tourist attraction has been perceived in urbanistic discussions. It eventually aims to explore the trend of changes made to the form of Mashhad city influenced by those policies the research adopted Laclauand Mouffe'sdiscoursetheory and conducted a content analysis of higher-order documents and the interviews made by the main decision-makers published about religious tourism in Mashhad. It delve in to the discourse of the ninth and tenth boards of government and how it affected the national tourism sector. It further delved into the effect of this perspective on the revolutions made to the urban form of Mashhad during the target era. The present findings show that there have been traces of changes in how pilgrims and tourists are perceived in Mashhad and how they induced changes to the urban form and structure of the city as well as the urbanism decision making. پرونده مقاله

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    5 - Analyzing the historic district of Tehran regarding walkability approach (case study: Naseri fortification)
    Space Ontology International Journal , شماره 2 , سال 10 , بهار 2021
    Addressing human needs in urban areas has been one of the most significant factors in the formation and expansion of cities. Between the human needs, walking is one of the most important ones and has been ignored in present-day cities. The main goal of providing pedestr چکیده کامل
    Addressing human needs in urban areas has been one of the most significant factors in the formation and expansion of cities. Between the human needs, walking is one of the most important ones and has been ignored in present-day cities. The main goal of providing pedestrian walkways is to give priority to pedestrians in order to revive civil life. Pedetrianization will play an undeniable role in the revitalization of urban centers by providing a framework for social interactions and allowing citizens to enter a safe and peaceful environment. As the historic district of Tehran, Naseri fortification is one of the most important parts of the city with the capability of gathering, shopping and recreation. In this fortification, we can take the advantage of the existing potential of the historic fabric of Tehran and create a vital, stable and secure space, along with physical and functional revitalization. Walkability is the main approach toward achieving this goal, and accordingly, the present research aims to analyze Naseri fortification of Tehran concerning walkability. The present condition analysis is performed according to the qualitative indicators such as physical-functional, socioeconomic and environmental indicators and additionally, the quantitative indicators such as density of the historical attractions, type of activities, and accessibility to the metro stations. Afterwards, the passages in this area are prioritized through the multi-criteria approach for adding pedestrian walkways based on the obtained results and eventually, the selected passages are identified in order to construct new pedestrian walkways or widen existing sidewalks. پرونده مقاله

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    6 - Assessing the effects of spatial land use distribution in pathway network on travel pattern of citizens (Case Study: Seventh district of Qom City)
    Space Ontology International Journal , شماره 48 , سال 13 , زمستان 2024
    Every day, millions of urbanists have contacts with the pedestrian and vehicled networks and various types of transportation and use urban transportation to meet a range of occupational, educational, shopping, recreational, and other needs; Not all of these have the sam چکیده کامل
    Every day, millions of urbanists have contacts with the pedestrian and vehicled networks and various types of transportation and use urban transportation to meet a range of occupational, educational, shopping, recreational, and other needs; Not all of these have the same pattern in every urban districts and they are subject to various factors and variables. A bunch of these factors is subject to the spatial configuration elements, one of the most important of which is the configuration of land use in pathway network, which has been investigated in this study. Through studies of this field, one can assess the possible consequences of land use deployment on citizens’ travel pattern and determine how they should be distributed when promoting a sustainable travel pattern. For this purpose, the seventh district of Qom city has been studied as the Central Business District (C. B. D). The research process is descriptive-analytic and library and field studies are used to collect information. To analyze the data and test the hypotheses, Pearson correlation test and accordingly the multivariable regression analysis was implemented and computer software such as Gis, Spss Depth Map was used. The findings of the research indicate that there is a meaningful relationship between the urban travel pattern and the pattern of land use in the city and the study area. پرونده مقاله

