A Study of Functions and Consequences of Social Networks in Iran (Case Study of Ardebil Province)
Subject Areas : sociologyMohammad bagher Sepehri 1 , Mohammad Farnam 2 , mohsen alaei 3
1 - دکترای مطالعات رسانه، دانشگاه استانبول ترکیه، پژوهشگر حوزه رسانه در سازمان صدا و سیما (نویسنده مسئول).
2 - دکترای جامعهشناسی، دانشگاه آزاد شهرضا، تهیه کننده رادیو در سازمان صدا و سیما
3 - assistant professor in Payam Noor Un.
Abstract :
This article aims at identifying the goals, functions, the consequencesand detrimental effects of social networks. Its method is qualitative withtwo techniques of focus group with students and depth interview withexperts. The method of data gathering is structured and openquestionnaire. The important result of the research is functions such asability to add additional features by the user, multiple communications,and speed of distribution and transmission of information. Main purposeof social networks is fun and entertainment, information seeking, andgaining every day capabilities. The negative consequences of socialnetworking include increased rumors, false news, privacy violations,isolation and staying away from real environments, people with fakeidentities and abuses, changing lifestyles and imposing wrong habits. Thenegative consequences in Ardebil province, include the increased senseof nationalism and ethnicity in comparison to other provinces and theincrease in violence, are among the important issues identified during thesurvey.
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