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      • Open Access Article

        1 - World health Organization Legal Problems and Difficulties and Challenges Forward to
        Hassan Movassaghi Yaser Chokhachi Zade Moghaddam
        One of the key infrastructures of the right to live, which is aprominent example of human rights, is the right to health which isrecognized as the basis for the realization of other generations of humanrights worldwide. Therefore, human hygiene can influence benefitting More
        One of the key infrastructures of the right to live, which is aprominent example of human rights, is the right to health which isrecognized as the basis for the realization of other generations of humanrights worldwide. Therefore, human hygiene can influence benefittingfrom other rights and also being affected from indifference and denial ofhuman rights. Regarding the issues and areas that the United Nations andthe World Health Organization missions have not been realized orprogressed, the obstacles to the realizations of these goals can be soughtin poverty, illiteracy, unemployment, regression, corruption and lack ofdemocracy in some countries and communities. The research hypothesisis that the World Health Organization should encourage the states forinteraction and collaboration in promotion of the humans‟ health level inorder to fill full the superior and humanly goals by the tool of graduallyenhancing the people awareness. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Post-structuralism in Sohrab Sepehri's Works
        rashid hashem Farhang Ershad Seifollah Seifollahi Firouz Rad
        This article is interdisciplinary analysis between sociology andliterature and tries to study works of Sohrab Sepehri from sociologicalperspective. For this purpose, other than using various sociologicaltheories related to this field such as post-structuralism and moder More
        This article is interdisciplinary analysis between sociology andliterature and tries to study works of Sohrab Sepehri from sociologicalperspective. For this purpose, other than using various sociologicaltheories related to this field such as post-structuralism and modernhermeneutics, the methodology of Lacla and Mouffe‟s discourse analysisis also used. The results of this research show that, the works of Sepehrilack semantic determination, and the relationship between signifier andsignified is not one-to-one. This explains the possibility of poststructuralismof his works. This research also shows the literature of Iranalongside world literature has a high capacity to address human andsocial issues and interprets them with different approaches, whichSepehri‟s narrative is just one of them. This research and similar works,while discovering such potentialities, diminished the intricacies of theseworks, highlighting the importance of interdisciplinary research andhighlighting the necessity of simultaneous education in the respectiveacademic disciplines. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - A comparative study of the extent of public participation in informal and planned urban settlement (Case study: Molla-zeynal and Dadgostari districts of Tabriz)
        Ali Panahi Majid Dadashpour Moghaddam Akbar Azar Pour
        Global experiences show that from the 1980s onward urbandevelopment plans have received increasing attention to participatoryapproaches. To the extent that urban participation is currently the key tothe success of the urban development project, as well as one of thecrit More
        Global experiences show that from the 1980s onward urbandevelopment plans have received increasing attention to participatoryapproaches. To the extent that urban participation is currently the key tothe success of the urban development project, as well as one of thecriteria for assessing the performance of the urban management systemand its components (municipalities and city council). People'sparticipation in the development process is so credible that developmentis equivalent to participation. Participation is one of the main concepts ofsustainable development, hence, city managers have always tried byattracting people's participation, and they can best achieve their goals ofoptimal city management, especially in the suburbs of cities. Consideringthe importance of people's participation in good city management, thepurpose of this research, is a comparative study of public participation ininformal and planned settlements (case study: Dadgostary Neighborhoodand Mollazinal neighborhood). In this research, descriptive-analytical andsurvey research has been used. The statistical population of the study iscitizens of Dadgostary Neighborhood and Mollazinal neighborhood.Based on the Cochran formula, a sample of 385 heads of householdsfrom two neighborhoods of Tabriz city randomly selected andinformation collected by documentary and fieldwork and SPSS softwarewas used to analyze the data. In this research, one-sample test, Pearsoncorrelation coefficient and regression were used to test the researchhypotheses. The results of the research suggest that, the higher theresidence of the residents in a neighborhood, the more important in termsof history and antiquity, and the greater the sense of ownership andresponsibility of its residents to their residency. Also, the greater thesense of social belonging of citizens, the more their involvement in urbanmanagement. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Empirical phenomenology of heterosexual interactions(Case study: students of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran)
        ali yousefi seyed zahra kazemi yazdi Mostafa Ganizadeh
        Sexual desire and sexual interaction with the opposite sex, as one ofthe first natural desires of human beings, is satisfied through definitenorms of different cultures, mainly marriage. However, some of theheterosexual relationships happen outside of the marital framew More
        Sexual desire and sexual interaction with the opposite sex, as one ofthe first natural desires of human beings, is satisfied through definitenorms of different cultures, mainly marriage. However, some of theheterosexual relationships happen outside of the marital framework; theyare regulated based on personal norms and continued with differentmethods of justification and secrecy. The current paper aims to identifythe motivations of premarital heterosexual relationships by means ofphenomenological analysis of premarital heterosexual experiences amongstudents of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad. 22 students were selectedas participants of the study. Five types of relationship with the oppositesex, namely, verbal relationship without affection, one-sided emotionalrelationship, mutual emotional relationship, emotional-physicalrelationship and emotional-sexual relationship were selected as a basis tocreate five general meanings of “opportunity motivation, experiencing adifferent relationship, desire for marriage, love and belonging, and sexualpleasure”. The results indicate that, sexual and social needs areintertwined; and this interlinking and its subsequent justifications havecreated a positive coverage for these types of premarital relationships tocontinue among participants. Moreover, sexual differences andsociocultural situations are among the factors which influence theformation of heterosexual relationships, matching different types ofmotivations and relationships among two sexes. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - The transition from philosophy to methodology,a new reading of the phenomenology method:the foundation of philosophical approaches and implementation steps