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    7 - Analysis of sustainable travel pattern in downtown neighborhoods by using a combination of space syntax and GIS (Case study: Districts 1 and 7 Qom city)
    Space Ontology International Journal , شماره 5 , سال 9 , پاییز 2020
    Urban transport is one of the main sub-sectors of urban development and planning. Every day, citizens communicate with the networks of pedestrians, vehicles and various types of transport and use urban transport to respond to a range of occupational, educational, shoppi چکیده کامل
    Urban transport is one of the main sub-sectors of urban development and planning. Every day, citizens communicate with the networks of pedestrians, vehicles and various types of transport and use urban transport to respond to a range of occupational, educational, shopping, recreational and other needs; so transport has become one of the most important aspects of citizens’ life quality. Unfortunately, in recent years, due to the vehicle route-based development, many transportational issues have emerged and as long as the urban development plans are based on vehicle routes it will not be possible to achieve sustainable transport. In order to overcome such problems, it is necessary to assess the urban transport from sustainability perspective in the first step and then propose solutions to improve existing conditions. The purpose of present research is to analyze the status of sustainable urban transport in areas which are located in the central texture of cities are selected as the sample and the current transport system of this area of cities has been studied. The research method is descriptive-analytical and is carried out with an emphasis on the relationship between the urban form and the patterns of travel using GIS and statistical analysis together. The results of statistical surveys show that commercial land use has a greater impact on the pattern of personal vehicle-travel compared to the public transport. Regarding the density in height, it was found that by increasing the density, people tend to walk more and desire to use personal vehicle decreases. It can be said about the communication network that the high proportion of spaces related to the network is increasing with the desire of individuals to drive with personal cars. For this reason, we tried to further assess this communication comprehensively and in an integrated manner through space syntax data پرونده مقاله

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    8 - Explaining the Model of City Resilience to Earthquake, Regarding Natural Site of Cities (Case Study: Qazvin city)
    Space Ontology International Journal , شماره 2 , سال 9 , بهار 2020
    Cities are among the most fragile life settlements due to their complex internal structure and the influence by different variables. Given the realities of these settlements, in devastating events such as earthquakes, these cities will be definitely more fragile; conseq چکیده کامل
    Cities are among the most fragile life settlements due to their complex internal structure and the influence by different variables. Given the realities of these settlements, in devastating events such as earthquakes, these cities will be definitely more fragile; consequently, returning to normal life seems to be much longer and costly. Given the importance of the issue, in addition to variables taken into account by other researchers in terms of urban structure, this paper has a deeper look at the resilience of cities to earthquakes by considering the conditions of natural sites of cities. It also provides a model of resilience, discusses, and analyzes it in the city of Qazvin, which is located in a high-seismic region with a high relative risk zone. According to the preventive approach to resilience of cities, this program will significantly reduce damages caused by earthquake in the future. In this paper, the algorithm of this model is proposed based on the information obtained from the information analysis on resilience and earthquake, and with regard to the necessity of prioritizing the variables. In fact, this model places a high analytical priority on differentiation of different areas of cities based on natural conditions of their site, and it systematically addresses the issue from the outset. This causes the vulnerability of all parts of the city not to be considered the same under natural conditions and, according to the facts in the natural site, the effect of earthquake on the components of the city are observed, and the critical points are identified. The model output shows that vulnerability in Qazvin is so widespread that the strategy of action during disruption, and returning to initial state are ineffective, and it is better to focus on self-organization and increased pre-earthquake capacity. پرونده مقاله

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    9 - The evolution of urban spaces in the shadow of globalization with emphasis on socio-cultural dimensions
    Space Ontology International Journal , شماره 1 , سال 11 , زمستان 2022
    In recent decades, the concept of "globalization" has changed the political-economic and socio-cultural structure worldwide. This concept has caused the actions and developments of a point in the world to affect other parts of the world. The emergence of this new concep چکیده کامل
    In recent decades, the concept of "globalization" has changed the political-economic and socio-cultural structure worldwide. This concept has caused the actions and developments of a point in the world to affect other parts of the world. The emergence of this new concept gradually created new spaces and great changes in human attitudes toward space. Globalization, which was initially used and accepted at a slow pace, seems to has had a profound effect on urban public spaces in recent years due to the growth of technology and the practical change in the concepts of time and place. During these years, the frequent and rapid display of urban spaces around the world, which has been provided due to the global era and its communication facilities, has caused fundamental differences in the design of new public spaces and on the other hand, in the presence and use of these spaces. Because it has directly affected the culture of societies. The purpose of this study is to identify the important factors influencing the evolution of urban spaces during globalization. This article uses a qualitative meta-analysis method to present a proposed model to improve the planning and design of public spaces in the global era and tries to express an analysis beyond what has been presented so far with qualitative techniques and taking into account global/local policies and standards. In data analysis, the obtained data are proportionally included in the theoretical framework of the research (dimensions of globalization, urban public spaces). These dimensions are considered as predefined codes in the research and the data are analyzed based on these codes. The results show that inter-global/local interaction is the most important issue that will affect the quality of public spaces in global cities. This interaction takes place in global/local dynamics, global standards, and inherent indigenous talents. پرونده مقاله

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    10 - Rethinking the power of place in the age of virtual social media
    Space Ontology International Journal , شماره 4 , سال 11 , تابستان 2022
    In the past years, the use of cyberspace has increased day by day to the point that today, people create personality, gain experience and create memories in these spaces. This has created an emerging phenomenon of virtual space. This should be accepted that nowadays, cy چکیده کامل
    In the past years, the use of cyberspace has increased day by day to the point that today, people create personality, gain experience and create memories in these spaces. This has created an emerging phenomenon of virtual space. This should be accepted that nowadays, cyberspace has become a virtual reality. A reality which has created cyberspace accessible as a new experience and opportunity. By using documentary and library methods and with an analytical look, this article seeks to describe the power of place in the form of a sense of place in the virtual age by examining different theoretical perspectives on space and cyberspace. The present article, while does not consider the advent of the digital age and the increasing expansion of cyberspace users as a threat to the sense of place, by using the content analysis method, analyzes the effect of cyberspace on identity and sense of place and provides a codified framework for the power of place in the virtual age. The results show that in the present age, virtual media has a direct effect on the sense of place. And despite the similarities between the components of sense of place in real places and virtual spaces, there are also differences; including indirect but powerful interactions and experiences, removal of temporal / spatial constraints, immersion instead of physical presence, and free and limitless communication in virtual media. پرونده مقاله

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    11 - Redesigning Urban Spaces with an Emphasis on the Relationship Between the Physical Environment of the City and the Behavior of Citizens (Case Study: Adl Street in Qazvin)
    Space Ontology International Journal , شماره 2 , سال 7 , بهار 2018
    Urban spaces are considered as important elements in the urban structure. These spaces are scenes in which the general activities of urban life take place and they are able to provide an opportunity for the development of innovations for the people and to act as a recre چکیده کامل
    Urban spaces are considered as important elements in the urban structure. These spaces are scenes in which the general activities of urban life take place and they are able to provide an opportunity for the development of innovations for the people and to act as a recreational and constructive environment in an urban collection to provide a setting while every human being would need to perceive his or her position. One of the factors in satisfaction and gratification of citizens toward the city and urban spaces is the effective connections of spaces and different land uses with the states and behaviors of the individuals. A theory is necessary to describe the urban spaces and to make models of reality. Therefore, new paradigms like environmental psychology and behavioral sciences came into being which attracted the public attention to a viewpoint to conduct the human studies in urban design. According to this, we must identify the behavioral patterns of the space users by identifying the behavioral mechanisms of the citizens in physical environments to provide multi-functional, flexible spaces that are responsive to the citizens.Unfortunately, in spite of many capabilities for enhancing the behavioral patterns and social interactions of the people, several urban spaces are degenerated due to the lack of attendance and attention to their physical environment as they are no more hosting citizens.The following research is a descriptive-analytic type which is done in a qualitative method with the aim of redesigning the urban spaces with regard to the influence of the physical environment on the behavior of the citizens. An effort was then made based on the field data and registering the behaviors by observations and through the subjective images of the citizens, it was analysed by using subjective questionnaire and SWOT matrix, and eventually a number of recommendations are presented to organize and redesign the Adl street in Qazvin in order to enhance the behavioral pattern of the citizens. پرونده مقاله