        Peyman Parvari
        The objects and phenomena of the world in a variety of ways representthemselves to humans, and each individual's consciousness is influencedby his or her own experience of the world around him or her.Phenomenology is a method by which many people's knowledge andexperien More
        The objects and phenomena of the world in a variety of ways representthemselves to humans, and each individual's consciousness is influencedby his or her own experience of the world around him or her.Phenomenology is a method by which many people's knowledge andexperience of concepts and phenomena can be obtained withoutintermediation. From a phenomenological point of view, perception isalways a perception of a phenomenon and perception without phenomenais meaningless so we must turn our attention to the objects themselves.The main purpose of phenomenology is to discover the variousexperiences of individuals in the phenomenon under investigation, toarrive at the true nature and essence of the phenomenon or concept. Thephenomenological presupposition is that the universe and its phenomenaare outside of human beings and that human can get an image of it as amirror. Phenomenological research requires a thorough understanding ofits own philosophy and executive style. Hence, the present article seeks toanalyze the philosophical foundations of phenomenology, identify anddescribe the main approaches and the method of conducting step by stepphenomenological studies. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Investigating relationship between mothers social capital with healthy lifestyle of infants and children aged 0-4 years old in Mashhad
        bizhan zare mahdi nikkhah zeynab kaveh
        The purpose of the present study was to explore the relationshipbetween child‟s health-centered lifestyle (0-4) and mothers 'social capitalin Mashhad. The method of this research is survey and data werecollected using a researcher-made questionnaire. The study populatio More
        The purpose of the present study was to explore the relationshipbetween child‟s health-centered lifestyle (0-4) and mothers 'social capitalin Mashhad. The method of this research is survey and data werecollected using a researcher-made questionnaire. The study populationconsisted of married women with at least one child from 0 to 4 years old.According to the findings, there is a significant and direct relationshipbetween child and infants „health-centered lifestyle (0-4) and maternalsocial capital in Mashhad, as mothers' social capital increases, childrenaged 0 to 4 will lead a healthier lifestyle. The relationship between socialcapital dimensions including social participation, social support, andsocial trust was also confirmed by the variable of lifestyle of children 0 to4 year olds in Mashhad. Overall, the maternal social capital variable wasable to predict 11% of the dependent variable changes. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - A Study of Functions and Consequences of Social Networks in Iran (Case Study of Ardebil Province)
        Mohammad bagher Sepehri Mohammad Farnam mohsen alaei
        This article aims at identifying the goals, functions, the consequencesand detrimental effects of social networks. Its method is qualitative withtwo techniques of focus group with students and depth interview withexperts. The method of data gathering is structured and o More
        This article aims at identifying the goals, functions, the consequencesand detrimental effects of social networks. Its method is qualitative withtwo techniques of focus group with students and depth interview withexperts. The method of data gathering is structured and openquestionnaire. The important result of the research is functions such asability to add additional features by the user, multiple communications,and speed of distribution and transmission of information. Main purposeof social networks is fun and entertainment, information seeking, andgaining every day capabilities. The negative consequences of socialnetworking include increased rumors, false news, privacy violations,isolation and staying away from real environments, people with fakeidentities and abuses, changing lifestyles and imposing wrong habits. Thenegative consequences in Ardebil province, include the increased senseof nationalism and ethnicity in comparison to other provinces and theincrease in violence, are among the important issues identified during thesurvey. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - Anthropological Identification of the Theater Audiences with an Attitude to Understand the Cultural Demands (A Case Study of Shahr Theater (City Theater) and Talare Vahdat (Unity Hall)) Sharareh Jalali
        Sharareh Jalali Farahani Jalaladin Rafifar Alireza Kaldi
        In the present research, we have neither been pursuing to have apathological study of the audience crises not to search for approaches toabsorb audiences in theater but through an anthropological attitude andusing the components of this field , it has tried to put forth More
        In the present research, we have neither been pursuing to have apathological study of the audience crises not to search for approaches toabsorb audiences in theater but through an anthropological attitude andusing the components of this field , it has tried to put forth interlinkedquestions to gain a relative understanding of the people who form theaudience population of the theater at present time, those who refer to the"Theater Shahr" (City Theater) and "TalarVahdat" (Unity Hall) as the twomain poles of theater nationwide. On this basis, 70 people have beenchosen randomly out of the audiences with regard to their age and genderand have been interviewed with each of them for about 40 to 50 minutes.The research methodology was qualitative and the instrument was thesemi-structured interview. After summing up the interviews andclassifying the motifs, the data were interpreted. The results show that,the most of the audiences see theater merely for filling their leisure timerather than cultural demands. If they were not restricted economically,then they would have preferred trip or other recreations. The intervieweescited a total of ten reasons for going to the theater, the most important ofwhich was "purely for leisure". Theater audiences have similar tastes andconsequently the same cultural preferences. Over 40% of the concernedstatistical population have a high rate of objectified cultural capital andsuffer from poverty in the embodied cultural capital. Despite to thementality ruling over the atmosphere of the theater, more than 60% of theaudiences are comprised of the graduates or students of fields of studyapart from art. Manuscript profile