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    12 - Comparison of pedestrian safety in old and new neighborhoods (A case study of Qazvin)
    Space Ontology International Journal , شماره 1 , سال 5 , زمستان 2016
    Sense of security is one of the basic human needs and the most influential social components of urban life. Perhaps it can be the most important factor in promoting or hindering walking in cities. In other words, if the neighborhoods of a city have a good level of secur چکیده کامل
    Sense of security is one of the basic human needs and the most influential social components of urban life. Perhaps it can be the most important factor in promoting or hindering walking in cities. In other words, if the neighborhoods of a city have a good level of security, the presents of pedestrians can be seen in local streets even in the late night hours. In this regard and to the answer to this question that what kind of structure can be the supplier of pedestrian safety, the present study deals with comparison of an old neighborhood and a newly built neighborhood in the city of Qazvin by utilizing the Analytical Hierarchy Process(AHP) and also spatial analysis with GIS software.Initial hypothesis is based on the assumption that organic older neighborhoods bring safer feel in comparison with new neighborhoods for pedestrians and neighborhood residents. The results largely confirm the hypothesis and also show that nowadays, the old neighborhoods in cities has changed and distanced from the primary structure which require some reforms.At the end of the research, new ways to strengthen the sense of security in the new neighborhood and improvements of old ones are offered. It is hoped the issue analyzed in this study, helps the promotion of pedestrian life in cities. پرونده مقاله

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    13 - Applying the Land Use-Transportation Integrated Model, Using the Most Effective Sustainable Urban Variables Case study: part of the district 22 of city of Tehran
    Space Ontology International Journal , شماره 4 , سال 4 , بهار 2015
    Land use planning is the main core of urban planning and one of the main components of an urban system. This element has close relation with transportation system of the city, so if their interaction becomes insufficient, deterioration and chaos would have an adverse im چکیده کامل
    Land use planning is the main core of urban planning and one of the main components of an urban system. This element has close relation with transportation system of the city, so if their interaction becomes insufficient, deterioration and chaos would have an adverse impact on the urban system and would cause serious environmental issues. The integrated land use-transportation models seem to be the ones that can help to create efficient interaction between land use and transportation systems. Since the introduction of sustainability to urban studies, urban researchers have tried to investigate and use the variables that will help to achieve urban sustainability in the models. This analytical-documental research (with a quantitative approach), with emphasis on sustainability tries to verify the most effective variables in the above mentioned models, and then propose a process with a particular kind of analysis. The verified variables and the process are then examined in part of the 22nd district of Tehran as the case study. Our findings indicate that; applying the chosen variables in the model and simulation process will make significant reduction in energy use, pollution (MO2), and delay (direct effects on environment and economy). The indirect effect shows itself on social aspect since the mentioned changes are related to the citizens conveniences. پرونده مقاله

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    14 - A Cultural Tourism Approach Towards Revitalizing Urban Streets (Case Study: Imam Khomeini Street, Tabriz)
    Space Ontology International Journal , شماره 5 , سال 5 , پاییز 2016
    This study aims to convert to tangible elements (i.e., physical structures of cultural tourism) the various cultural dimensions and past symbols of Tabriz (which are considered collectively as tourism goods) by partially revitalizing the historical Imam Khomeini Street چکیده کامل
    This study aims to convert to tangible elements (i.e., physical structures of cultural tourism) the various cultural dimensions and past symbols of Tabriz (which are considered collectively as tourism goods) by partially revitalizing the historical Imam Khomeini Street which is considered to be an arena for social life and a suitable environment for visiting tourists. The SWOT method was implemented to analyze the existing situation regarding this case study upon examining the relevant cultural tourism concepts. The Delphi technique was used to provide a questionnaire the results of which were used as coefficients for selecting the most effective strengths (S), weaknesses (W), opportunities (O), and threats (T). The design strategies were also extracted from the SWOT table and the most prioritized of these including SO1, WO3, ST2, and WT1 selected using the quantitative strategic planning matrix. پرونده مقاله

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    15 - Identification and Investigation of Effective Factors on the Development of the Tourism Industry in Bandar-e-Anzali by Delphi Method
    Space Ontology International Journal , شماره 5 , سال 8 , پاییز 2019
    Today, the tourism industry, as one of the global leading industries and as a strong social, cultural and economic force, has the ability to form and transform human societies, and therefore the development of the tourism industry is particularly important. The purpose چکیده کامل
    Today, the tourism industry, as one of the global leading industries and as a strong social, cultural and economic force, has the ability to form and transform human societies, and therefore the development of the tourism industry is particularly important. The purpose of this study was to identify and investigate the effective factors on the development of Bandar-e-Anzali Tourism Industry. The research method is a survey that the statistical population in the first part (Delphi analysis) consists of experts and in the second part (inferential statistics), all employees and managers in the private and governmental decision-making centers about the tourism industry in Bandar-e-Anzali (Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism, municipalities, hotels and hospitality establishments). The sample size in the first part is 20, and in the second part is equal to 172 people. Due to the restriction of the census method, a quantitative research questionnaires were distributed and gathered randomly among the subjects. To analyze the findings, exploratory factor analysis, one-sample t-test and Friedman's rank test were used. The findings showed that five components (increasing the level of management decision making, strengthening cultural and educational issues, developing infrastructure facilities, increasing marketing and advertising, and increasing the participation of the private sector) contributed to develop Bandar-e-Anzali Tourism Industry. پرونده مقاله

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    16 - تبیین ارتباط مهم ترین معیارهای برنامه ریزی فضایی و هویت شهری در محلات جدید و تاریخی با روش مدل رگرسیون چندگانه (نمونه موردی: محلات تاریخی و جدید شهر قزوین)
    مطالعات برنامه ریزی سکونتگاه های انسانی , شماره 5 , سال 19 , زمستان 1403
    مقدمه: در دهه‌های اخیر برنامه‌ریزی فضایی با هدف اصلی مدیریت خردمندانه فضا در شکل دادن به کالبد و معنا دهی به مکان‌ها، توجه محققان را به خود جلب نموده است. مولفه‌های این نوع برنامه‌ریزی می‌تواند نقش اثرگذاری در تغییر نگرش شهروندان به محل زندگی خود داشته باشد. بنابرین منط چکیده کامل
    مقدمه: در دهه‌های اخیر برنامه‌ریزی فضایی با هدف اصلی مدیریت خردمندانه فضا در شکل دادن به کالبد و معنا دهی به مکان‌ها، توجه محققان را به خود جلب نموده است. مولفه‌های این نوع برنامه‌ریزی می‌تواند نقش اثرگذاری در تغییر نگرش شهروندان به محل زندگی خود داشته باشد. بنابرین منطقی به نظر می-رسد که از ابزارهای این نوع برنامه‌ریزی در ارتقای هویت محلات استفاده گردد.هدف پژوهش: هدف اساسی ارزیابی نقش برنامه‌ریزی فضایی در تقویت هویت شهری می‌باشد و با بررسی ارتباط بین مهم‌ترین معیارهای برنامه‌ریزی فضایی به عنوان متغیر مستقل و هویت شهری به عنوان متغیر وابسته دنبال می‌گردد.روش‌شناسی تحقیق: پژوهش حاضر روشی توصیفی- تحلیلی دارد. ابتدا با تحلیل محتوا تعداد ۷۶ مولفه شناسایی و سپس با روش دلفی پرسشنامه خبرگان تهیه و در سه دور رفت و برگشت شد. در نهایت ۲۱ مولفه باقی ماند که برای تهیه پرسشنامه شهروندان در محلات تاریخی و جدید استفاده گردید. ارزیابی این مؤلفه‌ها با پرسشنامه منضم به طیف‌های پنجگانة لیکرت از نمونه آماری به تعداد ۳۶۴ نفر در محلات تاریخی و ۳۵۱ نفر در محلات جدید توزیع شد. تحلیل داده‌ها با استفاده از مدل رگرسیون چندگانه در نرم‌افزار SPSS انجام گرفت. قلمرو جغرافیایی پژوهش: محله‌های ملک آباد قزوین به عنوان نمونه‌ای از بافت تاریخی و ملاصدرا به عنوان نمونه‌ای از بافت جدید محدوده جغرافیایی این تحقیق هستند که به ترتیب ۵/۲۳ و ۵/۵۱ هکتار مساحت و ۴۱۵۶ و ۷۲۵۴ نفر جمعیت دارند. یافته‌ها و بحث: از بین مولفه‌های شناسایی شده تعداد ۲۱ مولفه (معیار) در پنچ گروه مدیریتی، فضایی-کالبدی، اقتصادی، اجتماعی-فرهنگی و زیست-محیطی به عنوان متغیرهای مستقل در نهایت انتخاب گردید. متغیر وابسته نیز هویت شهری بوده است. برای مولفه‌های‌ تحقیق به ترتیب ۲۱، ۱۲، ۱۶، ۱۵ و ۱۲ زیر معیار شناسایی شد. مشخص گردید که ارتباط مستقیمی بین متغیرهای مستقل و وابسته تحقیق وجود دارد. همچنین در بافت جدید رابطه بین برنامه‌ریزی کالبدی و احساس هویت محلی و رابطه بین برنامه‌ریزی اجتماعی-فرهنگی با احساس هویت محلی قوی‌تر از بافت قدیم می‌باشد. نتایج :در بافت تاریخی مشکلاتی از جمله عدم توجه به ابعاد کالبدی، اقتصادی و اجتماعی-فرهنگی که نقش اساسی در هویت شهری ایفا می‌کنند، وجود دارد. برنامه‌ریزی فضایی در محلات جدید که از پیش برای آن اندیشیده شده هم نتوانسته است باعث ایجاد هویت شهری شود و ساکنان با مشکلات اجتماعی، هویتی و فرهنگی رو‌به‌رو هستند. برای بهبود وضعیت هویت محلات قزوین لازم است با اراده مدیران شهری و مشارکت شهروندان راهکارها و پیشنهادات مطرح شده مورد توجه قرار گیرد. پرونده مقاله

  • مقاله

    17 - Realization of the Ecocity Concept considering the Effects of Urban Non-level Intersections (Overpasses and Underpasses): Qazvin City
    Space Ontology International Journal , شماره 49 , سال 13 , بهار 2024
    All cities, especially megacities in developing economies, are facing undesirable conditions in terms of environmental health and people's quality of life. In this regard, one of the solutions considered to solve these challenges is the concept of Ecocity. Creating and چکیده کامل
    All cities, especially megacities in developing economies, are facing undesirable conditions in terms of environmental health and people's quality of life. In this regard, one of the solutions considered to solve these challenges is the concept of Ecocity. Creating and developing residential patterns suitable for sustainable cities, emphasizing the positive effects of an environmentally friendly transportation system, is one of the Ecocity’s main goals. Conversely, construction of non-level intersections has many effects on different aspects of cities and lives of citizens. The main purpose of this research is to investigate the effects of constructing non-level intersections on Ecocity goals. In this research, five main dimensions of environment and resources, transport, economic, socio-cultural and perceptual-visual were considered for an Ecocity. Nine non-level intersections in Qazvin city were investigated to fulfillment of mentioned dimensions and their sub-indices. The research method is field research, survey and indirect documentary. At first, the criteria were weighted by 15 professors of transportation and environment, therefore, a coefficient was considered for each criterion. Afterwards, the opinions of 20 experts (informed about the status of the examined intersections) and then 384 citizens were collected and ranked using AHP. All data were evaluated with Friedman's test and finally multiplied by the coefficient obtained in the previous step. Results showed that Shahid Rajaei Intersection scored the highest in terms of achieving the goals of the Ecocity. Regarding the scores, overpasses have scored better than underpasses in achieving Ecocity goals. Furthermore, highest level of realization of Ecocity goals in construction of non-level intersections in Qazvin city has been in the perceptual-visual aspects and the lowest level of realizability belongs to the dimensions of environment and resources. In general, the construction of non-level intersections in Qazvin city is not in line with the realization of an Ecocity and is far from it. پرونده مقاله